Report Accessibility Issues in iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS or tvOS: A Guide on How and Why

By David Goodwin, 11 March, 2014

In this post, we will discuss the importance of reporting accessibility-related bugs to Apple and the best way to do so.

AppleVis is a great platform for discussing VoiceOver, Braille, and low vision related issues in Apple products, allowing you to confirm with others if what you are experiencing is indeed a bug, find and share workarounds, and express your frustration. However, it's important to make sure that the Accessibility Team at Apple is aware of these bugs so they can address them in future software updates.

It is important to submit feedback for every issue, even if you believe it is obvious and are sure it must already have been been reported by others. Your feedback can provide valuable information that can assist Apple's engineers in resolving the issue. Furthermore, the number of reports received on a specific problem influences its priority. By submitting feedback, you contribute to Apple's understanding of the extent of the issue's impact and increase the likelihood of allocating resources towards its resolution. Therefore, reporting accessibility bugs directly to Apple plays a vital role in enabling the company to track, investigate, and ultimately fix the issue.

In the case of public releases, Apple's preferred method for reporting bugs related to the accessibility features of its software is by email sent to [email protected] with the following information:

  1. Brief description of the problem
  2. Frequency of the problem (e.g. always, sometimes, rarely)
  3. Steps to reproduce the problem
  4. Expected result after taking the steps
  5. Actual result after taking the steps
  6. Details of the software and hardware being used

Include a screen recording of the issue, if possible. If you have multiple bugs to report, send a separate email for each bug to make it easier for Apple to log and track.

Note that you may not receive a response from Apple unless they require additional information.

If you are using a beta version of Apple software, the best way to report accessibility issues is through the Feedback Assistant app. This is an app created by Apple specifically for users of pre-release software to report bugs and provide feedback. It will automatically be installed on any Mac, iPhone or iPad that is running beta software.

To use Feedback Assistant:

  1. Open the Feedback Assistant app on your device running the beta software.
  2. Double -tap the ‘New Feedback’ button to start a new report.
  3. Select the platform that you wish to file a report for, such as “iOS & iPadOS, iOS & iPadOS features, apps, and devices.”
  4. Enter a clear and meaningful title for your report.
  5. Answer all questions as prompted (these will vary depending upon earlier answers as you complete the form).
  6. Clearly describe the issue you are experiencing. Include steps to reproduce if applicable.
  7. Add screenshots, screen recordings, or other attachments to help explain the problem.
  8. Review your report.
  9. Submit the report.

Feedback Assistant will automatically include diagnostic information from your device that will help Apple engineers investigate the issue. The app makes it easy to track the status of feedback you submit.

Using Feedback Assistant is better than emailing [email protected] for beta software issues, as it provides Apple with more useful diagnostic data. The goal is to identify bugs early so they can be fixed before the software is publicly released.

For assistance with using your Apple product, the company offers a dedicated accessibility helpline for users in the US, UK, Australia, and mainland China. The telephone numbers are:

  • US: 1-877-204-3930
  • UK: 0800 048 0754
  • Australia: (61) 1-300-365-083
  • China mainland: 400-619-8141 (Mandarin only)

For non-accessibility related feedback to Apple, visit the feedback form on their website at

User feedback is crucial to making the Apple ecosystem more accessible. So, file suggestions and bug reports regularly to help improve the experience for all users.



By Geneva E. Harris on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - 08:07

Thank you so much for writing this post. It will be helpful in case I ever have to report a bug.

By Ekaj on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 - 08:07

I was just looking through my account and thought I'd say something else here. I have since had to contact Apple's support team on Twitter regarding some issues. Each time they responded within only minutes. This includes my current contact with them. I'm having an issue with an app from Amazon, and the Apple Twitter support team is doing a very commendable job. As far as reporting specific access issues, I'm not sure yet but Twitter seems to be another good way of getting tech support from the good folks at 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino these days. Their handle is AppleSupport.

By bluejet on Sunday, November 26, 2017 - 08:07

When I double tab with one finger and hold, I can't move the bookmark up and down like what I did in iOS 10.

By Jenny on Friday, January 26, 2018 - 08:07

Thank you for sharing this very helpful information.

By Crazyappuser on Sunday, July 26, 2020 - 08:07

Hi David.

I know it is two months since I signed up for Apple Vis And I am just getting the hang of navigating around the platform. The instructions are given, give a really good start for anybody using the platform.

Cheers David, stay safe