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1. Open something which has multiple text fields, such as the Mail compose new message screen.
2. After writing something and then moving around the screen with QuickNav on, press either a Cursor Routing button on a braille display or the up and down arrows to select the next desired text field.
3. When you do, regardless of Verbocity settings, VoiceOver only plays the sound to indicate that QuickNav has been turned off. There is never speech or braille feedback given in this set of circumstances.

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When using the VoiceOver rotor to arrange widgets on the Today View, you will find that on occasions the ‘Drop Before’ option will wrongly create a widget stack instead of placing the widget in the desired location.

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When running a Shortcut that prompts the user to select from a menu, VoiceOver users are unable to dismiss the menu with a gesture.

When not using VoiceOver, you can simply tap on the screen somewhere away from the menu to dismiss it.

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When selecting shortcuts in a folder in the Shortcuts app, VoiceOver does not speak the selection status of shortcuts.

Specifically, when you have activated Edit mode and chosen “Select Shortcuts” from the context menu, VoiceOver will not announce when a shortcut has already been selected when you place focus on to it.

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After selecting the split screen option in the multi-tasking menu, you are returned to your Home Screen to select the app you want to share the screen with. Some apps are not supported, and if selected will simply open in full screen, but VoiceOver gives no indication of which apps are and are not supported.

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When VoiceOver focus is placed on a notification on either the Lock screen or Notification Center, VoiceOver will typically speak most of the notification twice.

For instance, this is how a notification might appear visually:

SKY NEWS, 5 minutes ago
Sky News, Man bites dog, 2:42 pm

However, in the above example, what VoiceOver actually speaks is:

SKY NEWS, 5 minutes ago
Sky News, Man bites dog, 2:42 pm
Sky News, Man bites dog

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When starting a new conversation in the Messages app with VoiceOVer enabled and using Braille Screen Input, VoiceOver does not speak words deleted if you are using the two-finger flick left to delete by word. This behavior only occurs when starting a new conversation (it *does not* occur when typing a message in an existing thread) and it only occurs when using the two-finger swipe left to delete by word. Using the one-finger swipe left to delete by character speaks as expected.

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The description is provided in the title. This is happening on at least the Focus Fifth generation displays, Orbit Reader 40 and Braille BIX series.

This AppleVis forum topic contains information on people's experiences of this bug: Major panning problem on my Braille display after iOS 16.5

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  1. Ensure that VoiceOver is enabled.
  2. Ensure that the Screen Recording control is enabled in Settings>>Control Centre>Customize Controls.
  3. Ensure that audio out put is set to your device speaker.
  4. Activate the Control Centre and locate the Screen Recording icon.
  5. 3D press or double-tap and hold on this icon until the Screen Recording options panel appears.
  6. Ensure that the option to capture audio from the mic is enabled.
  7. Double tap on the button to start recording.

At this point, the screen recording will begin and

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When the Safari toolbar is collapsed to the bottom of the screen, VoiceOver finds UI elements which are not visually present and consequently do not behave as expected.

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In iOS 10.2, there is a significant delay between when something is typed using a braille display, and when VoiceOver puts that text on the screen. The grade of braille input does not change this delay, and it has been duplicated using both the UEB and US English translation tables. This also appears to impact all braille display models. A Focus, Braille Edge, Refreshabraille and Smart Beetle were all tested.

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The above behavior has been present since iOS 11, and has been duplicated by several users with different configurations of iOS. It has manifested itself from text not being translated when the flash message comes up through iOS 12.1, to its current state as described.

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A hold out from 12, this bug, at least, does have a workaround.

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The title says it all. Very occasionally, this would happen under iOS 11, but it is more consistent in iOS 12.

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When using a braille display, after modifying the layout of the Home screen (such as adding or deleting an app), pressing space with dots 4-5-6 no longer functions.

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Since this behavior does not happen each time a VoiceOver Announcement/flash message appears, it's a tough bug to solve. I've had notifications from the same app freeze the braille display and phone in one instance and not the other. It also seems to happen to some people far more than others.

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As well as pressing and holding Command, or Pressing Globe + M to bring up the keyboard commands window, pressing Globe + Control + option does so too. Pressing these keys combined with the left and right arrow keys should take VoiceOver to the first or last item, and so the two commands are in conflict.

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On occasion, when navigating the device while wearing AirPods, the volume of VoiceOver speech will fluctuate, taking a sudden dip for several seconds, then coming back to where it was.

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When using drag and drop to rearrange the position of a shortcut in the Shortcuts app, VoiceOver does not provide meaningful feedback whilst dragging regarding where the shortcut will be placed when dropped.

Specifically, when in a folder of shortcuts and dragging a shortcut to a different position, as the shortcut is dragged VoiceOver announces feedback of its current position in the form of “Before Null” and “After Null”, where “Null’ should be the name of a shortcut.

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When Live Captions are active, and someone is speaking, the first part of the text will come through and be readable. However, when further text arrives, the braille user is returned to the start of the line and must pan through content to get back to where they were. Tis is only being marked as "moderate" as Live Captions is still in beta.