In this podcast, Thomas Domville explores RYFT: A Timely Manor for iOS, an immersive audio-based mystery-adventure game designed for hands-free, voice-activated play. Inspired by classics like Myst, Monkey Island, and Zork, RYFT offers a unique experience where players navigate and interact entirely through voice commands.
Game Overview:
Setting: Players find themselves in Nexus Manor, a mysterious mansion beyond time, with no recollection of how they got there. Armed with a cryptic stone tablet covered in strange symbols, they must explore the estate to unravel its secrets.
Gameplay: This fully audio-driven game allows players to:
- Move using voice commands such as “north,” “east,” “south,” and “west.”
- Verbally interact with objects and characters.
- Solve intricate puzzles by collecting and combining items.
- Engage with a fully voiced cast, each tied to The Master of the manor.
Narrative: As they progress, players uncover recordings from a distressed girl, revealing a sinister scheme orchestrated by The Master. To aid her, they must navigate the sprawling mansion and uncover its hidden truths across time.
Tune in to the podcast for a full demonstration of RYFT: A Timely Manor!
RYFT: A Timely Manor on the App Store
Disclaimer: This transcript was generated by Aiko, an AI-powered transcription app. It is not edited or formatted, and it may not accurately capture the speakers’ names, voices, or content.
Hello and welcome.
My name is Thomas Domville, also known as AnonyMouse.
In this podcast, I'm going to be covering an iOS game called Rift.
It's the first chapter called A Timely Manor.
It is a free game, which I think all of us could say we love, and it's kind of compelling.
It's kind of a lot of fun.
There's some similarities to this to previous games I've done in the past years or so, and I thought I'd just pass this game along to you.
It is an audio based adventure game.
So it's kind of a voice control type game.
So it reminds me a lot of the older text adventure games where you are put in a room or whatever not be.
For example, in our first scenario, we're left in a room that has a desk and a coat stand and stuff like that.
And you'll see that we just completely use our voice alone.
Now, as a bonus, I will show you is not all has to be done by voice.
So for those that prefer just using the regular old screen, or if you have a braille display, that might be something that you want to take a look at as well.
So check on the availability of if that or this game is available to you in your country app store.
So without further ado, let's jump into Rift.
Now the first thing I want to note out is that as always voiceover sometimes kind of butchered the words.
And you're going to hear it pronounced it as right.
It seems like no matter which voice I use, it says right.
And that's because the spelling is R Y F T, but it really is just plain old ripped.
So if you're looking for that in the app store, and you can't find it under the typical Rift spelling, try the R Y F T instead.
Right, double tap to open.
So here is Rift.
And as I mentioned, it says right.
Once it's installed, go ahead and find that thicker app and just do one finger double tap to launch the game.
I think the sound is remarkable.
I thought it was done a very good job.
Some of these audios sometimes and they're not so great, but this one's actually pretty decent.
So the first thing you're going to hear it jumps you right into the play button.
But before we do that, there are other buttons on in this screen as I swipe to the right.
If you need instructions, this would be highly advisable for all those have never played this type of game.
They'll give you kind of an initial idea how the tutorial works in terms of what words to use and whatnot.
Whenever you find yourself in a pinch, just go to this or just say help during the game.
Pretty self-explanatory.
So if you want to find out all the information about the people that made this done and so that we can enjoy this game, it does have a donate area.
Even though the game is free, we always like to give back to the developer.
If we feel like this is a great game, I love it.
I would like to see more of this more we donate to them, the more and higher chance we'll get a new chapter for the Rift series.
And that is it pretty much on this main screen.
So let's go back to the left until we get to the play game.
Open the credits button.
Open the instructions button.
Play game button.
Back to the play game.
Once I initiate this for the very first time, it's going to ask you one permission and that is can they use the microphone and the speech synthesizer permission?
So we're going to say yes so that way we can talk to the game to play the game.
One finger double tap.
Play game button.
Star sound on Star Rift is designed to be an audio experience.
Rift, part one, a timely manner, a flash of blinding light.
A flash of blinding light.
The world spins around you in a dizzying array of colors, shapes and sounds.
Your stomach twists and lurches as if in freefall.
You try to focus to remember a cafe.
Evening Rick.
Hell of a storm we're having.
Have a seat and dry off.
Let me guess, the usual?
Electric clouds royal around you.
You're falling, falling.
Chicory coffee.
You take a sip then she bursts through the door.
Please help.
You run to her.
She's drenched and shaking.
He's coming.
You have to take this.
Please take it.
She hands you something.
A flat piece of stone.
The stone glows and bursts with light in your hands.
You stumble backwards.
Your eyes blink open as the world around you comes into focus.
You are in a small, sparsely decorated bedroom with an antique style reminiscent of a time you can't quite place.
You don't know how you got here and the last thing you remember is the diner in Jackson Square.
The girl.
She was in trouble.
You search your memory for more detail but the strain hurts your head.
It is an odd sensation.
It's not that you can't remember but rather your brain just can't be bothered to do it right now.
You snap out of your reverie and notice the details of the room.
The candlelit bedchamber is small but cozy.
A tan trench coat hangs from something on the wall next to a handsome writing desk.
The only way out seems to be a closed door worn with age.
To open things like doors you can say open door.
Rift would like to access speech recognition.
Let's go ahead and give it permission.
Go to the right.
Speech data from this app will be sent to Apple to process your requests.
This one.
Don't allow.
And say allow.
Double tap that.
Rift would like to access the microphone.
And once again go to the right.
Need this permission to get voice commands.
Don't allow.
And double tap.
Part one.
A timely manner.
Examine the desk.
A small notepad with an attached pen on the string rests on the desk.
Next to it lies a book titled the Encyclopedia of Hints.
There is a small drawer under the tabletop.
Open the book.
You pick up the Encyclopedia of Hints and flip through pages filled with innumerable topics.
You think of the questions plaguing your mind.
You can look up general advice.
Examine the notepad.
It's a small notepad with a pen attached to it on a string.
It's blank except for a header at the top that reads to-do list.
Take the notepad.
You pick up the notepad and pen and stash it in your inventory.
After all mom always said anything worth doing is worth writing down.
Examine the desk.
The top of the desk is now empty.
There is a small drawer underneath.
Open the drawer.
You open the desk drawer.
Inside there is a single hastily scrawled note.
Take the note.
You stuff the note in your pocket.
Take the note.
Read the note.
It appears to be some sort of hate note.
It reads- How I came by the misfortune of being stuck in this infernal place with a mongrel like you is beyond me.
It's bad enough that you constantly smell of dog but even your very face reminds one of that hateful canine race and yet it is hardly a surprise as you are the leader of all bitches.
You are a truly disgusting excuse for a human being and it would be my greatest pleasure to never encounter you or your stench again.
With deepest ranker Archibald E. Thunker.
Examine the coat.
This trench coat is quite sporty.
Perhaps a little behind the times but you've always wanted a coat like this.
Lots of pocket space.
Take the coat.
You take the coat off the wall and try it on.
It's almost a tailor fit and quite stylish.
Just then, a small rectangular device falls from one of the pockets.
It hits the floor engaging a button on its side.
Tiny wheels behind a clear plastic window at its center were into life below a label that reads tape 29.
I've got the stone but damn it what is it called it won't be long before he notices it's gone i've got to get to the lab but i'm leaving the recorder and this message here in your room in case i fail archie please i know you're his butler but you're my only friend here if i fail you have to help me remember whatever happens he's got to be stopped what he's planning coming father wish me luck that voice on the recording you recognized it it was the same girl from the cafe she gave you something then somehow you woke up here in a butler's bedroom you pick up the tape player and stash it in the trench coat's ample pocket space where the coat used to hang a long nail sticks out from the wall to see what's in your item inventory say inventory you can also use items together by saying use item with item take the nail you pry the nail from the wall and stuff it in your pocket a rusty nail can have so many uses open the door you reach to twist the knob but it snaps off and bounces to the floor you take your notepad and add escape the room to your to-do list to hear what's in the room again say look around you can pick up or use objects by saying pick up object or use object to examine objects further you can say look at object for example try saying look at the desk use the nail on the door knob but it snaps off and bounces to the floor you take the nail and take it into the hole of the missing prong left behind in the back of the knob look at that fits like a glove you add the fixed knob to your inventory use the door knob on the door the knob fits back into the door with a satisfying click you twist it it handles a bit awkwardly but with a little jiggling the latch retracts and the door swings open you step through the door into a long hallway on one of the walls is a beautiful mahogany door a screwdriver lies on the floor there are exits west back to the small bedroom and east to navigate the game you can say go north south west east up or down to see what exits are available in your current room say list exits once you've visited a room you can fast travel back to it by saying go to room for example go to the butler's room there are many natural language commands throughout the game feel free to experiment as you explore to hear a full list of game commands say help at any time take the screwdriver you pick up the screwdriver go east you enter a large living room a chandelier adorned with burning candles hangs from the high ceiling illuminating elegant wood moldings in the center of the room a lush armchair with an oversized ottoman faces a coffee table adorned with dust and an old thermos nearby you see a staircase however its bottom steps are all rotted and broken to the south is the front door on the east wall there is an exit into another room to the west is the hallway that leads back to your original starting point go east you step into a welcoming billiards room a pool table stands at the center of the room a few pool balls rest on top in the corner of the room a woman in a maid's uniform scrubs the floor oblivious to your presence an absurdly large diamond ring glitters on her left ring finger next to the maid there is a bucket full of rags there is an exit to a room to the north the west exit leads to the living room to talk to characters say talk to so and so and hear what conversation topics are available to discuss talk to the main oh my goodness you startled me i didn't tell you come in i suppose i've been a bit preoccupied of late what with archi being missing but who are my men else you're new here my name is cozette you can ask about archie her diamond ring this place kindra talk to the main this place oh dear yes you must be a bit confused when i first woke up in the mansion i was so very afraid well at least i think i was that was so very long ago it's hard to remember memories tend to get a little blurry in this place archi says it's all part of the master's work all i know is this is his home and i learned a long time ago just to enjoy what the masters given us you will too in time new topic added the master the master the master is the master he's been here longer than any of us he built this place brought us all here sure it was out at first and he can be very cold but that's just his way when you meet him you'll understand hopefully he'll be back soon the mansion tends to go to ruin when he's gone long new topic added ruin ruin yes it's all very odd you must have seen the staircase it just started to go earlier this evening and we've already lost after bedrooms oh well there is one silver lining at least less for me to clean stop voice recognition button stop voice recognition start voice recognition button now i'm going to put a stop right there you got an idea how this game works and at any time as i mentioned here is that you can tap on the screen what i did is i tapped toward towards the bottom center and that's where the stop the voice activation being turned on so you can just tap that in terms of voice activation to off now at this point let me show you the screen here i go to the top half here with my four fingers right there's a game's name ripped main menu button that's how you get back to the main menu so if you want to get out of this and continue later you can do so so you just go to the main menu and then you can close down the app and then you can continue on at a later time we have more time settings button there's a settings button that offers quite a few things um if you i will go back to that in a moment let's go ahead and finish the screen up here right part one a timely manner a flash of blinding light the world spins around you in a dizzying array of colors shapes and sounds this is the kind of the history area so you'll be able to hear back and go explore back where you were or where you are now and to the last part that's being spoken and so you can explore here by exploring through this area so let's go to the bottom center again start voice recognition button we have the start the voice recognition again now if you want to continue on double tap that and you can start using a voice otherwise you go to the right here repeat button you can have it repeat what they just said skip button or you can just skip a section so if you already gone through here before you don't want to have to listen to the whole thing you can skip it change to typing mode button voila there's your typing mode where you can actually type in so if you're a keyboard user or a braille display user this is a great area where you can start typing in those commands rather than having to use your voice change narration speed button yes you get to change the narration speed how cool is that you don't see that very often when you're able to speed up the voices so if that is too slow for you then by all means go ahead and double tap and increase the speed isn't the audio great i thought the the audio quality is pretty decent for a game like this especially being free now before i go back to the settings one of the things i will highly recommend you doing is take everything i know it sounds crazy but anything that's not nailed down go ahead and take so there were some rags in that bucket take the right there's some balls on the billiard table go ahead and take those balls everything you can get your hand on that way you don't have to come back to the same room now keep in mind that the tutorial was fantastic so if you want to go back to the butler's room for example you just go to butler's room and then i'll skip to that screen so you don't have to go back west west west whatever that steps is to get back to something that you forgot to pick up or need to do all right so let's go to top here again right and to the right main menu button settings button let's go ahead and cover this for the last portion of this podcast settings button now tap at the top of the screen with four fingers screenshot you should hear the screenshot now let's go to the bright right main menu button you're going to hear that is not focused in the area have no fear just do a touch board by halfway down the screen text size you'll have the option to change the text size this is great for our low vision friends out there as well so that's wonderful that they thought of accessibility within the game itself other than the speed up narration voice you can also change a different type of font sizes small text button you got the various size small medium large medium text button large text button select which one you want let's go to the right playback speed here's the playback speed yes this is also on that screen but you can also do this from the settings 0.7 speed button 0.85 speed button 1 speed button 1.25 speed button 1.5 speed button ambient audio volume now you can get to the ambient volume if the sound or music is too loud or not loud enough you can come and increase it 60 adjustable swipe up or down with one finger to adjust the value don't increase it swipe up to decrease it swipe down ruin submit feedback and you got the option to submit a feedback start voice recognition button and then we're back to the start recognition again let's go ahead and go to the top here screenshot and go to the right right main menu button double tap main menu main menu button and then towards the bottom you should see the main menu options a timely manner continue button where you have the continue button open the instructions button and we're back to those set of main menus that i showed you originally so i'm going to let you do the rest of the game itself i just want to give you just kind of a taste and an idea how things work and isn't that cool you can talk to different people and then you'll be able to unlock new topics and things like that i point that out to you because that was something that i wanted to show you that you could do that you continue talking with that person but once you're done with talking with them then it's done unless you miss some of the topics that i we had with the maid you can always go back and talk to the maid yourself it's some of the puzzles are puzzling and now it took me a little bit but i finally figured out the nail had to go into the door knob and things like that and that's what's the fun part about it it is challenging some things are simple and some things are really really complicated and challenging which i think is great now obviously you're not going to have much of a replay on this so once you accomplish a game you probably won't visit again maybe you want to challenge yourself how quick you can get things done now that you know all the steps whatever it might be but most of all then we're ready for chapter two when that ever is to be released but for for being a free game it's amazing i love this game um i just wanted to kind of show you this game and show you kind of the rope to the game and if you haven't heard about rift give it a try if this is something that's right up your alley all right what that is going to do for this podcast covering the rift chapter one untimely manner ios game check the availability in your country if this is available in your country's app store until next time bye bye
Thank you Thomas for bringing this game to my attention, I've been playing it for the past few days and am really enjoying it.
One thing I've noticed is that I have a far better time with the voice recognition if I use my wired EarPods rather than my wireless AirPods. I suspect this is an Apple issue or an issue with my AirPods being two or three years old, rather than the game itself, but it can't seem to understand me a lot of the time when using AirPods.
Great podcast :)
Love this game, and cannot wait for the next installment. This was one of the more enjoyable interactive fiction games that I have played in recent years. 😀