Apple Releases iOS 8.2 With Support For The Apple Watch And Focus On Performance And Stability Improvements

By AppleVis, 9 March, 2015

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Apple has today released iOS 8.2 to the public, bringing with it a series of performance and stability improvements and support for the forthcoming Apple Watch.

For blind and low vision users, Apple addressed an issue which caused VoiceOver to crash when exiting certain apps. This would result in the iOS device becoming unresponsive for anything up to 60 seconds.

While iOS 8.2 does not contain as many improvements for blind and low vision users as we have seen in some recent releases, our testing has found that there do not appear to be any new bugs introduced in this update. Additionally, Apple confirmed that there are accessibility improvements coming in iOS 8.3 (to be released later this Spring). Specifically, we have been told that iOS 8.3 will include bug fixes for Safari, Braille Screen Input, Mail, Braille displays and general device usage.

Outside of accessibility, TechCrunch reports that iOS 8.2 includes the following changes:

8.2 brings developer support for Apple Watch apps to the iPhone, letting WatchKit software work with other iOS devices. It also improves Apple’s Health app, adding additional choices and third-party support, as well as new privacy features. Apple also made improvements to general OS stability with this update.

As always, if you notice any accessibility changes in iOS 8.2, please be sure to let us know in the comments. We cannot test every app or situation, so we greatly value your help in spotting potential problems or fixes. Please also remember to continue to report bugs to [email protected], as this is the best way to ensure that your reports are documented by Apple.

iOS 8.2 is available via Over-the-Air Update (Settings> General> Software Update) or via iTunes.



By J.P. on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Hey Guys,
I think it was iOS 7 that missing key presses was introduced. While entering passwords it wouldn't announce all clicks or you would get weird double click sound.
I just entered passwords on 3 different sites and apps. No issues!

By Ambro on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Hi guys, I've updated, and with ios 8.2 and the last Uber version it returned fully accessible! There is also a correction about the settings, general, software updates, finally it reads like ios 7! Cool!

By Tree on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

From what I understand the update comes with an app for the apple watch. Is this true? has anyone had a chance to look at it yet? I am thinking that might be the only place that we could possibly get any official accessibility info about the watch before April. Although I'm sure the app won't be fully featured without a watch connected to it, so maybe we will have to wait all of the same. I would love to know what people find in this app. I am thankfully still running IoS seven, and even though I will have to update if I get the watch I would rather hold off until then.

By sockhopsinger on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

I hope that, unlike most Apple apps, you can delete the Apple Watch app if you don't get an Apple Watch. I have no desire to get one, and even less desire to have the app taking up valuable space on my phone. Again, for those who are excited about the watch and get it, I hope it works great. I'm njust not one of those people who plan to get one.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Hi @sockhopsinger. first, awesome name. second, I'd love to get rid of the health app, the sticks app and a couple of others. saddly you can't get rid of anything and i suspect the Watch one too. I admit they got me curious to touch an apple watch but staying in line or ordering it the day you're allowed, nope not I. Anyway if you do what I do shove the app to the extras folder.

The watch app just went to my extras folder too, it is to no use without watch unless you want to see two or three funny videos. There are three tabs, my watch, explore and appstore. First is for pairing and second two are for apps end exploring features. Pairing can be via bluetooth or simply by putting watchface to camera as i understood from the app. No info about accessibility there. Soo i think we should wait until 24 april to get more info or maybe someone can try to write to accessibility apple staff

By Tree on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

I have already written to apple accessibility concerning the Watch, and I would suggest that anyone who is interested in the watch should do the same.

By J.P. on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

The watch is accessible. It was announced by Tim Cook in Germany.
Voice Over will be turned on/off by pressing watch crown 3 times. Similar to the home button. Since it is 1st gen, I would think not as robust with features in beginning. I'm sure that accessibility will be improved with software and later generations.

By Toonhead on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Before y'all get your accessibility petitions ready, have no fear. The above is correct, the Apple watch has VoiceOver on it. As for iOS 8.2, I have it installed, and I haven't seen any real differences from the previous version, at least not right away.

By Brooke on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Unfortunately, the Apple Watch app can't be deleted; I tried. Off to the Unused Folder it goes.

By Apple Khmer on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

I didn't see a watch app come when I upgraded to IOS8.2.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Unless you moved them around, its with the messages, settings, store, etc.

I found it and moved it to the Stock folder where all the stock apps go. :P

By Stephen Guerra on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

<p abp="689">Have submitted this bug, but have found when dictating with Siri on a text or iMessage, when completed and reading it back, it starts and starts again and reads the msg, problem?</p>

By 780KixxFan on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

I have found the dictation bug with VoiceOver also, so I am glad it has been reported. So far, I am not finany other issues.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Hi all. Updated yesterday. I just asked siri to turn off bluetooth and I swear she sounded demonic, but if you ask her something else, she is her perky self. Weird, but cool, but funny all at the same time. :) Just acknowledging this is still here, I think it started in 8.1.3 or mayb another halfupdate before.

By Lynn on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

In reply to by Stephen Guerra

I'm glad someone already reported this bug. It reminds me of the old Foghorn Leghorn cartoon on bugs bunny. For those old folks, such as myself. Siri has a stutter. Everything you dictate is like "hey boy, I said hey boy." I have to make light of it, or I'll throw my phone. LOL.

From what I'm reading on the MacRumor sites, Siri is scheduled to get a slightly improved voice in iOS 8.3, so that may very well resolve what you call an evil voice. On a side note, now that we have HomeKit, asking siri to open the pod bay doors may no longer result in a sarcastic comment as you may, in fact, have a pod bay door to be opened. Or maybe that's just a garage door.

By Tree on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

We do not know that the watch has voice over J.P and Toonhead.

It is true that Cook said the watch will have accessibility features, but he said nothing about voice over. There are many apple accessibility features, and it is possible that the watch has some of these features but does not have voice over. The strongest indication that the watch will have voice over specifically is the Nine to Five leek; this leak is promising, but not all leaks come true.

I very much hope that it has voice over, and I believe that it will, just wanted to set the record strait and point out that we do not know for sure yet.

By Darren12 on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Just wanted to share my thoughts on the keynote and the update. I was very impressed with the watch, much more than I originally imagined I'd be prior to the keynote, particularly the fact that it can be somewhat independent and doesn't need to be in close proximity to the phone when using home wifi, that's really a big step forward. As for the new Macbook, I really want one, I was particularly anticipating a new mac, and they've delivered something spectacular. However, I was rather disappointed that at least some accessibility fixes weren't included in ios8.2, they are by anyone's estimation, long overdue, and a significant delay of this magnitude wouldn't be tolerated by people not dependent on VO. That being said. I am very pleased that finally 8.3 will go a long way to addressing the unacceptable bugs. In one sense my comments are colored by the fact I experienced a very large crash with ios8.1.3, which necessitated complete inaccessibility with VO, and my phone became unusable, VO began crashing with a press of the home button, and the phone started vibrating when the home button was pressed also. A full reset and restore sorted the issues, and Apple staff were fantastic of course, but that experience did provide me with food for thought.

By Darren12 on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Just wanted to share my thoughts on the keynote and the update. I was very impressed with the watch, much more than I originally imagined I'd be prior to the keynote, particularly the fact that it can be somewhat independent and doesn't need to be in close proximity to the phone when using home wifi, that's really a big step forward. As for the new Macbook, I really want one, I was particularly anticipating a new mac, and they've delivered something spectacular. However, I was rather disappointed that at least some accessibility fixes weren't included in ios8.2, they are by anyone's estimation, long overdue, and a significant delay of this magnitude wouldn't be tolerated by people not dependent on VO. That being said. I am very pleased that finally 8.3 will go a long way to addressing the unacceptable bugs. In one sense my comments are colored by the fact I experienced a very large crash with ios8.1.3, which necessitated complete inaccessibility with VO, and my phone became unusable, VO began crashing with a press of the home button, and the phone started vibrating when the home button was pressed also. A full reset and restore sorted the issues, and Apple staff were fantastic of course, but that experience did provide me with food for thought.

By Mike Freeman on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Siri works just fine for me; no stutter; no evil intent. Using an iPhone 5 with the latest iOS update.

By Jesus R on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Hey, are you guys having luck moving apps around? I've been waiting for a few iOS updates to see if this will get fixed before updating. Its the last row of apps on any home screen outside of folders.

By Troy on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

This wasn't mentioned, but ever since the original release of ios8 when you ended a call via the power button voiceover did not make the bloop sound to let you know you've hung up the call, if it did it was very faint, I've noticed in ios8.2 this is fixed.

By rdfreak on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

I noticed this dictation bug this morning; I had to read the text I'd dictated again as I thought it typed it twice.
Hope they fix it very soon.

By DPinWI on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

I'm having a new problem with my VIP folder in mail. If I am in the folder, and lock the phone, the next time I open Mail, I'm stuck.

The folder shows no mail, though I know there is one message.
All buttons except the Back and Compose buttons are dimmed.
The Back button does not work.

I used the task switcher to close Mail, and when I launched the Mail app again, I was still stuck
I rebooted the phone, and I was still stuck.

The only way I could get out was to triple click to turn VO off, press the area where I knew the Back button was, and then triple click VO back on.

This is happening all the time, not just a one time quirk.

Anyone else?

By Rob on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Have noticed that VoiceOver works straight away now when closing an app. Before 8.2, VoiceOver used to go quiet for about five seconds before going back to the main screen.

By Indra on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Hello, is there anyone who find this bug or only me? When i open phone, and dial someone by using searching contacts, after i type two letters of someone, VO will stop talking, and i can't navigate through the screen. Even by using home button, it doesn't work.. The only way to solve it is using soft reset by pressing power button and home button..

By sockhopsinger on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

When replying to a text message from your home screen, before if you hit the battery indicator, it would pop up some strange number that was completely different from the actual remaining battery percentage. That seems to have been fixed in Version 8.2.

By Victoria F on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Hi everyone,

I've been using direct touch typing since October. It's wonderful in my opinion. I've noticed that the iOS 8.2 update has made my on-screen keyboard even more snappy. Maybe it's psychological, but regardless of whether it is or isn't, it's making my phone usage speed right along!

By dvdmth on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Not related to accessibility, but I am pleased that syncing my iPad with iTunes over Wifi is much faster under iOS 8.2 than it has been for the last several iOS versions.

So far that's the only thing I've noticed that's different in this version.

By Laurent on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

Hi All,

Another version of iOS 8 and another very annoying frustrating dictation bug... Hoping Apple is finally going to think a bit less to new products and a bit more to fix bugs.


By Darren12 on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

I confess I do find the new dictation bug irritating, but do find the new snappy behavior when exiting apps a welcome boost. When you really think about it, the accessibility specific bugs introduced by IOS8 have been disastrous, considering it will be virtually the end of the software cycle when we've finally got something that i would describe as solid, if the bugs are indeed addressed in due course. It's just all slightly sloppy.

By Laurent on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

In reply to by Indra

Hi, I was just checking on my iPhone 5s, and it's working fine… No bug with the phone application. Did you check with any letter combination?

By Eric Davis on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 16:19

When I updated my phone it froze on the apple and would not go any further. The only fix for this is to exchange the device. Thanks to my wife I knew about the apple on the screen so I had an idea of what the hell was going on. I then exchanged my phone. Got a new phone that evening and I figured that the issue was resolved. This was on a Thursday. The next Friday I was back at the apple store. The replacement device just roled over and croaked with no sound. I plugged it in to charge and when I grabbed it it was dead. I exchanged it and the new phone is behaving and working fine. On top of all this, my bluetooth headset died as well. I got a new headset and that is working well. Here is to hoping that I haven't pissed off any of the technology gods with in the last weak or so. Sorry about the rant, but I had to say something. We may get annoyed at times but I can say that Apple has done right by me. I know that it may feel like we are not listened to at times, but I my self, am grateful for what I have in regards to my devices.