Idle Crafting Kingdom


Description of App

Every empire starts small!

Build production sites, and start crafting resources. Harvest logs, coal, iron and many other goods. Then craft them into more valuable items and sell them on the market!
Complete quests, build your own estate, and become the richest merchant in all of Crafting Kingdom!

Crafting Kingdom is a lovingly crafted (pun intended!) idle crafting game with a huge amount of goods to produce, complex production chains and plenty of quests for you to complete.

- Buy production sites
- Build complex production chains
- Complete quests and get powerful rewards
- Expand your storage facilities
- Build you very own estate
- Endless hours of fun. How much money can you make?

Note to our visually impaired players:
This game is fully accessible without the use of VoiceOver. You can enable/disable Accessibility Mode by tapping three times with three fingers in the main menu. Have fun!



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version

iOS 10.2.1

Accessibility Comments

This game has been, and at time of writing still very much continues to be, diligently worked on by the developer, with the help of the Apple-Vis community, it is extremely accessible and improving all the time. One slightly misleading thing in the description: There is a TTS voice, but accessible mode does play better when Voiceover is kept on. I have thought carefully about the ease of use rating. Some might disagree, but this app is being constantly improved and updated, and the small amount of latency we have now is being fixed and will soon go away.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

This is a very good game indeed for those who like an immersive game which involves crafting and questing, but does not involve combat. It's something a lot of us have been wanting for absolutely ages. Completely addictive.

Developer's Twitter Username



20 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Michael Charlton 10 months ago



By Karok on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

hi i note when i turned off voiceover, samamtha spoke to me, really slowly, how can i adust the rate? also, if i want to play in french, as i understand this language how can i make the in-built speech use french?

By Michelle on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Hi Will,

the game is translated in many languages, including French, however, the accessible version has a lot of extra text. This text is not translated in anything other than English and German. When we added in accessibility, the game was already finished and localized, so the extra text that was added afterwards never got translated. You can still play in those language, but will hear a mix of French and English texts in many places.

If you turn VoiceOver off, the game will resort to the system default voice for English. This is usually the Samantha voice - but you can change that in the iOS Settings under Accessibility - Speech. This setting is different from the voice used by VoiceOver.

However there are two drawback to turning off VoiceOver. For one, the system's voice speech rate can currently not be changed. Also, the game only supports the english system voice. The game was meant to be played with VoiceOver active, and the system voice was really only a fallback.
So when you switch the game's language to French in the settings, the device will try to read French text with an English voice.

By Michelle on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Hi Lulu, thank you for adding this game to the directory. Might you change the listed Twitter username to MetalPopGames instead? That account is our main account and is actually monitored, while the other one is not.

By Karok on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

michelle, if you would like the extra english text in-game to be fully translated in to french please, e-mail the english text and i will happily undertake this for you ensuring although i am fbuent in the language, that it is confirmed by a French native.

By turner42 on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

While I have not played it yet, I noticed today, march 23rd, that version 1.2 is the current updated version with many accessibility improvments listed.

By Jordan on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

This game is addictive. I could spend all night playing this if I am not careful.

By Maria on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

HI. agreed. enjoying this game, only I've just started.

By Nolly on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Is the game sluggish for anyone else? I'm using an IPhone 6s+ and the game is sluggish when swiping and tapping, often times taking several attempts to respond to my gestures. Other than that it's a really addicting game.

By KE7ZUM on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

If you look for the accessibility thread for this game, you will see the dev is trying to work on that. I her it has gotten better, but yeah the game is laggy, I did several audio and video recordings for the dev so they can work out what's up.

Take care.

By Michelle on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Yes, like KE7ZUM said, we're trying to work on the lagging issue and will make another update soon.
We might make another small update before the swipes and lags are addressed though, to push out some smaller bug fixes until those bigger features are completed.
I'll keep things updated here!

I apologize to anyone whose posts and questions I might have missed. If you have an unanswered question and I haven't yet responded, please let me know.

By Karina Velazquez on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Hello, first of all I'm addicted to this game, but I tried this morning the boost section by watching a video, nevertheless once the video is finished I can't return to the game with voiceover on, so is there a way of exiting the advertisement?
Michelle, I would also like to help you with the translation to Spanish, because even when part of the game is already translated, there are a lot of items that still need to be done; I'm a halftime translator and would love to serve you.

By riyu12345 (not verified) on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49


You should be able to double tap on the L at the lef side of the screen, that should get you back into the game and out of the video window.

By Zsolt Torma on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Hi, If possible, I'd like to help in translating the messages of this app to Hungarian, if all messages (including accessibility related strings) can be translated.

By Michelle on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Hi, someone reported that ad videos wouldn't play until the middle of the screen was tapped, and somebody else reported a red line on screen. Also I repeatedly read that it's hard to exit the ads again.

I looked into it and found that one of the ad providers shows a pre-video screen which requires players to manually start the video, and then another button to end it. These buttons are red, to my knowledge, by the way. I believe that this might have been the cause of the problems. Not all ads are from the same provider, it is chosen at random, so not everybody would see the same problems.

We have disabled these pre and post video buttons with the ad provider, so within the next few hours, when everything has updated on their servers, these issues should go away. I hope this fixes the issues once and for all.

On another note: There should always be an L or I button to close the ad. Some provides even label the button correctly as "close ad". I have also encountered at least one where the button wasn't clickable though. In that case you might try to use the VoiceOver scrub gesture to go back - it might work.

Another thing, which is a little more selfish - if you want to support us as a developer, you can always occasionally click on the button that takes you to the store. You won't have to buy or install anything. Just simply clicking on the button that takes you to the store will help us. We only really get paid for clicks, not so much for watched videos.
I don't want anybody to feel in any way pressured to do this, obviously. Just wanted to let you know, if you have the time and wanted to support us, that's how you could.

Hi Zsolt,
that is a fantastic offer. Do you speak Hungarian well?
Just as a warning, there are 2000+ words in this app, so it would be quite a lot of work. If that is more than you bargained for, I can certainly understand.

Hi Karina,

thank you a bunch for that offer, it is great and I would really like to take you up on it.
But I first want to give you a sense of the scope. The list of items that aren't translated contains about 650 words, so it wouldn't be a small task.
If you still want to help - and I can totally understand if you don't have the time - let me know.
My email address is [email protected]

By Nolly on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

I will be sure to click that store button when I can from now on. It's a little thing compared to what you are doing for us.

Hi Michelle,
I'm from Hungary, so translating the app is not a problem. The only important thing is that I'd like to translate all messages, because a lot of Hungarian customers speaks only in Hungarian.

By Roxann Pollard on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Good Morning Michelle. Thanks for the tip, with regard to how you get some small compensation by the end-users clicking the store button. I am very surprised that there isn't some sort of fee attached to this game, given how much we can do in the game. I, too, will also be clicking the store button.

I have a suggestion... Perhaps you could place a section on the main menu screen where we can enter and make donations of different sizes to the game developer. Personally, I would do this. I believe that a workman is worth his/her hire. As a developer, you have gone way over and above to make this game accessible and you should certainly be compensated. Or at least make it possible for us to do so.

Keep up the great work. We are loving Crafting Kingdom.

By Michelle on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Hi Roxann,
we wanted to keep the game free of any in app purchases, because there are so many games out there asking you to spend real money at every turn.
We have since received a lot of feedback, especially from sighted users, that they would like a purchase option to get rid of the ads. It's happened enough to have made us reconsider. Since it would be completely optional it would be OK I guess. So one of the next updates will add the option to buy away all the ads forever.

By Sunshine Daisies on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Hi Michelle, some games allow you to give gifts to your friends through Facebook.
I was wondering if that would also be possible in this game? For example, once a day we could send our friends a bag of gold, an "x" amount of products, or some kind of a boost?
Also you mentioned on the other thread that you will be adding the automation time on the title of the Production slots.
Would it be possible to put the price of the product with the product name in the city market, or put the sell all button with the product name? For example, it will say "logs 59 sell all" button.
It would lessen the swipes to get to the "sell all" button, and since the focus jumps around, it would be much easier to sell our products without making so much mistakes.
Also, it might make room to put the "sell 1" button back smiles
Speaking of the "sell 1 button, I know some people already mentioned it, but I would also like the "Sell 1" button back, if possible.
Sometimes you only have a certain amount of storage space and you need every single one for an expansion. It's hard to get the number of the products right without the "sell 1" button.
Just curious again, why is there pots in the Jewelers, or was that a typo of some kind?

Again, thank you very much for all the hard work in making the game accessible for us, and thank you for the tip about the ad and the app store clicks. Hope you have a wonderful day.

By Sunshine Daisies on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

I was just wondering, if you buy the game, what would happened to the videos that we watch to get the boosts? Do we have to do something else to get the boosts instead of the videos?

By Chris Chaffin on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

I have found that the game Crafty Kingdom is a big drain on my battery. I have also noticed that the back of my phone gets really warm while playing the game. Has anyone else noticed this.
Now I will say that I do have several items producing at the same time in the game. When I say several things, I mean 12 to 18 things.

I have tried restarting my phone, and these things only happen when Crafty Kingdom is running.


By Nolly on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Yes, the game is very draining on a phones battery. It isn't uncommon though as a lot of apps that have good graphics typically take up a lot of power, regardless if you use the screen curtain feature. This is probably due to the fact that the screen curtain only greys out the screen and does not turn it off like a lot of people had first thought. Also turning down your screen brightness will help in reducing power consumption even with the screen curtain feature activated.

By Clare Page on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Hi! After hearing so much talk of Crafting Kingdom lately, I decided to download it yesterday, and i started playing it last night. It's definitely addictive, but I was a good girl and didn't stay awake all night playing it, tempting as that was. There is a slight lag in the game on my iPhone 6, but as long as I don't swipe too fast and double-tap buttons again if they don't work the first time, the game works well for me. This is definitely a game for patient people as we have to restart the whole game to claim any rewards for quests, but one advantage of those resets is that we can try another strategy next time to sell more products, earn more gold, or whatever. I had the same problem with the videos as several other people have had, being unable to quit them after watching them, so I haven't been able to win any boosts so far. I rather like the idea of an in-app purchase to get rid of the ads, although, as someone else pointed out, that would mean needing an alternative way to get boosts. Anyway, despite a few drawbacks, I really enjoy this game, so I wish to thank the developers for putting so much effort into it, including making it accessible for blind players;

By Mattie SV on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49


First of all I must say I absolutely love this game! However I have noticed that on the last two updates the L to close out the videos on the boost screen no longer is available and I have to close the whole app and reopen it to continue just wanted to let you all know thanks!

By Clare Page on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

I have read that a few people can't find the L which appears at the top of the screen after watching a video from within Crafting Kingdom, and I'm sorry that's the case for them! However, after writing my previous post on this thread, i listened to a podcast about Crafting Kingdom where double-tapping the L was used to exit the video, and I have done that ever since: it has worked without fail for me. Maybe i'm just lucky, I don't know! Anyway, we're all lucky that the developer of Crafting Kingdom is so willing to improve this game for us blind users, and that's even more true in version 1.3 which was just released, so thanks again for this excellent game.

By Michelle on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

We're looking into the battery drain, which seems to happen on some devices. I'll post updates once we have a solution.

Mattie, the ads haven't changed with the update, but what's most likely happening is that by chance you are seeing ads from a different ad provider. To make sure that players can get a boost when they want one, we are using 4 different ad providers. Each of them places the close button differently, and some don't label it properly. There are usually days where you will get only ads from one provider, while the next each ad is from a different one. Unfortunately we have no influence whatsoever over placement and labeling of the close button, and I know some ads do their best to hide them.

By Mattie SV on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Thank you for your feedback! It is just that there is no way of clothes in the ad on the screen wants the ad finish playing currently on my phone or my brothers phone I'm not sure what's going on but hopefully this will change soon! Thank you again so much!

By Ornella on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

If I could give this ap a million stars I would do it. The lag issue has been completely solved for me and I will continue playing tomorrow. The focus jumps but its not to bad to complain. Thanks so very much for fixing those bugs. I have a question about your other project, the cooking game is that still being developed? And if so I can't wait till its released.

By Chris Chaffin on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Does anyone know what is needed to make Tools produced in the Blacksmith? I need Tools for my next Estate Expansion, and I am sure it takes a combination of products to make them.

By Lulu Hartgen on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49


If you want to find out what is required to produce anything, all you need to do is press the select product button, then double tap the item, for example tools. You can then see exactly what you need to make it and how much gold you need to unlock it. For information, you need one metal part and four logs to produce a tool, and five million gold coins to unlock the product.

I hope this helps.

By Jared on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

While I understand the developers do not have control over the add providers I find it frustrating that I have to close the game out sometimes to get rid of the add. I know there was talk about a purchase to get rid of adds, how would this work with boosts? While I understand the need for a constant income stream that adds provide I find I'm less likely to use boosts unless I need them for a boost specific quest. I also know the developers don't want to go down the in-app purchase path where people could spend hundreds of dollars on boosts. Has there been any thought of a flat monthly subscription to allow boosts with no videos, say $5 a month? I don't know what the cost would need to be in order to make it as profitable as the amount of income received from say a player in the top 10% of boost users but just something to consider.

By Jim Homme on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

I just got this game last night. Not sure how to ask this question, but here goes anyway. Let's say I only have logs and my storage is full. If I switch to producing timber, I can't do that. I was expecting my storage to go down by three. That would leave room to produce one timber. Am I using the right logic? How does the removal and filling of storage work? Thanks.

By Michelle on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 15:49

Hi Jim,
when your storage is full of logs, and you switch one of your logs production slots to timber, it will indeed take out three of your logs and start producing. However, the rest of your slots, which are still set to logs, will immediately fill that empty space again with logs. Most likely, when your storage ran full, those slots were in the middle of producing a log and then stopped, because they couldn't place it in storage.
So the moment some storage space becomes available, they would place their logs there.
As a result, the storage is instantly full again. And when the storage is full, all active production stops, because the slots couldn't place their products in the storage.

If you changes all of your productions slots to timber, and not just one, you would see production pick up again.

By bonerobot on Monday, May 1, 2017 - 15:49

I downloaded this game a few minutes ago. I'm from germany and i've noticed that you must took voicer off to play this game. After that I hear a german translation but with a english voice. It's very difecult to play a game in german wwith a english voice. could someone explain me how I switch this?

By Michelle on Monday, May 1, 2017 - 15:49

If you are playing in a language other than English, you need to leave VoiceOver running. I assume that your VoiceOver is set to something German?
If you turn VoiceOver off, the app will try to use an English voice by default, and this currently cannot be changed.

By bonerobot on Monday, May 1, 2017 - 15:49

i tried it out to take VO on but after that all buttons nothing works. I think unfortunatly I should play it english.

By Jim Homme on Monday, May 1, 2017 - 15:49

In reply to by Nolly

I'm finding that now that I have ten slots in the Lumber Yard that it is very slow to swipe and I have to be very accurate with my swipes, or I will find myself moving to another slot without realizing it. This makes me want to start over from scratch before I have gotten my bonuses.

By thebigt on Monday, May 1, 2017 - 15:49

Is there any chance this can be developed to work with a bluetooth keyboard? So that i can use the keyboard to select things etc?

Thanks :)

I know that we need an Internet connection to be able to play the videos which launch our boosts in Crafting Kingdom, but, I was wondering recently, can we play this game without Internet if we don't use the boosts? It's rare I don't have an Internet connection of some kind, but it'd be useful to know if the boosts are the only thing in Crafting Kingdom that we need an internet connection for, and whether we can play this game offline without boosts.

Hi Clare,
you are correct, the boosts are the only thing that needs an internet connection.
You are able to play offline just fine (minus the boosts).

By Use Small Words on Saturday, July 1, 2017 - 15:49

hi. I've been playing this game for a number of weeks, or months, it's hard to tell that thing is so addictive. :-)

I have a number of comments that the developer may or may not find interesting.

Firstly, although it is fun to sell products and things I think it might also be fun to be able to sell buildings. I believe it might make the game even more fun.

Secondly, a very slight gripe. every time I extend my storage it grows by 70 spaces. The price of the storage seems to increase every time I extend. Due to this I appear to find myself paying, in some cases, 5 million coins for 70 spaces extension. I find myself frustrated by this. How is the storage extension and price worked out?

By Michelle on Monday, July 31, 2017 - 15:49

Hi and thank you for the suggestions!
As it happens, we've actually been thinking along the same line in regards to selling buildings and even have, or rather had, a design in the works that would make the entire map a little more open, so that the player can build wherever he wanted, and so on. But in the end we shelved those ideas because it would essentially break the game design as it is. It would be near impossible to convert all existing save games and it might upset the balancing in a very negative way.

We do like the idea of building and selling or destructing or bulldozing a little more freely though, but the game should be designed for it from the ground up. That way it can be an integral part of the gameplay, rather than just a tacked on feature. It's something we intend to include in future games, but not add in to this one and accidentally break it in the process.

You observed correctly that the storage space prices increase with every extension. Managing storage space is one of the major gameplay components of the game. You can get more storage space by building out the estate - which you seems to have begun already, and by completing storage space quests, which will lower the prices.

That being said - the prices are indeed a little steep, so we increased the price reduction you get for each storage space quest quite dramatically. Where all quests would give a 10% price reduction before they will now give 15% and up to 30% price reduction in the later quests.

This and quite a few other changes that make the late game smoother are included in the latest update, which has been released for Android and is currently in beta testing for iOS. It should be released by the end of this or early next week.

By Use Small Words on Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 15:49

i've also happened to notice that there is a spelling error in the estate part of the game. Instead of the text reading 'for the next build out level,' the text reads 'for the next buelt out level.'

Just thought I'd let The developers know.

By Michelle on Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 15:49

Thanks for letting me know about the spelling error. I'll see to it that it will be fixed with the next update.

By Use Small Words on Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 15:49

i've also noticed another couple of things.

Firstly, I can find no use for the stone and grain materials. They don't seem to create anything. Are they supposed to?

Also, The properties appear to be listed in ascending Price order. This is excepting the mine and blacksmith where the mine is 10 million coins in the blacksmith 7,000,500 coins. It confuses me a little bit. is there an explanation as to why?


By Michelle on Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 15:49

Yes and no. True, grain and stone do not produce any other products, but no, that doesn't mean they are not extremely useful.
Here is how that works:

Stone can be sold at twice the price of timber. It also takes twice as long to produce, so the price to production time ratio is the same. However, stone does not require any ingredients, while Timber require logs. This means you have to have half of your Lumberyard production slots producing logs, while you could have all your slots in the quarry produce stone. This effectively doubles your income from stone in comparison to timber. On top of that, because of the longer production time, your storage won't run full as fast. If you are too busy to check up on the game often and regularly come back to a full storage, stone is a better option that timber, as the products in your storage will be worth twice as much.

Grain is the first product of the Farm. It doesn't require any other ingredients to make and it's faster to produce that Timber. That makes it very cost efficient. Producing grain will give you just under 6 gold per second, whereas producing Timber or stone will only net you 5 gold per second. In addition to that, just like with stone, you don't need another slot to produce ingredients. So grain is extremely useful in boosting your gold income until you have made enough to move on to even better products.
But one unit of grain is worth less than one unit of stone, so it depends on your playstyle. If you are able to check the game often, grain is the more efficient option of the two to make money. If you only check in every now and then, stone is the better choice of the two.

On top of that, Stone and Grain are also used as construction materials for the Estate, so at the very least you need them to be able to build out your estate to the next level.

All of the above numbers do not include any bonuses from boosts or quest rewards. If you have completed the quest that doubles your timber production, then stone or grain look a lot weaker in comparison for example.

I hope this explains the logic behind the products, their pricing and the production times a little.

By Use Small Words on Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 15:49

In reply to by Michelle

thanks a lot.

By Use Small Words on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - 15:49

whilst using Crafting Kingdom in Airplane Mode I have noticed that occasionally that the app will crash without warning or will refuse to load. Any ideas why this might be?