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Scenario: In the inbox of the Mail app with a large number of unread emails.
Swipe right to navigate through this list of emails one by one.
As you do so, use the VoiceOver rotor to delete, mark as read, or move these emails.
After completing that action, expected behaviour is for VoiceOver focus to land on the next email in the list.
However, when this issue occurs, VoiceOver focus instead jumps to a position further towards the top of the list.

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On occasion, you may find that VoiceOver focus will jump to the first UI element on the screen soon after you go to that screen, but after you have placed VoiceOver focus on another UI element.

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You will find on occasions that VoiceOver focus will spontaneously jump to another UI element.

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When opening a message in the Mail app, VoiceOver focus is no longer automatically placed in the body of the message. To find the body of the message, the user must either swipe or explore by touch. It is our understanding that this change is not by design, and that we should expect to see this revert back to the previous behavior in a future iOS release.

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In the details screen of group message conversations, the screen does not auto-scroll with VoiceOver focus as one swipes through the page. In particular, this issue presents itself when trying to enable the "Do Not Disturb" feature; as the "Do Not Disturb" button is not displayed onscreen even though VoiceOver indicates its availability, it becomes necessary to perform a three-finger flick upward to bring the button into focus on the screen before activating it.

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When first opening the App Switcher you can move through all of the listed contacts by flicking left/right. However, after double-tapping on a contact to reveal the available contact options, flicking will no longer move VoiceOver focus through all of the contacts.

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In the Mail app, when you have a draft minimized, VoiceOver's focus is affected. Elements are out of order as you flick left or right, you suddenly get stuck and cannot move past an element, or you get into loops where VoiceOver keeps moving between a few elements as you flick left or right, and never moves beyond those few.

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When using an app, you may on occasions find that VoiceOver focus will spontaneously ā€˜jumpā€™ to the first element on the screen.

This behavior has been reported as most common in Safari and the native News app, but has been encountered in many other apps.

As far as we can determine, there appears to be no pattern to this behavior or a reliable means of reproducing it.

It also appears that users encounter this behavior at varying levels. For some, it is very occasional, for others it makes using some apps an extremely frustrating experience.

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When swiping through elements in the main area of the screen, you will find that VoiceOver focus will occasionally jump to the Status Bar.

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When using VoiceOver and navigating to the Browse tab in the native Files app, a location listed may incorrectly be announced as a "switch button." For example, focusing on the "iCloud Drive" location results in VoiceOver reading "iCloud Drive, switch button, double tap to toggle setting." This occurs for most locations listed on the Browse tab.

When performing a double tap on a location, it will behave as a normal ā€œbuttonā€, in that it opens that location for browsing.

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When editing Safari bookmarks, the bookmark names and reorder icon label are incorrectly announced with "remove" prepended.

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Select and play a video in the Photos app.
Place VoiceOver focus on the "Video playback control".
VoiceOver announces the current state as "Paused", although the video is playing.

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When you are playing music in the Music app, and you open the mini player to full screen, or the Now Playing screen if you wish to call it that, VoiceOver is speaking the Pause button as Play button.

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Enable VoiceOver and select the Alex US English voice.
Invoke Siri by pressing and holding the side button or home button, or with the Hey Siri command.
You will hear the Siri chime, but before you can speak your command, VoiceOver will say "Possible text, followed by the time".
This does not happen 100% of the time, but most of the time.
Only observed when using the Alex VoiceOver voice, but of course it is possible that there are other affected voices.

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In Find My, after selecting the ā€œDevicesā€ tab and double-tapping a device, there is sometimes a delay between touching or swiping the screen and VoiceOver speaking the name of the focused element.

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In iOS 14, VoiceOver may 'lag' or feel less responsive than it was in iOS 13. The presentation of this behavior is somewhat inconsistent, and we suspect that the severity of the issue is partly dependent upon the age of the device and is also somewhat subjective. Our experience is that adding a secondary language to the rotor, even if it is the same language and voice as you are using, and then switching to that secondary language improves VoiceOver's responsiveness.

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On occasion, VoiceOver becomes unresponsive after ending a call in both the Phone and Facetime apps; this issue sometimes necessitates that the user must perform a force restart to restart the device.

On occasion it may be possible to return the device to a responsive state by using the Accessibility Shortcut to turn VoiceOver off and back on again. Note that this may take 2-3 attempts.

The presentation of this behavior is inconsistent; some members of our team report experiencing this issue several times per day, while others have not experienced it at all.

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VoiceOver may not always automatically announce the time when you press the Power button to wake your device.

This problem has been seen in previous versions of iOS, appeared to have been fixed, but has returned once more in 9.1.

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When opening the Control Center, VoiceOver does not tell the user that Control Center is opened with a spoken announcement; this is in contrast to other system areas such as the Notification Center, where VoiceOver provides feedback once the gesture is performed. When the Control Center gesture is performed, there is no spoken feedback, and VoiceOver focus is usually (but not always) placed on the first item in Control Center.

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VoiceOver is not consistent or reliable in announcing the badges that are displayed on Home Screen icons to alert you of new items (for example, unread email messages).

This behavior has been noticed in particular with the Mail and Messages apps, but also on numerous other apps.

On occasions, a hard restart of your device may temporarily resolve this problem.

This behavior appears to not affect all users, and can vary between users in regard to which app icons will be affected.