Anyone know how to get Soundflower to work on OS X El Capitan?

By Callum Stoneman, 16 June, 2016

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi all,

Since Apple released OS X El Capitan Soundflower hasn't worked with it for some reason, so I uninstalled it because I didn't use it that much. I need to use it for something now though so does anyone know how to get it to work? There is a version which apparently works but when I installed it and restarted my computer, it wasn't there under inputs or outputs.

Any help is appreciated.




By Izzie G on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - 08:10

Do you have the latest version installed? soundflower 1.6 something or other didn't work after my upgrade to cap. But then I installed 2.0 something and it worked just fine.

By Callum Stoneman on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - 08:10

I've tried installing that version before, when I'd first updated and it still didn't work. Even with the old version completely uninstalled Soundflower didn't show up anywhere. Where did you get a working version from? And was there anything else you needed to do after installing? Also just to add, I'll need the 16 channel function and not just the 2 channel one, I doubt that'll make much difference but incase it does :)

By Izzie G on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - 08:10

I didn't really need to do anything special. I just installed, and off i went. And all the new ones come with 64 channels.

By Chris on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - 08:10

Here is the link to the version I use under El Capitan.

Download and run the installer package to install the extension. When complete, restart your computer and it should work. This is the newest version I could find and it seems to work, although I find it occasionally crashes and needs to be reconfigured in your audio application. I hope this is updated for Sierra as I really don't feel like paying for Loopback for simple audio routing.

By Callum Stoneman on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - 08:10

Thanks very much for that link, I've installed it now and it works fine. Previously when I'd used the Soundflower 2.0 app it installed but never showed up anywhere, but that was when El Capitan and the new Soundflower has just been released so it's obviously been fixed since then.

By A.J. Machete on Friday, March 1, 2019 - 08:10

Just brought my old early 2009 (white) MacBook into Cap, lost my SoundFlower (among others), and just want things to work again. The link Chris Wright posted appears not to work. Can anyone please point me to an alternate link?, app?, solution?, source for peace of mind? Thanks.

By A.J. Machete on Friday, March 1, 2019 - 08:10

So the link worked after all, all 4 times; I didn't know it was literally a download link (I'm visually impaired). So I installed, and restarted. I still don't see the SoundflowerBed icon in the menu bar, and no audio comes through when I select either 2ch or 16ch settings. I guess now's a good time for a dumb question: are SoundFlower and SoundFlowerbBed NOT one and the same, and do I have to now download the latter to make it all work? Thanks again.

By Callum Stoneman on Friday, March 1, 2019 - 08:10


I haven't used SoundFlower at all for a couple of years now and unfortunately don't still have a machine running El Capitan to test. If I remember correctly though, SoundFlower and SoundFlowerbed both installed at the same time for me.

I could be wrong here, but I get the impression SoundFlower isn't supported very well any more. I know they're expensive but I'd suggest looking into something like LoopBack or Audio Hijack. Both of those are paid, but completely accessible and allow much more control over your audio than Soundflower ever did.