The Accessibility Bugs Introduced and Resolved in iOS 13 for Blind and Low Vision Users

By AppleVis, 14 September, 2019

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

iOS 13 was released to the public on 19 September, 2019. This post contains details of the VoiceOver and braille bugs which we believe to have been introduced in iOS 13; as well as details of the pre-existing bugs which we believe have been resolved.

As is our routine practice, each new bug has been given a severity rating; these ratings are based upon what we believe to be the implications for accessing and using features and functionality and the level of impact on the overall user experience. However, as these ratings are subjective, it is very possible that they may not reflect your own opinion or use case.

Regrettably, there are a significant number of new bugs for VoiceOver and braille users in iOS 13. There is also one extremely serious issue for low vision users who rely on a light on dark display. Consequently, we strongly recommend that you read through this post and any comments before updating—as this will allow you to make an informed decision on whether to install iOS 13 when it becomes available; or whether to wait for the release of iOS 13.1 on 24 September, which we believe should resolve many of these issues. If you do decide not to upgrade to iOS 13 at this time, we recommend disabling Automatic Updates in Settings> General> Software Update> Automatic Updates.

As we always stress, we can make no claims on the completeness or accuracy of our testing. We are only a small team, and it is simply impossible for us to test all devices, configurations, applications, and use cases. Some of the bugs listed below will be specific to a certain device, configuration or use case. Consequently, it is entirely likely that you will not encounter all of what we list; and it is also probable that you will encounter bugs or regressions that we did not identify during our testing.

To help us ensure that the information on this page is as complete and accurate as possible, we would appreciate feedback from those who have installed iOS 13 —both to confirm whether they are encountering the same problems (or have found workarounds), as well as to let us know of any additional issues that are not on this list. Of course, it’s even more important that you let Apple know of any additional bugs that you find (they already know about the ones currently listed here and are actively working on resolving them). This post explains why you should report bugs directly to Apple, as well as the best ways to do so.

With all of the disclaimers out of the way, here are the new bugs for blind and low vision users which we believe to be present in iOS 13:

Serious Bugs

  • Smart Invert and Classic Invert do not behave reliably or consistently. Specifically, our testing indicates that anybody seeking to use a combination of display settings that results in light text on a dark background is likely to find that their device's display will spontaneously and randomly switch between light on dark and dark on light during normal use of their device. We believe this behavior to be so prevalent and significant that we recommend that anybody who relies on color inversion to make their iOS device accessible does not update to iOS 13 at this time.
  • When composing an email or note using a braille display keyboard, after 5 or 6 sentences, braille stops responding to input. This also applies to editing an already composed email or note.
  • On occasion, the volume of VoiceOver sound effects and other system sounds (such as notifications) will be significantly louder than that of VoiceOver speech. The presentation of this issue is inconsistent, and it is most noticeable and of particular concern when using headphones.

Moderate Bugs

  • Although this problem is not new in iOS 13, using an external keyboard to move through text fields by paragraph or to select text by paragraph has become even more inconsistent and unreliable. In most text editors, this functionality is now essentially broken completely.
  • The Status Bar can at times be difficult to locate by touch; most notably on the Home screen.
  • When typing using a braille display, text shortcuts do not work unless you write them in eight-dot mode. The workaround for this issue is to press space with dots 2-3-6 to toggle braille input to this mode, type the text shortcut, and then press space with 2-3-6 again to get back to your preferred braille code.
  • When composing a new email message or reply in the Mail app, the cursor will randomly jump around the screen when using braille input from a braille display.
  • You cannot use the VoiceOver rotor to navigate by line when composing an email in the Mail app.
  • The Misspelled Words option is missing from the VoiceOver rotor's Action menu in the native Mail app.
  • On occasion, it is not possible to expand grouped notifications in Notification Center when VoiceOver is enabled.
  • On occasion, VoiceOver speech stops working while navigating Notification Center.
  • The initial position of the VoiceOver rotor for many text fields (such as the address bar in Safari, the subject line in the mail composition screen, and the message field in the Messages app) will be “Show Context Menu” (which does nothing when double-tapped). Previously, you would expect the VoiceOver rotor to default to its character navigation option when entering these fields.
  • VoiceOver occasionally freezes for ten to fifteen seconds, usually after double-tapping on an app icon to open it.
  • When editing a video in the Photos app, after adjusting the start or end point of a video by flicking up or down to move the position of the marker on the timeline, it is not possible to select the Done button to confirm the edit when VoiceOver is enabled. Note that you can ‘drag’ the marker position, and this does make the Done button active, but this allows less control over the exact position of the marker.

Minor Bugs

  • As of iOS 13, Apple is deprecating 3D Touch in favor of a long press that will bring up what it calls a “Context Menu”. Unfortunately, there are numerous places system-wide where the VoiceOver rotor contains a “Show Context Menu” action on a UI element which does not support this feature. A prime example is the App Store, where many UI elements will report that you can double-tap to show the Context Menu, but where a double-tap does nothing.
  • When in the Status Bar, performing a 2-finger scrub or pressing space with B will not allow you to leave the Status Bar when in an app. One workaround is to press space with S or VO Modifier M again to leave the Status Bar. Alternatively, you can go to the Home screen, and behavior is as expected.
  • After setting an item to be watched, such as the progress of a download, when the status of that item changes it is not displayed in braille, but is vocalized by VoiceOver.
  • When encountering an emoji in braille, such as a smiling face, grinning face, etc., braille output sometimes shows a series of random symbols, instead of the actual emoji.
  • After pairing a Made for iPhone hearing aid, the controls for bass and treble are not labeled for VoiceOver users. For reference, the first element is bass and the second is treble.
  • The “Clear All Notifications” action available from the VoiceOver rotor on the Notifications Center does not work. For now, you need to double-tap on the ‘Clear’ button and then double-tap on the ‘Confirm Clear’ button.
  • The audible tone that confirms your device has been successfully unlocked with Face ID is not always present.
  • The spoken guidance and haptic feedback given to VoiceOver users when taking a photo in iOS 13 is also present when viewing already taken photos within the Camera app.
  • VoiceOver focus unexpectedly jumps to another location in the inbox of the Mail app. If navigating down through a list of unread emails, and deleting, moving or marking emails as read, Voiceover focus will occasionally jump to a location closer to the top of the list after taking those actions.
  • In the Mail app, VoiceOver does not always announce the number of unread emails in a mailbox accurately.
  • When viewing a message in the Mail app, VoiceOver no longer speaks the badge on the Back button which indicates the number of unread messages in the same folder.
  • When opening an existing conversation in the Messages app, the initial placement of VoiceOver focus is higher in the thread than would be expected. Typically this will be 8-12 places above the last message in the thread, and the placement appears to not relate to whether there are unread messages in the thread.
  • VoiceOver does not speak the pasted text when pasting in to the message field in the Messages app.
  • Various UI elements in Today View widgets have their VoiceOver label prepended with the extraneous text “today”.
  • There is a new Control Center widget that allows users to quickly switch between Dark Mode and Light Mode. Although what's spoken by VoiceOver for each selection status of this toggle is different, it in both cases essentially says the same thing - that Dark Mode is off.
  • When using AirPods, the volume of VoiceOver speech may fluctuate. Pressing one of the volume buttons on your device will usually restore it to its correct level.
  • When listening to an audio file in the Files app, flicking up or down on the playback scrubber control does not rewind or fast forward playback.
  • The VoiceOver label on the playback progress control when playing videos in the Photos app is incorrect; while the video is playing, VoiceOver says, "Paused."
  • When using the Alex voice, you may find that there are longer pauses following punctuation than there were in iOS 12 or earlier.
  • When using the Irish Siri female voice for VoiceOver, some words may not be spoken when navigating by word.
  • When swiping right to cycle through the elements on the Lock screen, the contents of the Status Bar are encountered.
  • When an iOS update is available through the Settings app, VoiceOver does not consistently locate and speak the size of the download or the download progress.
  • On the Map Settings screen in the Find My app, the Close button is missing a VoiceOver label.

If you encounter any additional accessibility bugs in iOS 13, please let others know by posting a comment below. When doing so, please provide as much information as possible so that others know exactly what to expect; when and where the problem occurs; and any possible workarounds you have found.

Accessibility Bugs Resolved in iOS 13

Our testing suggests that the following pre-existing accessibility bugs have been resolved in iOS 13:

If you encounter any additional fixes during your own use of iOS 13, please let us know by posting a comment below.

In Closing

We have been compiling these lists of new bugs for every major iOS release since iOS 7. In our opinion, the iOS 13 beta cycle was particularly ‘rough’; and, sadly, the final release reflects this. Nevertheless, our experience during the beta cycle has been that most new bugs we filed were resolved very quickly by Apple's engineers, and their efforts are to be commended. To put our findings in this post into context, we reported in excess of 200 unique accessibility-related issues to Apple during the iOS 13.0 beta cycle.

With iOS 13.1 already publicly set for release just 5 days after 13.0 releases, it doesn't seem unreasonable to hypothesize that Apple has faced some challenges with the iOS 13 development process on a more general level. With this in mind, if you are willing to hold off upgrading until the release of iOS 13.1 on 24 September, we recommend that you do so; as it is our expectation that iOS 13.1 will provide a vastly superior experience to that of iOS 13.0 for blind and low vision users.



By Tina on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Has anyone reported these bugs to the Apple accessiility team? They need to hear what you're all finding so they can get on it. Thanks.

By AppleVis on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In answer to some people's question, yes, we'll be posting information on iOS 13.1 fixes and new bugs once its beta has concluded.

By Kareem Dale on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I find it's a good time to encourage everyone to consider making a regular donation or one-time donation, no matter how small. The folks who run this website and provide all this incredible content voluntarily do all this work. I notice lots of comments and questions from many people about when the next reviews are coming out for the Mac, watch OS, IOS 13.1, etc. For all of us expecting and hoping for more incredibly helpful content, please consider donating to help the cause. I am in no way affiliated with this website, and I don't personally know any of the persons who run this website. I just donate because the website is so useful, and I think others, particularly if you continue to expect and ask for more content, should

By Manuel on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Braille bug: The option to set the status cells to the left or right does not work.

By jcdjmac (not verified) on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

VoiceOver bug: when you try to select the new siri male voice under English india it does nothing. instead, VoiceOver just says: "Siri Male" with no button to activate it. however, it can be used with Siri as normal, if a user selects it from within the siri and search setting. Has anyone else gotten it to successfully work? Note: all other voices are not effected, and behave as normal, just the siri male voice from English india.

By KE7ZUM on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I would not worry about it. I've ben a beta tester since early august and have encountered none of these bugs.

I truthfully do not pay attention to these bug lists as they are to me blown way out of proportion. I remember I did a post I think on perascope dismissing all of these bugs n 2015, and people were glad I did so. I might just do it again, maybe if I get the time this week. We'll see.

By Nikola Jovic on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

The team submitted so many bug reports to Apple, and you claim it has no bugs? The fact you are not paying attention when beta testing does not mean it is bug free. In fact, some of these still exist in 13.1, however it's still in beta so let's not talk about that for now. I'm glad for you if you have a smooth experience, but it's definitely not bug free. If you don't use a bluetooth keyboard or a braille display, you will probably generally have less bugs to worry about. That being said, bugs in the mail app are apparent to everybody who uses it.

By KE7ZUM on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I do use a bt keyboard actually. And have had absolutelly no issues. In fact all 20 or so bugs Ive filed are now closed. I can'tremember which they were, but I ave had a very positive experience with bt keyboards, 3 of them, and bsi, plus swipe and on screen keyboards in general. I fact a lot of us are just going to disregard the post and just upgrade. This experience is just wonderful and pretty much bug free as far as i can tell.

By Nikola Jovic on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

As I said, cool for you that you cannot even remember which bugs you filled. Try navigating by paragraphs to see what a great experience it is. If you are beta testing though, you are on iOS 13.1, so it's normal you don't experience all the issues mentioned here.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Well tomorrow is the day. Those who want to get iOS 13.0 will do so and those who do not will not. There are bugs in this iOS. I will get iOS 13 tomorrow. I made my choice and will deal with bugs and in September 30 get iOS 13.1

By Ann Marie B on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Thank you to the applevis team for reporting possible bugs with IOS 13. Personally I will update tomorrow and take the plunge. I am using Nicky and will update for security purposes.

By Justin on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I second Sarah's point here. I'll just wait and see what tomorrow brings in reguard to most of these bugs. I usually upgrade anyway, so I'm not worried. If there are bugs, they're not showstoppers in my book.

By KE7ZUM on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

In reply to by Nikola Jovic

I can navigate easily by paragraph. Did it just a few days ago when taking notes. Did it with the blue tooth keyboard as well. I'm on ios 13.1 public build.

By KE7ZUM on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Agreed. The thing I hate about these posts is they make it seem like show stoppers. Yes i can select by paragraph I don't use a braille display or hearing aids but for what I use ios 13 for, taking notes during meetings, reading and responding to email which is long. I jut a few days ago composed an email with the combination o bt and dictation that was more than 5 sentences long and was able to navigate it fine and edit it, and do a lot more. I'm not at all worried about the bugs they brought up. If they are still her when ios 13 public comes out tomorrow, fine. The public can report them and I have every confidence apple will fix them hopefully in a day 0 patch.

By Nikola Jovic on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Perhaps you should read these posts more carefully from now on, then you may understand why you don't experience these bugs. In particular, you say that you can compose emails fine with a BT keyboard and dictation. However, AppleVis says this:
‱ When composing an email or note using a braille display keyboard, after 5 or 6 sentences, braille stops responding to input. This also applies to editing an already composed email or note.

So, what is not clear in the part saying a braille display keyboard?

I use nothing but notes for any of my editing. I don't yet have office 360 or what ever it is called today but editing is a breze. I can't do any demos as it is personal and private stuff I edit and notes for my organization I helped found a few yearsa go.

By KE7ZUM on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

In reply to by Nikola Jovic

Again I'm sure apple will fix this in a day 0 patch. I'm done you all. all of you blow this out of preporthin and just are too chicken to upgrade. Just keep submitting feedback. The more of us that do this the more they can fix this with our flavors of braille displays and keyboards etc. This is just to me a scare tactic. I upgrade every year expecting a day 0 patch to come out and apple tofix bugs and so far I've ben very veery impressed.

By jcdjmac (not verified) on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I agree with what the other posters have said, it is totally not bug free, as the team has worked so hard to file all of the bugs that you saw in the article to the accessibility team, and some of which are still present in iOS 13.1 beta, but I, too, will not get into it at this time. however, I will say, with all do respect, apple is still ironing out the bugs, so therefore, this does not mean it's bug free. that's why everyone should continue to email [email protected] the more emails you send to the team regarding all of the bugs that were explained in this post, the more time they will need to fix the bugs that needs to be fix.

By Nikola Jovic on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

If you are happy, so am I with the update. That's not the issue. You can't do a demo because it is private? As a beta tester, I suppose you know that the notes app allows you to create a new, blank note without any private info in it. Finally, why would anybody want to scare people not to update? Who here said hey guys don't dare update, it's so buggy. We are saying that bugs exist, whether you choose to ignore them is irrelevant. To conclude, 0 day patches do not effect accessibility bugs. Also, why wou;ld Apple even need to fix anything if it is bug free? Don't forget that not everybody has all day to mess with their phones and deal with bugs, nor is everybody experienced enough with technology. Posts like this primarily help inexperienced people to make the decision on whether to upgrade or not.

By Andy Lane on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

While there have been a good number of bugs that I and other beta testers have been sending reports onto Apple let’s not lose sight of how much of an incredible update this is for accessibility. It is by far the biggest update ever in the history of iOS. Take a look through the accessibility features added in the other article on the homepage to get a feel for how much of a big update this is but understand that you will not appreciate how far voice-over has come in the last year until you download and install the update. Honestly it felt like I had a new device if you are very nervous maybe hold off until 13.1 but personally I would recommend updating as soon as possible. It’s worth it.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Well now most of you can go a test for bugs with the next iOS. Nuts.

By Wayne Scott Jr on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

does a fantastic job here. I come to rely on their expertise whenever a new update comes out. Everybody has their own preference. Every year it has been different. When IOS 11 cam
out, I waited until 11.2 came out because that's when the braille display bugs were finally fixed. With 12, no problem. I just updated. With 13, however, I'm going to wait and see what the AppleVis team says. These people work very hard and I commthem for their great job! Keep it up, guys! Everybody has different needs. And
device is different. Thanks again, AppleVis.

By Manuel on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

thank you for that information. So the next beta cycle will pop up really quickly. I'm escited to see what's gonna fixed in iOS 13.1.1 or maybe 13.2.

By JeffB on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

If I didn't have a qwerty keyboard I wouldn't of been able to unlock my phone after set up. When trying to type it kept saying dot dot dot normal character or something like that. I also can not download any other voice because even though I have 15 gigs free it says no disk space. Daniel read most things with dot dot dot before it. I'm going to have to try and down grade back to 12. I can't believe they broke Daniel.

By Manuel on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I have an iPhone 7 Plus with the Taptic engine but I can't use Haptic feedback. On Settings > accessibility > VO > audio is nothing like "sounds and haptic", just "sounds"...

By Justin on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Hi, I think the haptics are for iPhone 8 and newer. Also, has anyone noticed that everything has a $$ after it now? Also, how do you change the punctuation that is spoken, when tapping on say the dollar sign it says ignore, but I want to change that. How do you do that? Do ya have to create a new group, or can I modify say "some" I haven't seen how yet, maybe Thomas did something, but I don't remember.

By Manuel on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Oh, I thought that all iPhones gonna be supported. I think it's an iOS 13.1 feature.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

When I finished installing iOS 13, siri voice female came up and when I selected Tom, and play the sample did not play. I had to restart iPhone for Tom work.

By Kelly Ford on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I'm not sure if this issue is with the app or VoiceOver but I've noticed that text is no longer read properly in some apps. The one I've noticed this most frequently is the Good Reads app. If you search for a book and then try and move through the search results, Voice is silent or sometimes will say possible text and the book title.

By Mitchell on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

So I would report this bug now, but I worry that I may be giving a false alarm. On an iPhone 7, when I try and create a new folder on my iPhone, I can move around the screen, but I am unable to actually name or create a folder.

By mendi on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

It's exactly what you think... in spite of saying I wouldn't update, I did it anyway. I first started with a work device, but I started really liking haptic feedback and less noise. So when I got home, I updated the personal phone too. So far, so good. When I reread the bug list I realized... while I do use a braille display sometimes, it's usually for things like tweets and not lengthy messages. And since onscreen braille seemed unaffected, I went for it. So far, I'm not sorry. That said, I do still very much appreciate the effort put into making sure everyone knew the possibilities before making a decision.

By Wizier on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Hello Everyone:

I just updated to IOS 13.0. I took the plunge for two reasons. First, like it was mentioned here prior I want to report any bugs to Apple so they could be fixed. The second reason was that I use a Focus 40 Blue Braille display, and in IOS 12.X I had so many issues with my Perkins style keyboard. I found that it did not type correctly (meaning that my key presses did not take). I Contacted both Apple and Freedom Scientific regarding the matter. They explained that it would be fixed in this release. I do have to say that they did. However, as a slight annoyance I find that Bard Mobile from NLS now has an issue. It seems to tell me each number line. For example it reads: 12/25. I have gone through the settings for Bard, but I can't find anything. Does anyone else experience this? I am planning to contact Apple regarding this matter. I am wondering if I should contact NLS as well. I did not have this problem at all before I updated.

Hope this helps.


By Hmc on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Having an issue where you have some sounds enabled but you've disabled the double tap "item activated" sound? Still get that sound with actions (swiping up or down on a message etc and double tapping)? Well:

Go back to sounds & haptics under VO settings > audio, and disabled "auto complete suggestion selected," and you will no longer get the sound.
I have no idea why that is labeled like it is, but whatever. It works.

Keep filing those bugs and actually testing stuff, because I hope Catalina turns out better than the last few versions of MacOS. VO on the mac is a wounded animal that needs some TLC to be relevant today. JMO.
Have a good one.

By Siobhan on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Hi all. I probably should've put this here and not in its' own topic. I wasn't thinking. So I've been getting a few tweets and texts. the notifications come in at a hair raising volume then are quieter. It's almost like that first second, someone turned up the tv all the way then it went down again. This behavior doesn't have much consistency which is kind of frustrating. I am using an iPhone 8+ and I like it. I also really like the haptick engine being so much more useful. Oh, one comment on them staggering the release of the iPhone and stuff. I think because they have so many devices, they didn't want to have their servers clogged up with someone who has watch, Mac, phone, pad, and even tv. Wow, that's a lot of things. Sheesh! :)

By Godwin adoyi Agada on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

After updating to iOS 13, dollars is mension everywhere. What is the remedy?

By Siobhan on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Ok so I guess someone posted to my other post, that the loud sounds were a bug. I swear I didn't see it when I read the report. No matter.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I notice that with VC (also known as voice control) when I was in setting VC was activating. Is there a way to stop VC from giving you suggestions?

By Nikola Jovic on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I suppose you mean hints? You can disable those in voice control settings.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Where in voice control setting? I did not see it or I miss it.

By AliceP104 on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Thank you AppleVis for your informative blog post about the bugs! I'm grateful for this and considering the number of bugs (especially in the Mail app), I am going to wait until the release of iOS 13.1, providing a significant number of these bugs have been resolved. I decided to wait because iOS 13.1 is being released so soon after iOS 13.0 so really it's only for a few days that I'm not giving myself access to the new features! I am normally excited to update iOS straight away, but on this occasion I am happy to wait. AppleVis always is a great go-to resource when major updates come out!

By Justin on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

Hi Godwin,
i've noticed this also. I'm running iOS 13 on an iPhone X, and ever since the update finished yesterday, I've been getting Dollar dollar after everything. It's a VO issue, not related to what's on screen. I haven't found a fix yet. Hopefully this'll be resolved by next week!

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I am using X S and do not have this problem so far.

By Tina on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

It sounds like many people are having issues based on their phone, but from my chair here, it's hard to tell.

I'm glad I held out, even though it means I'll miss the new features for a while. However, I must give credit to Apple for all their work. Their engineers are working overtime to try and resolve these bugs so I'm really glad I waited. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather wait and have a working phone than update and freak out. I'd rather watch as things unfold than go into panic mode.

I also again must give the AppleVis team credit for the bug report. I did some investigating online and noticed that Wired sited the post. That tells me something. If the mainstream press is encouraging people to wait it out, it's a confirmation of my own strategy. Face it, when you hear the Department of Defense tell its staff to hold out, that tells us something.

As I've said before, this reminds me of iOS 8, which caused many people to deal with crashing apps or an unstable OS. My friend had this problem with one of her phones, and she had to deal with it. When 8.3 was out, most of the issues had been resolved.

I think when an OS update is major like this, it's more of a risk to update. Last year, at iOS 12, the focus was on stability. I believe that's likely to happen with iOS 14 next year. But for the moment, if you're waiting it out, keep waiting it out. Personally, I'll check back on Tuesday to see if any of these bugs have been resolved. I encourage all of you to do the same. Thanks.

By Justin on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

It could be a lot worse, it's not perfect but it works fine minus the dollar signs that aroniously appear with VO. other than that little thing, it works fine. We'll see come next tuesday.

By Matt on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I updated with my iPhone 8+. Only issue I had was the phone was very laggy right after the update, then it seemed to work itself out.

By Stoo on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46

I've noticed that when in the native Mail app after opening a received email using the rota to navigate by links doesn't work as per IOS12.

I used to select "links" from the rota and continuously flick down to skip through the collection of links in an email.

Now it moves to the first link, but a further swipe activates the "actions" option, instead of continuing to skip to the next link in the email.

By Yvonnezed on Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 07:46


I'm sure it's not much comfort, but by all accounts if this release is buggy, we're not alone. In other words, there's plenty of sighted people complaining right now too.

The impression I get is that this release updated a lot of back end framework code for some of the new features, hence, the bugs. It's the blessing and the curse of voiceover being so deeply a part of the operating system, I think.