Envision AI


Description of App

Envision is the fastest, most reliable and award-winning OCR app that speaks out the visual world, helping blind and visually impaired users to lead more independent lives.

Envision is developed for and together with the visually impaired community. The app is simple, gets things done and brings the best assistive experience to blind and low vision users.

Simply use your phone camera to scan any piece of text, your surroundings, objects, people or products and everything will be read out to you thanks to Envision’s smart artificial intelligence (AI) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR).


What Envision users say about the app:

“Easy going text recognition. Text recognition is outstanding. Good for independence. Ease of use is immaculate” - Noahis from Australia

“Amazing. I love it. I'm blind and I love how easy it is to use. Amazing job!!!!” - Matt from Canada


With full talkback support, Envision enables you to:

Read all kinds of text:

• Instantly read any piece of text in over 60 different languages.

• Easily scan your paper documents (single or multiple pages) with the help of audio-guided edge detection. All content is spoken back to you and is ready for export and edit.

• Import PDFs and images to get a description of the image and recognition of all the text within it.

• Quickly read handwritten postcards, letters, lists and other paperwork.

Know what's around you:

• Effortlessly describe visual scenes around you.

• Detect colour on your clothes, walls, books, you name it.

• Swiftly scan barcodes to get extensive information about the products.

Find what you're looking for:

• Find people around you; the names of your family and friends are spoken out whenever they are in the frame.

• Find objects around you; selecting common objects from the in-app list to find them.


• Share images or documents from your phone or other apps like Twitter or WhatsApp by selecting Envision from the share sheet. Envision can then read and describe those images for you.


Feedback, questions or feature requests?

We welcome everyone to provide their feedback about the Envision app, as we’re constantly improving.

Please email us at [email protected].

Please read our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy: https://www.LetsEnvision.com/terms

If you're still reading all the way down here, we'd like to thank you for your diligence, attention to detail and general commitment to finishing something that you started. Just like all the team working at Envision!



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This is very accessible and easy to use.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

This is a great alternative to the Seeing AI: Talking Camera for the Blind and Aipoly Vision: Sight for Blind & Visually Impaired. Envision AI is available in many countries where the
Seeing AI: Talking Camera for the Blind is not. The biggest feature that Envision AI must feature is the ability to teach Envision AI to recognize objects and faces. Very similar to the LookTel Recognizer. This feature is not in the
Seeing AI: Talking Camera for the Blind or any other similar object recognition apps making this one of my most favorite feature in the Envision AI.

The developers have been great in listening to all the feedback and how the app could be improved. Each update is making this more and more mature and great to use.

Developer's Twitter Username



13 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Krister Ekstrom 10 months 2 weeks ago



By Sabrina on Saturday, November 25, 2017 - 21:41

I hope it will not be a paid subscription because I cannot use gift cards for that. It would be better with credits because then more people would be able to get the app so I really hope there will be no paid subscription. I have no problem with buying credits but I cannot subscribe with a gift card and I cannot connect my iPad to a credit card.

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Saturday, November 25, 2017 - 21:41

I'm getting this app! I have Seeing AI., but I'll try this app!

I do not recommend AIPoly Vision, because I have tried it a couple times. Every time I opened the app, it crashed immediately!

By Sabrina on Saturday, November 25, 2017 - 21:41

How many languages can this app actually read?

By Karthik Mahadevan on Saturday, November 25, 2017 - 21:41

In reply to by Sabrina

Hey Sabrina,

Envision can read all European languages along with Hindi, Japanese, Chinese(Mandarin) and Korean. We're working on adding support to more languages as we continue to grow.

Please do let us know if you have any more questions. Happy to help.


By Karthik Mahadevan on Saturday, November 25, 2017 - 21:41

In reply to by Sabrina

Hey Sabrina,

We're working on the exact pricing model for the app as we speak. A paid subscription would allow us to continuously improve the software week on week and also wouldn't restrict our users usage of the product. But we'll definitely experiment with options and see how best to serve the community going forward.

We'll keep you posted about any changes. In meantime, please do continue giving us any feedback you might have about the product, we'll be more than happy to help.


By Karthik Mahadevan on Monday, December 25, 2017 - 21:41

Hey everyone,

v0.1.4 just got approved by Apple and is now available across all app stores. This release fixes some important live text mode bugs. Please try it out and let us know your thoughts on this.


By Malcolm13 on Monday, December 25, 2017 - 21:41

I for one would have no problem with taking out a subscription for this app. For one thing this app was made available worldwide we in the UK did not have to wait for it to be available to us months later. The developers have clearly demonstrated their willingness to listen to us the users and work with and for us to perfect the app. Remember to that TapTap See has not always been free. I would encourage people to support this app as it feel it has a lot of potential. Competition is a good thing and if we do not support smaller developments then we will just be left with one or more players who do not always listen to us and when they have a monopoly who knows for how long their apps will remain free. Keep up the good work I say, you have my support at least.

By Adam Samec on Monday, December 25, 2017 - 21:41


I would like to report some problems. I cannot find the way to delete previously trained objects or faces. In the library I can only find trained faces but even those I cannot delete. Could you please provide me with some help? Thanks.


By Sabrina on Monday, December 25, 2017 - 21:41

If this will be a subscription, I think I will go for Seeing AI because I don’t have the possibility to use a credit card to my apple id because my guardian doesn’t want this. So I cannot subscribe to things like this. That is why credits would be better than subscription. It doesn’t make sence that everyone will be able to use it because there are lots of people in the same situation as me and cannot use subscriptions. I understand that the developers need to fund the app but subscription is NOT the answer at all. I’m sorry, but I will stick to seeing ai.

By Karthik Mahadevan on Sunday, March 25, 2018 - 21:41

Hello AppleVis,

Hope all of you are doing fine? This is Karthik, the developer of Envision. We know we haven't been posting on AppleVis for a while. This is mostly because we had moved our discussions to smaller groups of beta testers where we could engage more deeply to understand what and how to build features within our service. Since then, we have been posting a new update to our app every single week consistently with features and improvements that have improved the quality of our service. Although we have been posting about our updates on Twitter and Facebook constantly, we thought it would be great to return to AppleVis to talk about all the new things we have been able to build since our early interactions. There is a lot, but I will limit myself to highlighting only a few major ones here:

1. We have a new interface now which has been designed to be more intuitive and easy to use. There are three tabs to start off with: Text Recognition, General Recognition and Settings. All the functions that you need can be found in these three tabs easily.

2. The Text Recognition Tab now has three distinct options that allow you to "Read text instantly", "Read Handwriting" and "Read Documents". Our instant text reading option is now very enhanced and can read texts from any kind of surface, in all languages, both quickly and accurately.

3. The handwriting text is still experimental and currently only reads English (and other Latin-based languages). It works surprisingly well on post-it notes and greeting cards.

4. With our new document text option, users now have built-in guidance to position their phones. Also, by long pressing on this button, users have the option to take pictures of multiple pages at once and have them read out. There are also options to export and share this text. Our document text recognition is measurably the best OCR currently available.

5. The text recognition tab also has a digital magnifier that allows low-vision users to zoom in on texts to magnify them. There is also an option to invert colours to achieve higher contrast.

6. The General Recognition Tab currently has only two buttons, to "Describe Scene" and "Teach Envision". The "Describe Scene" however has many recognition elements built into it. For example, it does both face and object recognition within it for the faces and object that you have taught Envision. So it would not just recognize a face of a person, but also tell you what they are doing. It also recognizes objects that you have trained, like your personal keychain or coffee mug.

7. Lastly, it can also give you contextual information, that is, if you take picture of a watch it tells the current time and taking pictures of the window, tells the current weather.

9. The flow and experience of teaching a new object have also been improved with a new library management system in place.

10. Apart from these, we are planning to add several new options to the General Recognition Tab. So far, our focus was on improving the quality and experience of the Text Recognition tab. Now that we have fairly achieved that, we are focusing on adding to the General Recognition, which you will be able to try really soon.

11. There are several improvement and performance improvements that you will see sprinkled throughout the service when you use it. We have also gone more global by adding translations for 8 more languages and many more to come.

12. Lastly, the app also had to move to a subscription model to support the development, processing and maintenance of this service. We believe we have made the options as friendly and affordable as possible. We do provide a 14-day of completely free and no-strings-attached trial period during which you can try all the features of Envision and decide for yourself if it's worth the subscription. There is also a one-time cost for those who prefer that.

That covers most of it. I would really appreciate it if you could give it a shot and let me know your thoughts on it. We are very excited for all the new features that we are currently developing and we ensure that we share our updates with AppleVis from now on. Looking forward to hearing from you.


P.S. If any of you have already expired your 14-day free trial, please message here or mail me at [email protected] and we will extend your trial period by another 14-days.

By CalmWaters73 on Tuesday, December 25, 2018 - 21:41

Not only is the app all that's been said about it and more, but the customer service is second to none!

By Karthik Mahadevan on Sunday, August 25, 2019 - 21:41

Hi AppleVis,

This is Karthik from Envision. Thank you for being a community that has been supportive of our efforts and being a solid source of encouragement when we were starting out a little over a year ago. Hence, I am thrilled to bring to pieces of information to you today:

1. We just kickstarted our super summer sale today which means we are slashing prices across all our plans. The monthly and annual prices are now down by 50% and the Lifetime plan is down by 75% (actually 78.5% to be more precise). This is mainly done to reflect some of the new cloud credits we have been offered and also to validate certain aspects of our pricing strategy in the long term.

2. We know that many of you who were early adopters of the app probably already exhausted your 14-day free trial. Hence, if you are curious to see how the app has since evolved and what features have been added/improved, we have provided an extended 14-day free trial to all our existing users. So you can really see our latest version of the app before deciding if you would like to dip into the summer sale or not.

I'll be checking in and replying to comments all day today, so please feel free to ask for any clarifications or provide any feedback that you may have.

Thanks and regards,
Karthik from Envision

By Wahid Raza on Wednesday, December 25, 2019 - 21:41

In India what would be cost for full life time purchase? After discount
And does it also available for android version?
All new features and discounted prices, because i dint see on android version.

By Rafal on Wednesday, December 25, 2019 - 21:41

When you download Envision AI, before using the app you create your own account that identifies you so I assume if you purchase a particular plan it doesn't matter whether you use Android or iOS. I have been very hessitant toward the app but I decided to purchase the lifetime subscription during August Summersale and this is one of the apps I use the most. Good job guys, thank you app developers.

By Karthik Mahadevan on Wednesday, December 25, 2019 - 21:41

Hi Wahid, this is Karthik from Envision. The prices for India ar 69 rupees for a monthly subscription, 690 rupees for an annual subscription and 5990 rupees for a Lifetime Subscription. We are currently having an introductory sale on the monthly and annual subscription where you pay less than 30% for the first period of the subscription. You will find this information within the app when you go to the Help Tab and tap on "Check Subscription".

Envision is available on iOS and Android. Currently, it is only possible to use a Lifetime Subscription between iOS and Android. The monthly and annual subscriptions are tied to the platform you purchase on.

I hope that helps. If you have any more questions you can email us at [email protected] or also WhatsApp us through this link: https://wa.me/31626039771


By Remy on Wednesday, December 25, 2019 - 21:41

Hi Karthik,

This might be a little off-topic, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway. Envision is fantastic. I have about eight or so apps on my phone for scanning text, and this is the one I come back to the most, at least for incidental, one-page documents. I was thinking of the "envision" feature in IOS and was wondering if there was any way something like it could be incorporated into NVDA for Windows's "recognize text" feature. Currently this uses Windows 10 OCR. WHile that's pretty good, there are times where it doesn't recognize irregular fonts, or of course, cursive handwriting. Since Envision has handwriting functionality, it might be an interesting addition. For that matter, does the MAC even HAVE something akin to the recognize text feature of NVDA? For applications where screen reading aren't possible, I think that would be a real big help. Not sure if it's even possible, but you never know.

By Troy on Thursday, June 25, 2020 - 21:41

For the barcode reader I would like to see a sound added like seeing AI does to tell you that you are close to the barcode, otherwise I am moving my camera all over the place trying to find it. As far as text detection goes, other apps don't even touch how this does. I was able to read my thermostat really easily.

By KE7ZUM on Thursday, June 25, 2020 - 21:41

That would be nice actually. Knowing where the codes are on packages though is a big help. They are mostly I believe on the bottom of items, assuming you don't have the items upside down in your hand.

By Troy on Thursday, June 25, 2020 - 21:41

Thanks for that info about where to look for them, was a big help.

By Karthik Mahadevan on Thursday, June 25, 2020 - 21:41

Hi Troy, thanks for your feedback. The Envision app does give a beeping sound when a barcode is detected and the frequency of that increases when more of it is in the frame and decreases when less of it is in the frame. This could help you to rotate the product in the direction where the beeps are increasing in frequency.

That said, it does not function as effectively as it should be, especially on products with the slightly more obscure or smaller barcode. There is an update coming to the barcode scanner that will improve this significantly. In addition, it will also provide an option for users to add new products to our barcode database. We will keep you posted when that update is out.

Thank you for your support!

By KE8UPE on Thursday, November 25, 2021 - 21:41


I’m considering trying your app, based on the feedback here, as well as my recent experience with a similar app.
I have 2 questions:
1. Is the update out, that lets users add their own items to the database?
2. Is it possible to backup the database? If so, how?

By Ekaj on Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 21:41

Hello. Well, I was going to try and wait until upgrading to another iPhone to get this app but...I guess that was never to be. I decided to remove some stuff from my current iPhone and grab myself a copy of this app. I only checked it out briefly thus far, but am finding it to be very good. It seems to have a similar look and feel to SuperSense, but that's okay. Like I previously mentioned, I'm going to have this app on my newer phone whenever that comes to fruition. Great job Envision folks, and thank you for the helpful demonstration of your glasses a couple weeks ago. Additionally, thank you for making Envision AI free for everyone.

By Brad on Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 21:41

When I read this I yelled, "yes!" outloud :)

If you can do this, I'll probably end up using this over seeing AI, it's amazing but you can't add barcodes to their databass.
I can't wait to use that feature, it will help so many people around the world.

Is your plan to collect the barcodes, find out what they are and update them in an update or how will that work?

By John W. Hess on Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 21:41

Good day. I am noticing that once Envision starts reading there doesn't seem to be a way to stop it. Wht am I missing? Thanks.

By Vijay kumar on Sunday, December 25, 2022 - 21:41

Envision is really useful app all the features are great but instant text is really good it help read greetingcards and layout detection is also a good feature

By Ekaj on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 - 21:41

Hello. I'm back to let everybody know that just a bit ago when I had a little bit of me time, I re-installed this app. I thought since I'm now in the new apartment, I'd try it out again. People told me the lighting down here is somewhat better, and they're correct. I attempted to identify some things around this apartment using the app, and had slightly better results. It's certainly true that practice makes perfect, and is good for the soul. I love Envision AI, and am keeping it this time even when I upgrade. The only problem I had today was that I tried to enter into the textfield an object to recognize. I couldn't figure out how to submit it and continue, but perhaps this is just a bugaboo that needs to be squashed?