Wizard's Choice


Description of App


Fortune or glory or death? Stay alive, cast spells, and smite evil. Dungeons-and-Dragons style text adventure! Stay alive, manage your spell power, find treasure and smite evil. Wizard's Choice is a series of RPG text-based adventures that will engross you in a storyline while allowing you to make the decisions that will determine your fate.  FEATURES 
  • Super simple to learn with one finger touch control
  • Health, manna, gold, and morale are tracked
  • Decisions are effected by earlier decisions
  • Score and rank available at the end



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Accessibility Comments

totally accessible text choice game

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.


1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Christel john 9 years 3 months ago
