Blindfold Word Games


Description of App

Blindfold Word Games is a fully accessible word game for both sighted and visually impaired people, designed for rapid audio play.

Word Games includes the games Word Ladder, Word Flick, Hangman and Unscramble.

The objective of Blindfold Word Ladder is to convert one word into another word by changing only one letter a a time. For example, to change the word 'COLD' to 'WARM', you can first change the third letter of COLD from 'L' to 'R', making the word CORD. Then change the second letter of 'CORD', so the new word is 'CARD', then the fourth letter of 'CARD', so the new word is 'WARD'. Finally change the last letter of 'WARD', so the new word is 'WARM'.

In Word Flick, you have a 16 randomly chosen letters arranged in a 4 by 4 grid. You build as many words as possible using adjacent letters. The longer the word, the higher you score. For example, if the top line has the letters C, A, T, S, and the second line has the letters O, L, D, X, you could form CATS from the first line and COLD using the C from the first line, and the O, L, D from the second line.

In Unscramble, you must unscramble the word. The letters L, E, H, O, L unscramble to become the word HELLO.

In Hangman, you must discover the word before using up your moves.

Blindfold Word Ladder was suggested by several blind gamers who enjoyed Blindfold Color Crush and Blindfold Tile Puzzle.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

fully accessible with voiceover and very simple to use

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

love this game and hope everyone else who plays does.

Developer's Twitter Username



6 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by HarmonicaPlayer 10 months 2 weeks ago



By LifepodDebbie on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 12:44

Blindfold word games is a great app. While the app description says that in Word Flick all letters must be adjacent to each other in order to form a word, the user guide does not say this specifically . Also, it would really be helpful for the totally blind to hear some sort of indication that a letter has already been selected. I haven't tried the other games yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Great app!

By KidFriendlySoftware on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 12:44

We have a new version coming out soon with improvements. I'll add that to the game. I think when you select a letter, it should ding and tell you what letters you've picked so far.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 12:44

Hi Kid friendly software: Playing the hard hangman word game is fabulous. two problems: 1. When you end a round the first word say cobwebs is spoken just fine. As you start the second round the letters that you have used, in the previous word seem to be lost. So if I used E W B C S, they wouldn't show up until i picked another letter, F and when F isn't available, then the actual alphabet comes back. I hope that makes sense. Also I noticed that the speech is a little strange it says f not in word nine moves left. The word after you end subsequent rounds say round two three four the word isn't spoken. Could it be put in that if you tap to stop the trumpet playing, there's a gesture to hear the word you either won or lost, before you go on to the next round? sorry for all the bugs in one sentence lol.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Friday, February 26, 2016 - 12:44

Please let me know if you find any problems.

By Siobhan on Friday, February 26, 2016 - 12:44

Hi. The first bug fixxes didn't seem to take, but the second version I updated this mornin works just fine. Thanks for thehelp.

By Hey-June on Friday, February 26, 2016 - 12:44

I am enjoying Word Flick. (I haven't tried the others yet.) A few suggestions:
1. If I 3-finger flick up to return to menu without wanting to end my game, I can't. We need a "Resume Game" button.
2. This game is a lot like the app "Ordet". Could WF, like Ordet, tell us how many words of each size it found in the dictionary so we have an idea of how well we are doing and not waste time looking for more words when they are all found?
3. Can you give us an area at the top or bottom of the screen where we can "see" the word we are building? OR Give us a way to make it repeat the letters we have chosen.
4. This is one for those of us whose hearing isn't the best... once on aletter, could we single tap on it to have it pronounced like "e echo", "p Paul", etc.?
5. Would you please mention something about the following in the user's guide? I noticed that letters can be re-used as long as they aren't doubled. For example:If I have the letters g-i-v-n I can make giving but not ginning

As always, great job!
June I.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Friday, February 26, 2016 - 12:44

Letters should not be able to be reused. That's a bug.
I will add letter names, like e for echo.
I will add resume.
Adding the number of words isn't a good idea because it uses the scrabble dictionary and a UK dictionary to validate your words, so the number of words might be much bigger than common words you know. There are over 40,000 words in the scrabble dictionary.
I assume you are low vision user if you want the words somewhere on the screen?

By Terra Syslo on Friday, February 26, 2016 - 12:44

I got a notification that I thought said something about boggle. Is there a new game out?

By KidFriendlySoftware on Friday, February 26, 2016 - 12:44

In reply to by Terra Syslo

It's called Word Flick and its part of Word Games.

By Siobhan on Friday, February 26, 2016 - 12:44

Hi. So recently when i start a "hard" hangman game, as I like to challenge myself, I don't hear the number of leters. Also when I pretended to just use vowels only, it showed up with none in the words. To my knowledge I had the latest update. Thanks if this has been adressed. If it hasn't, I hope i might have explained it right. also is there are way to get words more difficult then thehard level? :) If not, I understand but if i don't ask, I won't know the answer.

I haven' heard this problem - I will check it out. Right now, hard is the hardest level. Most of those words are using letters in strange combinations to fool most players.

I checked it out, and it does say the length of the word. Any time you press on the screen, that usually stops what it was saying, so you might have tapped the screen while it was about to tell you the word length.

By Siobhan on Friday, February 26, 2016 - 12:44

Hi. I'm sorry to say, that this has nothing to do with me touching the screen. The game for me now goes like this. Telling me to swipe with three fingers to go back, starting hangman hard, round one, then absolutely no speech after that. I can swipe and select letters, but again I hear leter e is not in the word, ten moves left, down to zero, then it just says game is over. While i have you here, is it possible on Bingo to have a gesture to repeat the last ball that was pulled before another is either sent, or if you have it like me set it wipe down to refresh the ball? just asking, because i know i've missed a ball or two that i thought I didn't have the number. I appreciate any help. as for the harder then hard hangman, don't worry about it, it was only a question :) I only asked because i'd seen a few repeats in the game so I wasn't sure if the hard dictionary was limitted or not. thanks again for all your help.

By Hey-June on Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 12:44

I can not see the screen at all. I would simply like a way to "see" where I am in typing in a word. If, for some reason, I can't hear what it says I just typed, there is no way to double-check.

By Clare Page on Thursday, May 26, 2016 - 12:44

I was very pleased that Seven Small Words was recently added to Blindfold Word Games, as I have enjoyed playing Seven Little Words, a similar game, elsewhere. I have one small criticism of the Blindfold Games version of Seven Small Words, though: after all the clues are read at the beginning of a new game, I can't find a way of re-reading the clues I haven't solved, and if I swipe up with two fingers in the middle of the game I just get the first clue again although it will say "solved" if I have done that. I was wondering, is there a way of bringing up a screen, to be read with VoiceOver if necessary, where we can re-read the clues we haven't solved? I hope this is possible, especially as a similar screen can be revealed in Blindfold Pool to tell us which balls can be shot straight to pockets. Apart from not being able to read unsolved clues in Seven Small Words, I like the game so far, as well as all the other games in Blindfold Word Games.