Zombies, Run!

Description of App

Get ready for the run of your life. Join 3 million runners on an epic adventure! You tie your shoes, put on your headphones, take your first steps outside. You’ve barely covered 100 yards when you hear them. They must be close. You can hear every guttural breath, every rattling groan - they’re everywhere. Zombies. There’s only one thing you can do: Run! Zombies, Run! is an ultra-immersive running game and audio adventure, co-created with award-winning novelist Naomi Alderman. Every run becomes a mission where you’re the hero, with our immersive audio drama putting you at the centre of your very own zombie adventure story. While you run to the perfect mix of heart-pumping audio drama and pulse-pounding songs from your own playlist, you’ll collect supplies to grow your base back home. BBC NEWS - “The only way to save yourself is to run for real.” WIRED - “In the style of Runkeeper, with an exciting undead twist.” LIFEHACKER - “A really cool way to get outside and exercise.” CNN - “Turns exercise into a game - a terrifying, terrifying game.” TIME - "Takes all the fun of a zombie game and funnels it into a fitness app." WHAT PLAYERS SAY: “Evaded all zombie mobs :-) One of my best sprints ever; this app works!” “This game will make you sweat. Perfect junction between game design and run tracker.” “Just tried @zombiesrungame and for the first time in my life I feel truly alive.” WALK, JOG, OR RUN ANYWHERE Zombies, Run! works anywhere and at any speed. You can jog in a park, run along a beach, or walk along a trail. It even works on treadmills! YOU ARE RUNNER 5 Hundreds of lives are counting on you. You’ve got to rebuild your base from a few shivering survivors into a fortified beacon of civilization by collecting critical supplies and avoiding roving zombie hordes. Can you save them and learn the truth about the zombie apocalypse? A WORLD OF STORIES You become the hero in an epic story of humanity’s struggle for survival where your running really matters, and there’s a deeper mystery to be uncovered as well. Play the first four missions for free and unlock one extra mission every week. UPGRADE TO PRO Unlock 240+ story missions for unlimited play, plus Interval Training and Airdrop Mode. YOUR OWN MIX Choose your own custom playlists: the story unfolds in between your tracks through a series of dynamic radio messages and voice recordings. ZOMBIE CHASES Saving the world not exciting enough? When you hear zombies on your six, it’s time to speed up. Can you escape every mob or will you have to drop some of your hard-earned supplies to distract them? KEEP THE SURVIVORS ALIVE Every time you run, you’ll automatically collect vital supplies like medicine and ammo. Use supplies to build your very own post-apocalypse community. Do you strengthen your defences against the zombies or build a new farm? Share the results with your friends and find out who can make the brightest future for humanity. VIEW YOUR RUNS ONLINE Register on our free ZombieLink service to view and share your runs, maps and stats! SYNCS WORKOUTS AND WEIGHT WITH APPLE HEALTH! Pro Membership subscriptions for Zombies, Run! are $2.99/month or $19.99/year. Legacy Membership is $7.99/year. Subscriptions will be charged to your iTunes account after your confirmation of purchase. Your monthly subscription will automatically renew each month and be charged through your iTunes account, yearly subscriptions will automatically renew each year. Pro Membership renews at $2.99/month or $19.99/year, and Legacy Membership renews at $7.99/year, automatically unless cancelled at least 24 hours prior to the end of the current period. You can turn off auto-renew at any time from your iTunes account settings. Cancellation of the current active subscription period is not allowed. Full terms and conditions and our privacy policy are at https://www.zombiesrungame.com/terms Note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.



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Accessibility Comments

fully accessible, one slight issue after selecting the story missions option is that if you flick to the right from the back button directly after selecting the story missions option you immediately land on the first mission of season 1, rather than the buttons for selecting what season you want to play. If you then flick to the left from that first mission you then find the buttons for the various seasons. also on the radio screen the options for the different radio seasons are not identified as buttons but are read correctly by VoiceOver.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Developer's Twitter Username



8 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Jen 8 years 8 months ago



By Ro on Sunday, May 31, 2015 - 22:11

I have a music playlist downloaded to my phone called Zombies Run. In the version before this one, there was an option to select a playlist. Sounds like that's not so easy with this updated version.

By Imaginingstuff on Sunday, May 31, 2015 - 22:11

I son told me that you have to pick a mission before setting your music, so I had him pick my stuff and let us hope that it works. LOL

So the music tab in the statistics area doesn't seem to do anything.

I wrote the support group and I know they are still working on everything because the zombies sinc thing doesn't work for anyone yet.

I'm still saving the world!


By Orinks on Sunday, May 31, 2015 - 22:11

Hi everyone,
I've been in serious communication with these developers since December, and I don't think they antissipated these accessibility issues.
As for ZombieLink, I can now log in just fine with it.
As for music, there are three options now. You can listen to a playlist on your device or via iTunes match, no music, or External Player. External player is what you want if you use something like Pandora, which I prefer. I use Spotify.
By default it is no music, and the button says whatever choice is currently selected; and this is similar to the previous version. This is invisible with VoiceOver. Next to tracking is setting options for Zombie Chases, and for blind users you'll want to only do this on treadmills using the Step Counter method of tracking.
I use an exercise bike, and with that, Constant Speed is the way to go. I'd rather use my Treadmill with Zombie Chases on, but this treadmill is pretty old school and by the time I increase speed to account for the Zombie Chases I'll be too slow to keep it safe, or risk going overkill with the speed and falling off. My treadmill does have a safety string to make it come to a complete stop if I approach the edge or pull it, but I'm still wary about it. Have any of you used the continue missions option, enabled under more > Settings? You have to have several missions downloaded in advance, but I've tried this and after the TTS says "Mission Completed" my thoughts are that it's supposed to immediately go to the next mission. Well for me, it doesn't.
I've emailed support about this as well, but was curious if other people had problems with this particular feature. You won't be listening to radio mode, but I think how I'm going to handle that is once I can delete my run logs, I'll listen to radio mode after missions while I rest, then delete the run log. I like radio mode, but in order to really hear all of it you have to be running for hours. I only get to hear 1-2 tracks at a time. I remember back in the beginning of ZR when Radio mode only had about 10-15 tracks.
Plus, there's the issue that my radio mode was reset when I got this new version because of the ZombieLink fail. I had to set what mission I was previously on manually, so I'm probably at the beginning of Season 2 radio mode again.
So that's my thoughts on ZR in general and this version. I hope there's an update soon to address these problems, because I have over 600 supplies and a bunch of materials that I can't use because of the base builder problems, something I told support about before version 4.0 came out.

By hanif naufal h… on Sunday, May 31, 2015 - 22:11

I've installed this app but how do i use it?
Do i need to run outside in order to work?
Also how does the mission like?

By Jen on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

There was an update for Zombies Run today, and at first glance, it appears that full accessibility is back. I didn't have time to go into it in depth, but it's definitely worth checking out again. VoiceOver seems to be reading everything as it did in the past, with major improvements in the "base" tab.

By DPinWI on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

The Start button is now unlabeled, even after I downloaded today's update. Is this the same for others?

By Ro on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

This is happy making. I'll update tomorrow since I haven't done the last few updates and still have an accessible app, though now it's asking for money which I think the update changes, not that I'm not happy to pay some more money. Fantastic app.

I'll report tomorrow after the update. I just got back to being physically able to run so I sure hope it's back!

By Ro on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

Another thread mentions the unlabeled start button issue. I'm going to download the update and play around tomorrow. *Fingers crossed* for a workaround.

By hanif naufal h… on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

Hi all, how do I add music to the game? I choose a mission, but there is no add music button.
The button that i got is tracking and start mission.
I go to the more tab but it's not there.

By Michael Hansen on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Zombies, Run! version 4.1.1 is now available. The release notes include a mention of improvements to VoiceOver:

What's New in Version 4.1.1

Good news, Runner 5!

  • You can now see your split times after a run, and on run logs!
  • Optional notifications for when a new mission unlock becomes available
  • VoiceOver accessibility improvements
  • Improved handling of unplayable music tracks
  • Improved how the app recovers from audio interruptions

By Orinks on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

Hi everyone,
As of 4.1, everything is very accessible. There is only one minor gripe I have right now that Six to Start may or may not know, the Defense Tower still had issues upgrading. I still cannot get the info screen with the upgrade tab. I can, however, get to it with the Communications building. On a positive note, we can now select music, tracking and start missions all accessibly now.

By Ro on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

Thanks for those comments. Yay! Can't wait for cardio Wednesday now!

By hanif naufal h… on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

it's so nice to see that the app accessibility is back.
I'm updating the app right now, can't wait for a run!
so, runner 5, try it out!

By April on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

Club AppleVis Member

I'm thrilled. I got the update at about 3 in the morning and was tempted to go for a run anyway. I'm a certified addict.
The buttons are functioning well again, it looks like, without actually doing a run, so I'm very happy. This is a great app and I'm glad they fixed it up for us.

By alex wallis on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

Hi all, sorry to sound a negative note hear, but I have installed the new update, and so far as I can tell all the issues I raised with 6 to start still remain with zr, I really don't know what issues they think they have fixed.
For me issues that still remain include not being able to find the different season buttons in story mode easily, you have to do a lot of messing around with scrolling the screen. When you do find the buttons you can't flick from one button to another so you can't find season 2 for example, then flick to the right to find season 3.
Next on the actual screen for an individual mission I still only see one button for tracking and think that up in the comments one poster said there should be 3?
this button also has no label, the button for actually downloading a mission has no label either and you have to hunt around the screen to find it.
I really don't know what 6 to start think they have fixed from a quick look at this app they don't seem to have listened to or maybe didn't understand my feedback.
I have tried reinstalling the app from scratch but this has made no difference,
in light of this I really don't feel I can update accessibility related information for the app and I intend to write an email detailing my findings to the zr team.

I was so excited about the VO fixes that I updated last night and paid the eight bucks for pro because before the app was broken, I was stuck after a season two mission and it said I had to pay. Fine. I'll pay.

So I paid last night but it's got me back on season one, not where I left off in season two and I cannot find a way to move to season two. This is so disappointing.

By DPinWI on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

There is good news, and not so good news.

This update does bring some improvements to accessibility. The Music Tracking and Chases issue is solved and i can now set those options. This is huge for exercise independence.

However, there are still many unlabelled buttons. It is still necessary to drag around on the screen looking for buttons because flicking doesn't show them. This isn't a deal breaker because I can still do the stuff... It's just more difficult than it needs to be.

So I am glad that a major obstacle has been cleared. I can now set my own run options. However, the app has a ways to go to be fully Voice Over and user friendly.

Still, I love it, and use it every day. I'm dreading the potential of running out of story missions.


Try this if you are having trouble getting to other seasons.

From the Home screen, double tap Missions on the bottom tab row.
You should see a list that includes Story Missions, Air Drop, Interval Training etc.
If you don't, double tap on the button on the top left until you get to the first Missions screen.
Double tap on Story Missions.
Starting from the very top left corner of your screen, slide down the left edge of the screen.
You should encounter a row of season tabs with Season One selected by default.
Slide over from Season One, and you'll find the other seasons.
Double tap on one of them, and you should see the missions.

I hope this helps.

By alex wallis on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

to be honest the way I do things as I am jailbroken and not interested in exercising with the app is download the audio then access the folders where missions are stored and just pull it out of the app that way, usually downloading it to my pc or another music app just so I don't have to wait for the gap between clips, that's what I do with the story missions and have done with the radio mode. Though I would still like to help 6 to start get the app fully accessible for those who do use it for its intended purpose I am just interested in the story.

Thanks! That dragging trick worked. I found season two however it only shows seven episodes, right where I left off before, and I just paid to upgrade yesterday. Do I need to download missions or something? Maybe I should email support.

Didn't there used to be a download manager?

By Ro on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

Ok, tried the dragging trick and found the next episode. Yes! Now to figure out where to set music. Oh ok, so tapped mission 8 and if I drag around, I find stuff.

Ok, pain in the arse, but at least it's usable. Man, but sometimes I really hate being blind.

By Ro on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:11

Well, I found the mission I'm on but can't for the life of me find the start mission button. Yep, gonna have to contact the developers. This app is definitely not fixed. I was so excited.

By Ro on Friday, July 31, 2015 - 22:11

Ok, I dragged around some more and found start mission down towards the lower right. I'll stop flooding the board now. Just happy I can run tomorrow!

By alex wallis on Friday, July 31, 2015 - 22:11

the start mission button isn't labelled and you have to tap around near the bottom of the screen to find it, the developers really haven't listened at all to my feedback I feel as button labelling is easy to fix, and there is no excuse for not be able to flick to everything on the screen.

By Jenna on Friday, July 31, 2015 - 22:11

I loved this app a year or so ago, and tried to use it a month or so ago, but it is so annoying that they broke accessibility! I really want to use it again without fighting with it. Oh well, I'll try again today and see how it goes with the newest update...

By Ro on Friday, July 31, 2015 - 22:11

It's usable, not great, but usable. I did a run today. the only thing I still have problems with is no radio mode after mission completed. I loved listening to radio Able while I did my stretching.

By Imaginingstuff on Friday, July 31, 2015 - 22:11

I posted last week about the new changes in the ap, but I must have posted it in the wrong place. It seems that everything is working again except the base part, but I am sure that will follow soon! Unless I am missing something with the base that is.

I am so happy it is working again! I so missed saving the world.

Also, did you know that they have folks who write as runner five? You can see their entries on the blog site and they also have a wiki, I believe.
They don't mind if anyone writes as runner five as long as you don't give away the plotlines of the missions.

So, great news for the runners in the group!

By Ro on Friday, July 31, 2015 - 22:11

I'm thrilled to be Runner 5 again! Bummed about the base. And it used to be that when a mission completed, radio mode started. But that's not happening. Have you seen a setting for that anywhere? I used to cool down listening to Radio Able and I miss that.

By April on Friday, July 31, 2015 - 22:11

Club AppleVis Member

In reply to by jamie coady

This will work perfectly well with a treadmill or even with running in place as long as you keep your phone on you so that the internal step-counter is catching your steps/pace.
When you first open the app you might get tripped up because it looks like a screen you can't get past. You have to three-finger swipe it away and it never comes back. after that, issues are not too many. Right now you can't flick between the buttons after you tap on first/next mission, but they're at the bottom of the screen and you can find them pretty easily. You need to find tracking in the bottom middle and then set it to step-counting rather than GPS, but you only need to do that once.
The start button is currently unlabeled, unfortunately. It'll be the only unlabeled button, below music, tracking, and chases.

By Ro on Friday, July 31, 2015 - 22:11

I'm totally blind so there's no way I'm running outside, ha! I originally jogged in place and ran around my apartment but it just wasn't comfortable. So I invested in a rebounder, or mini trampoline, I found on Amazon. Now I jog on that and it's so much more comfortable. You can buy them with handles for balance but I had just set it up near a counter I could hold on to. Now I use the rebounder and my TRX system, which are straps that hang from the ceiling for body weight resistance training, and it makes for very nice jogging. As was mentioned, just keep your phone on you somehow. I use earbuds and put my phone in a pocket.

By Ken Downey on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - 22:11

Have bases been fixed yet? Haven't played in a long time and didn't even know accessibility had" been fixed as much as it was.

By DPinWI on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - 22:11

I don't do the bases. I have a sighted person do them. It's possible I could, but it works as a sort of external progress check for me. I think of it as a coach who can see how much I have worked.

As for the rest of the app, it is very accessible now. I can set options that used to require assistance. Stuff like optional music, run lengths, zombie chases, stats, inventory, and more have all become accessible. Since the base stuff has zero impact on the story, I don't worry about it other than as previously mentioned for coaching.

By Piotr Machacz on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

I just started playing this game and after 3 days decided to go pro, partly because one of the things I was interested in doing was interval training. Before zombies run I just used an app called Seconds which is just a timer, but doesn't do step counting like ZR. However I discovered that the screen to edit the interval workout in Zombies run doesn't work very well if you want to go in and make your own changes. You get a large list which includes all of the different intervals, and that's fine, but all of the elements just read a large chunk of text which lists everything. Tapping on them seems not to do anything and when I pressed "edit" I was able to delete something, but no idea what. There is also an "add new activity" button at the very bottom, but that also doesn't seem to do anything.

By DPinWI on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

I am a long time user of ZR, and anytime I have had a specific accessibility issue, they have been good about working on it. I do not use the interval training, so I did not encounter this one. It's worth engaging them.

By DPinWI on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

What's New in Version 5.0

Season 5. Runner 5. Version 5. It's a sign of great things!

Season 5 is here! Forget your Jon Snow and your White Walkers. We’ve got Runner Five and the Zombies. Who cares about The Governor when you’ve got The
Minister? Does any character in any medium even compare to Sam Yao? While we’re on air, everyone else better step back, because we've got 40 fantastic
missions that'll make your runs more exciting than ever before. And naturally, if you're a Pro Member, you get unlimited ad-free access!

And there’s plenty more to enjoy in our 5.0 update. We’ve introduced an all-new Base Builder interface that makes it easier than ever to grow your Abel
Township. You now get 100% of your materials and supplies back when you demolish a building. That means you can reorganise your base to your heart's content,
with no penalty - which is handy, because we’ll soon be adding a whole range of new buildings to accompany Season 4 and 5 missions!

Last but not least, we’ve improved our VoiceOver accessibility for the base builder, so everyone can get involved, along with other general UI improvements
and bug fixes.

By DPinWI on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

My initial tests confirm that the developers have made the base building section accessible. Yippee Skippy.

When my annual subscription is yp, I will be happily paying for another year.

By Orinks on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

I'm very happy to report that this version is perhaps the best accessible base builder adaptation we have scene to date. Finally, I can put the 1000+ supplies that I've gathered throughout the inaccessible versions and use them. As for music, you select all that on the mission screen. The best way to do that is to click "next mission" which will go to the next mission for you to play on the home tab. This is the best way of keeping track of story progress, unless for some reason you start playing a mission ahead of where you actually are.
ZR4 added artifacts and 100 percent Codex accessibility, ZR5 adds 100 percent base builder accessibility, the app seems to be 100 percent accessible at this point. I will officially get back into the swing of things tomorrow night--Season 5 is here and I'm not even half way done season 3 yet. Also, because I've been out of the loop for two or so months--I last played in March, are they slowly adding "Previously on" and "Next On" clips to other seasons? Hearing those when I neared the end of season 2 was quite nice.
P.S. I have several friends who would rather use ZR to walk because they don't have an exercise machine. I hope they add the walking tracking modes this year.

By KE7ZUM on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

I have to start trying this app now if I can find a way to whold the phone while on the tredmeal. I don't want to drop it lol!

By alex wallis on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

One slight issue I have noticed in v 5 is that when selecting story missions if you flick to the right your shown the first mission of season 1 straight away in the list, to locate the buttons for seasons 2, 3, 4 and 5 you must flick to the left from the first mission of season 1, its a very strange issue which I will be reporting to the developers.

By DPinWI on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

I'm curious as to what a "walking mode" would be.

I don't run. I walk indoors on a treadmill when the weather is bad, and outdoors when it's decent. I use step tracking on the treadmill, and the GPS tracking when outdoors. It works great for me. I'm wondering what a specific walking mode might add.

By DPinWI on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

When I finished Season Four, I started over at the beginning while waiting for Season 5. I'm finishing up Season 2, and don't know if they are previewing the next season in the Season Four episodes. I can't wait to get through Seasons Three and Four to get to the new ones.

Selecting the Season in the story missions screen has always been a little flaky. There was a time when it was all but impossible, and while it has improved, they have never quite got it exactly right.

On the other hand, they get enough right that I'm a happy Runner Five.

By Elena Brescacin on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

I have started to build the base, currently I do not really understand what that base is - it is a grid, I suppose; now I hear the positions and double-tap on a structure to upgrade it, but I am still Learning to build it.
I also found 2 buttons: expand height and expand width. But pressing those buttons and confirming the intention to expand, then the app closes, with a sudden crash. Does it happen to you too?
I am also curious to know about the walking mode, but I am not sure it's already here; I am using a spinning bike, and an arm band.
One thing which is not yet here, is the ability to track activity from the apple watch; now it just can be started, stopped and kilometers monitored on the apple watch, but this does not affect the watch's activity rings.

By AnonyMouse on Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 22:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

What's New in Version 5.0

Season 5. Runner 5. Version 5. It's a sign of great things!

Season 5 is here! Forget your Jon Snow and your White Walkers. We’ve got Runner Five and the Zombies. Who cares about The Governor when you’ve got The Minister? Does any character in any medium even compare to Sam Yao? While we’re on air, everyone else better step back, because we've got 40 fantastic missions that'll make your runs more exciting than ever before. And naturally, if you're a Pro Member, you get unlimited ad-free access!

And there’s plenty more to enjoy in our 5.0 update. We’ve introduced an all-new Base Builder interface that makes it easier than ever to grow your Abel Township. You now get 100% of your materials and supplies back when you demolish a building. That means you can reorganise your base to your heart's content, with no penalty - which is handy, because we’ll soon be adding a whole range of new buildings to accompany Season 4 and 5 missions!

Last but not least, we’ve improved our VoiceOver accessibility for the base builder, so everyone can get involved, along with other general UI improvements and bug fixes.

We won’t ask you to rate Zombies, Run! in the app, but if you’re enjoying saving the world, please take a moment to rate and review us in the App Store - it helps a lot!

By Orinks on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - 22:11

Hi all,
I'm wondering: does anyone use the recently released training plans? It won't help those of us who play indoors, but it can help us to play on specific days and get some missions completed. I use a stationary exercise bike, which means that I have to have it on Constant Pace.
I was just curious if anyone would use them if help for the game to help you play the game consistently for seven or however many weeks.

By DPinWI on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - 22:11

I walk, not run, and so I tend to have a fairly steady pace. I have not checked out the training plans yet. One day, I'd like to try the air drop too, but for now, I do missions.


When I open the application, I get the welcome back game Center message sometimes. I always get this message though:

Only a few have survived
the zombie epidemic

I don't see any buttons or labels or anything. I've uninstalled the app, and reinstalled it.

I'm glad this application was free. I wish they really would help us out by rebuilding excessibility into the app again.

By DPinWI on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - 22:11

The good that came with this new version, like access to the base builder, also came with some bad. The app is much less responsive, and I have to wait longer for it to load, or to close out a finished mission. It has crashed a couple of times as well.

All in all, it's more usable in some ways, and frustratingly slow and crashy in others. I'm looking forward to a version 5 bug fix.

By DPinWI on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - 22:11

What's New in Version 5.0.1
Speed and stability - that's what we're improving in this version. Zombies, Run! is now much faster to start up, and much more responsive. All the better
to escape those fast zoms! We've also improved the Statistics screen and added labels so you can know precisely how you're performing and improving every

Stability-wise, we've eliminated a lot of crashes affecting iPhone 4s players, and players with very large bases.

By DPinWI on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - 22:11

I can't say if it crashes less, yet, but the speed of this update is a welcome improvement. It loads much faster, and hopefully the lag after a mission is gone too.