Warning for Jaws users about iTunes

By AppleVis, 22 July, 2011

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team


Hi all,

A warning has just been posted to the VIPhone mailing list about the accessibility of the latest version of iTunes ( for Jaws users. I don't generally like to repost content from elsewhere, but I think in this case it is worth making an exception.

Here is the original post from Sieghard Weitzel:

I assume this may come too late for some who have already done this update and maybe to some it does not matter, but the latest iTunes update (version 10.4) once again breaks some things with Jaws. I can’t speak for Windows Eyes or the Mac, but there now is once again the issue that if there are app updates, you can’t get to them on the iTunes Store web area. If you click where it says “1 update available” or whatever number of updates you have, it takes you to the iTunes Store tab. Previously I would press F6 twice and this would land me in the web section of the store where I could then use the virtual cursort o see which updates I had and I could download them individually or click on Download All. Now a single press of F6 lands you in the web area and in my case I land on a “Done” button and right above that it says “iTunes Store”. Jaws does switch to the virtual cursor and pressing space or enter on the Done button does after a moment bring up stuff, but it’s not the updates but just a bunch of listings of apps, I assume those who are currently hot and noteworthy.

I currently don’t have the BlindTunes scripts installed, but I think I will do that again and see if it helps. It would also be interesting to know if others who use Jaws and have done the update experience the same behavior. I have the latest version of Jaws 12 installed and it is on a PC with Windows 7 Professional. I plan to inform Freedom Scientific about that via e-mail and it probably would be good if others did the same since they did something about 2 updates ago which made Jaws work quite a bit better with iTunes.

Here;s the direct link to the original VIPhone post



By AnonyMouse on Monday, August 29, 2011 - 05:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Wanted to let you know that Apple released 10.4.1 just recently. It appears to be working again for me with my latest JAWS for my Windows 7.0 platform. I did have the problems with the 10.4 release as you mentioned above. Now with the newer version of iTunes I am able work in iTunes with no problem now. Not sure if Apple made a mistake or if everyone screamed loud enough to get it fix. Whatever, it was the problem is now fixed and I am one happy guy today.