BitLife - Life Simulator


Description of App

How will you live your BitLife?

Will you try to make all the right choices in an attempt to become a model citizen sometime before you die? You could marry the man/woman of your dreams, have kids, and pick up a good job along the way.

Or will you make choices that horrify your parents? You could descend into a life of crime, start prison riots, smuggle duffle bags, and cheat on your spouse.

It's all up to you...



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By Sabrina on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Good luck appealing your case. I hope it works.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Sabrina you had a lucky life. If you go in the crime option tap on murder things would appear randomly. You may not get the one you want at the first try but you will get it a second or third time. If you attack someone the worse thing that could happen is they will launch an investigation and you may get fired from your job. X2, my life went to hell really fast and I didn't even make it to age 30. First I was so stupid to buy a castle at the age of 18 and I will tell you why just now. After doing community colledge I applied for the server job and stupid me again I tapped on the wrong thing by accident and didn't get it. There was only 1 server job available. I settled for the cashier job and one of my co worker poured a whole bottle of fer-breeze down my work station. I spelt it wrong but you know what I meant. I reported her to my supervisor and she told me to get back to work. I got mad and gave my co worker an elephant laxative. She died and I didn't get caught. In the same year I poisoned my supervisor by pouring antifreeze in her drink. She died and I got caught instantly. Now back to why I shouldn't have bought the castle, well, the lawyer was so dam expensive I couldn't even save my self then and same for the appeal. I got the ebola virus in prison and for 3 years they didn't want to take me to the infirmry and I didn't do anything bad in prison so didn't know why and I just aged up a few and died. No one attended my funeral. I got a skate board and I got it sold. I made another life now in my favourite country Canada. Will be bad all round.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Sabrina, wow you got lucky. I would've gotten sent to prison on my first try lol. Every time i'd attacked a coworker, i would get in trouble and get fired with no hesitation. If you are working at a job , you can kill your coworkers and even your supervisor. But you have to be working there in order to do this. Also, if you prank them, they'll snitch you out. Even if they started it. Thanks for the luck. I won my appeal! But i died at the age of 80. A year after my death date lol.
Ornella, your coworker was trying to make your work area smell nice lol. Just teasing. I would've gone after that coworker. Probably would've killed them. O wait, i'm dumb. yOu just said that you killed them. Lol. So since you poisoned your supervisor, that means when ever you choose to poison a person, you put anti freeze in there drink. Now, i don't know if the same drink for everyone. When i did it to my husband, i put it in his ice tea. O yeah, i forgot you made 2 mill as a 6 year old. I was wondering how you got a castle out of high school. When i was in prison, i complemented an inmate and she attacked me with a dagger. My health went down to 0, so i asked the guards nicely to take me to the infirmary and they did. The second time i complemented the same inmate and again, she attacked me with a pen. So i asked the guards again and they refused. So i appealed that same year and thankfully i won. It's not fair that they get to attack us with objects, but we don't. I think we should have an option to attack with an object or our bare hands. Don't worry. No one came to my funeral either. Not even my one and only ungrateful daughter that i left 30 million dollars, a palace, and 2 luxury cars. I set her for life. I even tried sending her a letter while in prison and she didn't write back. I should've taken her out of my will when i had the chance. My obituary said that i was unruly but also beautiful. It also said that friends recalled the time i dropped my pants in front of a teacher lol. Now i'm going to start a new life. I might go for the chef job this life.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Lol. I don't mind that she was using that air freshener thing but she poured down the whole bottle. That could've knocked me out... I can't remember the drink but I don't think it was ice tea for me so might try it to someone again. And a correction to a way earlier post when this now came out. You could do crimes at the age of 8. I said you could start at 9 but I was wrong. I got a krystal ball so not bad. Its worth a thousand. I have good smarts and bad looks. The problem is anytime I try to be good living in Canada something bad always happens so I'm going to be a thief for a long time. I might mooch off my parents as well. May or may not try for the chef job but if I get it I might turn my life around. Unless someone makes me mad. Someone wanted to be friends with me and their craziness was 99%. Hell no. I rejected them.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Oh my god. I stole condoms from the mall and sold it. I'm wondering if it was added to the gifts list or if its only from the mall. I haven't given gifts to anyone ever since. I don't know how I managed to steal a human skull but I did. It was worth a lot of money. I tried to pick pocket someone and I had to either return the wallet or drop it and run. I returned it and he called me a bung hole. I laughed at that. My question is if anyone knows of any illegal jobs I could suggest to them to add to the job list. I can't think of anything other than drug dealing and I was thinking of online crimes like credit card fraud and scamming people for their money.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Wow 8? Bitlife is really encouraging crime at a young age. Lol jk. I'm glad we can start acting up at a young age. I forgot to make a life after my previous life. So i didn't get today's heirloom. But i didn't care, it was a fountain pen. If it was something expensive, then i would've probably been mad. Lol just because someone is crazy doesn't mean that they won't be a bad friend. They just might be a little out of control. Its ok to get crazy once in a while. That reminds me, in my previous life, you know how i said that i went to college in my 60s? Well, i became friends with a guy and i tapped, party with him, and it said that i attended a sex orgy party lol. MY enjoyment was pretty low. But his was high. Actually, its a good thing you said no to an insane person lol. Wait what? You stole condoms from the mall? Well, at least you were thinking about safe sex at a young age lol jk. How much did you get for them? And why would a pawn shop take condoms. Like i get that they're new and stuff, but still. I didn't know that stores sold skulls. I might just have to buy one next time. Lol. I have a friend that her parents have a real human skull. I think its really cool. They got it a long time ago. For illegal jobs, fake telemarketers. Like the ones that call you pretending to be a credit card company and saying that your interest rate will increase if you don't call back or something. I don't know if you ever gotten those calls before. Or they call pretending to be microsoft customer support. I love messing with them over the phone. I've even gotten a call that i have a warrant for my arrest and that if i didn't call back, they were going to send the cops to take me in to custody. Lol. Also, i think it would be cool if we can make a living off killing people. Like becoming a hitman. That would be a good one. Drug dealing. Definitely. Same with credit card fraud. Thats all that i can think at the moment.
So i started a new life. I was born a female in paris. I'm going to try to get the chef job this life. I went to juvie for a year for attacking a bully. I hate my friend. She's so negative. I went to her house for a barbecue and her enjoyment was at 11. Mine was at 80. Another time, we had a tea party and her enjoyment was at 13. I even sent her letters from juvie. 3 to be exact. And she never responded to me. She's the one who wanted to be friends in the first place, not me. I even stole a laptop and pawned it so that i can get money to buy her a gift. And excuse my french, pun intended, but the bitch don't deserve nothing. So she can go ruin someone else's life lol. Has bitlife announced what the next update is going to be about? I checked there twitter but i didn't see anything. I probably missed it. Maybe you have?

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I haven't seen anything relating to what the new update will be about but some people asked for athelete jobs and about the luxury stuff. I don't think they responded to them. I tweated them today when they posted something. I said that they should add parking lot robberies. Choose a busy lot and steal items from the cars. The more expensive car better items. Online scams and drug dealing. That's all I told them so far. Oh for the life I had in Canada, I tried to kill my mom with a baseball. I think that's what it was. It said you threw a ball and tried to hit your mom on the head but she called the cops. Something along those lines. The reason why I don't like choosing crazy friends is because like when you age up, you don't do anything to them and instantly they want to make you their enemy. I can't remember how much for the snug fit condoms though. It could've been around $22. And every time we pawn stuff I wonder if they know its stolen items. Lol You made me laugh when you said you stole a laptop to buy a gift for your friend. I do those things sometimes. I always steal to make my life better and some how it ends up worse. What is the most money you've ever gotten from pick pocketing someone? The reason why I ask is when I see the names on the list I think well a doctor will have loads of cash but I've only gotten like 90 or $100 from him. Like I can't pick my target right because you don't know who is rich. I'm going to sleep just now so picking up the game to play a little. Its after midnight here so lets see what heirloom I got. An antique sextant. I got this before so not bad. By the way this life I'm doing now is in spain and its a coincidence that I am adopted in this life and the one before in spain. I will also probably try for the chef job again. Not sure.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I didn't do the train robbery but at age 11 my classmate asked me out and I shouldn't have dated him. The bad thing with that was it didn't show me his crazy stats until he proposed to me. He had 99% craziness and stupid me said yes but that's later down in life. So the same year he asked me out he wanted to get up to some mischief and I agreed. Stupid decision. The popup was agrivated twerking. You have been sentenced to 24 years for agrivated twerking on a hillbilly. I had to finish my sentence in a regular prison when I turned 18 but didn't get to serve my full sentence. One year I snitched on someone for my freedom and didn't get it. The second time they asked me a question which I can't remember exactly and I got out. Each year in prison my boyfriend would come down to have sex with me and some years he would turn it down. When I got out I did the GED and got high school qualifications. I was age 30 then. I saw the apprentice cheff job but obviously didn't get it. Worked as a dish washer and kept getting promoted and when I saw the apprentice chef job again they didn't accept me so I didn't really care. I got pregnant and married my crazy husband. 20 years later I found out he had a wife in Asia so I poured antifreeze in his ice tea and he called the cops on me so back to square 1. I divorced him while in prison and it happened the same year I retired. I'm wondering if I would still get the pension if I'm in prison. Well only my son came to my funeral. This life that I'm doing now is in the US and I have good looks and smarts. My mother is a hoe. Both my brother and I don't know who our fathers are because she was 19 when she had me and it was a random hook up both times but I might still be good.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

It would be fun if we can break in to cars and steal. Hopefully they consider it. They've been really quiet about the next update. I wonder what there working on. Lol talk about a vicious child. I don't think it was a baseball. The method is called fast balls ahead. I mean, i'm pretty sure you use a baseball since those balls are pretty dangerous lol. Speaking of baseball, when you decide to kill someone by clubbing them, they should change the weapon. Unless they already did. And what i mean about the weapon is when you choose that option, it says that you hit the person with a stick you found. A stick isn't strong enough to kill someone. Well, at least hitting them over the head, its not. I might be wrong. Maybe they did change it. I'll check in a bit. I'm pretty sure pawn stores know its stolen for the most part. I think we pawn them when the items are new. There probably not even opened when we pawn them. Lol well its true. I was 10 when i stole the laptop. And now that i think about it, where the hell was my mama at? And how did a 10 year old manage to steal a laptop? There security must suck. Lol. The most i've gotten from pick pocketing was 150, believe it or not. And i think it was a random person. I've always wondered that as well. You'd think that a doctor would carry a decent amount of cash but they don't. Maybe that makes them the smart ones lol. One time i pick pocketed a doctor and i only got $1. Then i stole from a homeless person next and he had $55. I was like what the hell. Lol omg you committed aggravated twerking? I've been wanting to do that one but didn't know how. But now i know. YOu have to act delinquently to get it. Since you said your husband was 99% crazy, did he ever steal from you? My husband did and he paid a price lol. Wait what? YOur husband was already married to another girl? I wonder if we can do that. If we can't, that just mor proof that the game has more control than the player. Thats crazy. I didn't even know that was possible. Lol you made me laugh when you said that your mom was a ho. I've had tons of those before, so i know how it feels. Wow, you finish lives fast. YOu went from canada to spain to the US. I'm still in paris. I started community college. I'm going to go for the chef job. And the heirloom you got is way better than mine. I got a burned CD of micheal jackson or something like that. And its worth $1. My 2 friends that i had growing up, are now my enemies. I prank them and spread roomers about them. And if that doesn't get them mad, then i insult them. That usually gets them going lol. Well, i'm going to finish college and hopefully get a job. I'll let you know if i get the chef job.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

My husband had more money than me so he didn't have to steal from me. He didn't. That agrivated twerking was a random popup when I chose to be delinquent with my boyfriend. The life in the US was good until I retired. I didn't go to prison but the same year I retired which was a very young age I got struck by lightening. Don't ever pray for that to happen to your character. Everything goes to 0. My health looks happiness and smarts went to 0. I never had to spend money on plastic surgery but then I did. I was working as a mail stripper. I had close to a million dollars. They said I lost my mojo so they fired me at the age of 40 something and gave me a pension of $78000. I'm in the philipeens now so not sure. I have bad looks and smarts so not sure what I will do. I never played a life there before. Got a skateboard and no one wanted it no matter what so I donated it.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

They tweated about something coming but it was kind of criptic. The only thing I could make out was something about the lottery in the heading. They posted a video but I have no help to know what it was and even some of the people who posted on there thing didn't know what the video was about and don't know what the update is. So we will have to wait a bit.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Omg you got struck by lightning? I want that to happen to me lol. In the game, of course. How did it happen? You just aged up and it happened? Or did you do something to make it happen. Wow a male stripper. Sounded like you were making good money. I haven't played today. I opened it to get an heirloom. It was. Wait what was it? Omg i haven't even opened the app and its 1108 as i'm writhing this. Lol let me open it real quick. Blahhhh! I got scissors. Just going to get rid of these. O yeah, i saw the tweet before i got on here. Based off the comments i read, its going to be a health update or something like that. One of the pictures they added is a man with some health or athletic symbols underneath him. So people are assuming its going to focus on physical appearance. Mainly health. Also, they assume that were going to get athletic jobs like pro basketball or football. Thats all i gathered from reading. Other than that, it made no sense what they were hinting at. They didn't say when they were going to release it. So we'll also see about that. I'm pretty tired, so i'm going to bed. Will play tomorrow for sure.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I'm feeling so sleepy and its like around lunchtime. Lol. Coffee didn't help. The lightening thing just happened when I aged up. You hear a thunder sound which made me almost threw my phone because wasn't expecting it. It said when going to get a manicure you have been struck by lightening and everything just went to 0. A funny thing happened to me when I was living in the Philipenes. I was working in I t support and I was helping someone troubleshoot something on the phone and I told them to close the windows and the person closed the windows in her house. The option was to laugh, laugh and not let her know or don't laugh. In real I did laugh out loud but I was being really good so I didn't laugh. I'm living in Austrailia now being really bad. It said my conception was from a twisted game of twister. I got a dumb newspaper worth $2.

By Sabrina on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

If my best friend asks me to come and try morphin, do I have the right to blame it on her? lol.
Yeah, I have bad luck but love the crime update. Looking forward to next.

By Sabrina on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I died from it. Yeah, not sure how many top hats I have had. Once again I did not get the heirloom because Mike Mayfield died after a series of crime, ddying by electric chair. Then I died and did not start a new. Today I played the girl who got a morfin overdose.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

You and me both have had bad luck and yes you could blame it on her. This goes to show that the game has more control over a real person that plays. I mean yes we could choose to make our own decisions and do bad things but why is it that the other person don't get in trouble. You know what I would like to happen is like our husband and wives and any family member should be in prison and commit crimes and we could choose if we want to visit them or divorce them and other things. I will suggest it to them some time. If my friend ask me to make mishchief and we both went and slash tyres in a parking lot she should be held responsible to. I could be wrong about this but if someone is in juvi aren't they allowed to have an appeal? I'm not sure how that works. Also I think for different crimes people are allowed more than one appeal so they should change that. When ever I hire hitmen to kill people and its successful I never get in any trouble for it. Now my life is stupid in prison. I dressed up as the joker and my weapon was a stun gun because that was the best option and my get away was a tricycle. I laughed when I saw one of the weapons were a toy gun. Those employees would've laughed at me so much. Lol.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I hope I'm not jinksing this thing but every time I use the ninger as my disguise my bank robbery is always successful. The same year I got out of prison I did a bank robbery and I got over 300k and I flee the country and migrated to Austria. I'm surprised they even let me go there because I had a criminal record. So I bought a Portia boxter and a town home. It ate up my money so I did another one and got $65000 and used that for plastic surgery. That finished and I did one more and fot over $40000 and that covered what ever debt I was in. I couldn't even travel to my parents funeral and good thing I didn't waste my time because I didn't get one red cent from them. I'm working as a telemarketer.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Finally I am now working as an apprentice chef. I applied for the food runner job and after working there for 4 years I saw the apprentice chef job and I finally got it. I also got a nice heirloom which I never got before. Its the titanic arc. Its worth $500000 but I got a little over 600k for it. I am thankful for that because I'm struggling to make ends meat because my character is so fertile. I'm already 34 and have 5 kids. I don't even tap on make love. Each year when I age up it jut happens.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Ornella, I started laughing when you told the person to close the windows and they actually closed there physical windows. Lol. I would've laughed at the person. I think to have an appeal option in juvie, are parents would have to pay for the lawyers. Besides, When we go to juvie, were minors, so our parents would have to pay for everything. I agree. I wish our family, kids, partners, friends, etc, would go to prison that way we could visit them and stuff. Also, it would be funny if we were conceived in prison during a conjugal visit. And its not you. When ever i use the ninja costume, i never get caught. I'm not trying to jinx it either lol. I think its a good disguise. Wow you got tons of money, 300k is not bad at all. You got the chef job? I'm working on it. Food runner never popped up for me, I'm working as a bar tender. i might stop working there and try to get food runner or something. The titanic arc? Never heard of it. But it does sound like something expensive lol.
Sabrina, if you don't like your friend, you could've made her your enemy lol. Yeah just blame her. YOu could say she peer pressured you lol.
So i'm still living in paris. I'm a var tender. I mentioned that earlier. But i might quit lol. O i almost forgot, So i got this one pop up. It said inphedelity, while giving a standing ovation at a concert, your enemy meg's fiance, liam, tells you that this clapping is making him want to clap cheeks. Lol i started laughing. I said ok and his enjoyment was 99. Mine was like 40 or so. Then it said that we made love, afterwords, he asked me to marry him lol. O did i mention that i was also engaged as well? After i let him hit, i made love with my fiance. Talk about nasty lol. I got a good heirloom. Its a 1968 fender stratocaster, which i think is a type of guitar. its worth 8.5k. So not bad. My fiance took me out for drinks and he offered me one and i said yes and now i'm addicted to alcohol. If i go to rehab, will that affect my record? Like to get a job?

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Wow. I don't think it will affect anything with getting a new job but for the current job you have they could use that as an excuse to fire you. I think you should go get it cured in rehab and if you could afford it choose luxury rehab. That popup you got was funny. I got popups like that but not that one exactly. Your heirloom you got is a new one because I never got it before. My chef job is going good except that I got fired for a dumb reason and then I chose another job and got promoted. I am old now so I don't think I will get promoted to the highest level but will wait and see. That money helped me out lots. All my 5 kids went to university and they have good jobs and I payed for all of them.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

So after I got fired from my job as a junior chef I didn't find any other restaurants hiring so I didn't work. I had all this money so it was ok. I aged up a few years and my husband wanted a divorce. His reason was that I voted for a stupid politician. I finalized the divorce and he was determined to live. I tried everything in the options and each time he would call the cops on me and I would go free. I had to redo one of the option and then finally I got sent to prison. I even lost my appeal the second time. The first time my sentence was overturned and I went at him again but like I said he was determined to live. I still had so much money that I couldn't do anything with it. This life now I am living in Miami. I might try to get the teammate ribbon and if I don't get that job I want the fisherman job. I saw lots of promotions for that. I was conceived on a picnic blanket.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I am now going to download the update. They added marshel arts and some other type of diseases. I can't get to paste it in right now but check it out. Sounds cool.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Ornella, i’ll post it for you.
Surprise, Bitizens! Surprises are indeed the theme of this newest BitLife update. We've been working on this MIND & BODY update for several months and are super excited to finally show it off to you. Included are ALL-NEW people, designed exclusively for BitLife. To showcase these interactive new personalities, we've evolved the look and feel of the scenarios and thrown in a surprise new dimension! But, of course, there's much much more... Here's the full list of new things in this update: • All-new people • Redesigned game elements • "Surprise me" option allows the game to make tough decisions for you! • Brand new disease system with symptoms • Martial arts – rank up and learn special moves to use on your enemies! • Special diets: become a vegan or go on a tapeworm diet! • Read books to get smart fast • Go on strolls...or speed walks! • Gardening is peaceful, isn't it? • New diseases – use your imagination • Tons more text • Gobs more graphics • Blasted more bugs • Are we done? There may be more...

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

In reply to by Ornella

I know, I think I am Going to go to rehab. Stereotypic alcoholic Bartender. Wow, thats new, never heard that one before. Being sarcastic of course lol. I’m just going to quit my job and go to rehab. Hopefully, the food runner job or dish washer job pops up after I’m done with the rehab. Yeah, that was my first time getting that infidelity pop up. My fiancé is a better one in my relationship LOL. He went to school for psychology and is now working as a marriage counselor. And I am a alcoholic loser with no job. Talk about match Made in heaven. That’s good that your kids came out to be successful. Wow, a picnic blanket? Your parents must really love picnics LOL. Remember, if you’re going to go for the tea mate ribbon, study computer science and get the app developer job. You’re already in Miami, so that’s good. I can’t wait to play the new update. But I’ll probably play once I finish this life. That way I can start a new life and see what’s new as a kid. Your husband sounded like he was a slippery one. He was probably like water, slipping through your fingers. I know, not the best metaphor but U get the idea LOL.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I have to say so far I like the update and don't. My hand is literally dead from all this page turning. And to be honest the sound of the pages don't sound that good. They could've done better. Like add speed reading or something like that. I saw the dictionary with over 3000 pages. I abandoned it right away. When would I be done with reading that. Lol. My parents don't want me to do marshal arts so now that I'm 18 I probably could. I like the garden thing and the walking. The doctor they should've left it like how it was before. But that's my opinion. My hands are tired from just reading 1 book that I put the game down for a bit to rest. Not sure what's going on with the library because I tapped on it and my smarts didn't go up. I think it said that I took a walk in Miami public library. And about the page turning as well they could've added a better sound effect. Like an actual page turn.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

This is my new heirloom I got. Shield from the cruisade. I got over 300k for it so I'm a rich 18 year old. Already bought a house and car. I was reading some tweats from the bitlife feed and all I have to say is I'm glad I can't see. The way the people complaining about the graphics. They said its scarey and giving them nightmares. By now I would've thought they would've added the option to go to the dentist. I will suggest it to them some time.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

What page turning are you talking about? I haven't updated the game yet. I decided to finish my life first. But when you said page turnin, what do you mean? Lol your glad you cant see? That made me laugh out loud. I wonder why the graphics are scary? Or how are they scary? I'll read some thoughts on twitter in a bit. Wow, you got a really good heirloom. Its exactly 11 PM as i'm writhing this. So I still have another hour to go until i get an heirloom. Omg I never even thought about a dentist in this game. Like visiting one. Thats a good idea. We can see doctors, plastic surgeons, and even a psychiatrist. So why not a dentist? So i finally got the short order cook. Hopefully i get promoted to apprentice chef. How did you get it? Like what job did you start off with. And did you apply for apprentice chef? Or something else? I also got my addiction cured. I only had 21k and the luxury rehab was 51k. So i decided to rob a bank. My disguise was a police officer and my weapon was a taser, So the combination was perfect. My get away was my own car. I got 988410k. With my 21k, my balance instantly went to over 1 million. If i had gotten an extra 12k, it would've been a million dollars that i stole. I stole another bank and i got 88k. So thats good. That covered my rehab expense. I was the richest loser lol. I also bought a modern house with 4 bedrooms and bathrooms. My enemy died, she was eaten by a shark lol. It asked me if i wanted to go to her funeral. I skipped it. I think she's going to be reincarnated as my child. I got pregnant the same year she died. O shoot i forgot to call her fiance up and have another hook up lol. Even though i'm married to my first love. Now there's no point since she's dead. Lol i'm mean. Now to go get on twitter.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

When you choose your book that you want to read you need to keep tapping on read the page each and every time. If the book has to much pages or you just don't want to anymore then tap on abandon it. I did marshal arts and each lesson is $1000. The thing I'm not sure about is when the lessons are over. I just stop taking them when I feel that I'm getting no more belts. And wow. I never got so much money from a bank robbery before. The most I've gotten was like over 300k. I used that disguise as a police officer and a taiser. Sometimes you don't see your own car as the get away. I think its random. You got the short order cook. Work there for 3 years and if the apprentice chef shows up then apply for it. I don't think they will promote you to apprentice chef from there. I had to manually apply for it. Then it will take so much years and you will get a promotion to junior chef and so on.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

In reply to by Ornella

O ok i’ll have to check out the book then. I haven’t updated mine yet. I’m not done with my life. I will definitely finish today though. Oh wow, then I made a big mistake LOL. I’ve been a short order cook for over 20 years and I barely got promoted to apprentice chef. I was 54 when I got promoted. But yeah, you’re right. It does take a long time to get promoted. If I had known sooner, I would’ve probably been a full on chef. But oh well, I’ll try my next life. I’m too old to become a famous chef anyway LOL. I think the highest belt you can go is a black belt. I know a black belt is the highest in karate. But not sure for martial arts. Like I said, I haven’t updated it but I’ll let you know my thoughts once I’ve played it. Yeah, I was surprised when I saw how much I got away with. I was the richest loser at the time LOL. A police officer costume and a taser goes hand-in-hand. Well, here in the US, police officers are allowed to carry tasers. That’s why I chose it. So I read comments that people left on BitLife‘s post about the new update. And there was lots of people that didn’t like it. Well, they got mixed results. But there were more people who didn’t like it then those who did. So by reading comments, the characters look scary from age 12 and under. Also characters have new looks. Like they have new skin tones and even different eye color. So our characters can now get colored eyes, which I think is cool. I have colored eyes in real life, so I am all for it LOL. And for skin tones, I don’t really care, just give me any and I’ll be happy. Same with hair color. I think bitlife should add a date option. Well, a, go on a date, option. Like if we’re dating someone, we can go on a date and it’ll be random every time. My marriage is sort of dying and I think a date might spark a little more life into it LOL.Same with our friends. But instead of a date, it could be, just going out. And maybe that can also help increase relationship. I mean yeah, we can go to the movie theater, but that gets boring after a while. Besides, going to the movie theater is so cliché ic, that’s what I think LOL. Also, I think when you’re married and if your relationship is low, we should have an option to see a marriage counselor. Or a therapist. Or go on a couples retreat. Just to fix our relationship. Or at least try. Now to go play some more and get The update.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I also red the tweats and they got mixed reviews but I think most people don't like it. I don't think the garden thing is working for me. I'm wondering if that is only for a few years. I only tapped it once when I was 12. I'm 21 now and when I tap on garden nothing happens. I'm almost done with the marshal arts. I have 3 more types to finish and then I'm done. I just look for the shortest book to read and then that's it. This is my personal opinion but they could've added all that stuff and left it the way it was before. Example when you get sick you have to tap on all these things and decide if you have to treat it or ignore it. Before if you couldn't afford to treat something you just don't tap on the doctor tab which obviously saves more time. The dictionary has like over 3000 pages. Now who has the time to tap that amount of time to read. When you're finished with the book it sounds like our characters are having sex. I feel like the library option don't work for me no more. It says enjoyment 28%. I will just go with the flow. The crime update was the best for me so far. I can't see to well so the graphics won't affect me in any way.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

In reply to by Ornella

So I finally died and updated BitLife. And I have to say, it’s OK. Not much has changed, Well, I mean things have changed but not in the way that I thought. For some reason, I thought they were going to change the layout of the app. Now when a bully attacks you, you have the option how to attack them and where. For example when I was in middle school, some guy kept bullying me, so I chose punching as my method and I chose his face As my target LOL. It said that his damage was 81, so pretty bad. I also completed taekwondo, I got the black belt. Whenever you don’t get any more belts, it’s because you reach the highest level. And I also learned to new taekwondo moves. Now I’m thinking about going to the club and trying it on someone LOL. I also went on a walk and found a sloth, I tried to pet it but it left. My enjoyment was 38%. I read the hungry caterpillar when I was a kid and I also read, if you give a mouse a cookie. Both times, my enjoyment was pretty high, like in the 80s. Now I’m working as a patrolman. I was born in England. My previous life, I died when one of my coworkers attacked me with a coffee mug LOL. Everyone went except my brother, my husband, and my second son. Both my husband and son died, So that’s why they didn’t go. And my brother was just being a jerk. I eventually made it to Chef and I was getting promoted every few years. I also got this new pop-up about having a cough so bad and my concern was 29%. I decided to drink a smoothie. I’ll try gardening when I get a house. They removed the scenario creator. I don’t know if it’s permanently or temporarily. In the list that they released with the update, it says that they added something called, surprise me option, or something like that. And the point of the option is to make the game harder. Or to give you harder decisions to make. But I can’t find how to do that. Like how to turn it on. Or if it’s even possible to Turn it on. So I’ll have to keep looking into that. Besides all that, that’s all I found. I’ll post if I find anything new. I will also post if I get any new pop-ups.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

The surprise me option is very easy. You don't need to turn it on or off. At least mines was on by default. So when you get a popup asking you questions what ever the options are and you want to take a chance on it you tap on surprise me and it will role the dice for you and pick something. This could go bad so be careful with that. I already have a house and the garden thing don't work for me still. I got a china set again and no matter what I did no one wants it. I got the job as app developer for bitlife and now I'm famous. The funny thing about that is that my husband at the time had the same job as me. I divorced him because he called out another woman's name during sex. I got married again and I cheated on my husband with my supervisor and he got me pregnant and its like my husband don't care because he didn't protest or say anything. I didn't know I could become famous with that job but I'm still bringing it up. In real life I don't understand most of the diets so I chose vegetarian. They added malnutrition as a disease. I've had that twice so far.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

O ok, i didn't know that we can choose the surprise option, i'm going to try that and risk a bad decision lol. Thanks for telling me that. Wait what? You got famous as an app developer? I've never heard of that. I don't think your husband knows that your carrying someone else's baby. But then again, the way the baby looks might cause an argument lol. Just saying though. The diets are pretty explanatory but i'll tell you. Speaking of diets, i'm on one. So the list might be different for you if you decide to change diets. The one i have here has a few different options since the last time i checked.
First up is the high calorie. This diet is for people who want to gain weight but in a healthy way. Hence the name, high calorie. it also has protein which is good to build muscle and good for your bones.
Tapeworm diet. I didn't know what this one is, so i looked it up. This one has no definition. Basically, its a diet to lose weight but theres no rules or certain foods that you have to follow. This one doesn't really make sense. It says it can have different outcomes and its made up of other diets. So i don't know. Maybe its called a tapeworm because tapeworms go for the stomach and eat whatever we eat? I don't know. Just a guess lol.
The whole30 diet. This one is for weight loss and is for 30 days. This one you can eat meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables and fruits, natural fats and herbs, and spices and seasonings. Basically food that is whole and not processed. No artificial sugars, only natural sugar like natural honey. No wheat, rice, barly, corn, oats, etc. Also no starch since starch is corn. Also, no beans like red, black, pinto, etc. No dairy is allowed like milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. And you can't weigh yourself for 30 days or use a tape measure. Its also supposed to help you feel good about yourself, and not worry about how much you've lost.
A hot cheetos diet? I've never heard of this one. It sounds made up lol. I'm assuming you eat lots of hot cheetos and its the cheapest one on the list. Well at least it is for me.
Vegetarian diet. I'm pretty sure you know what this one is. This one you don't eat meat, at all.
Jenny craig diet. This one is a program for weight loss, if i'm not mistaken. They deliver meals to your door. But there healthy. On mine, its the most expensive one one on the list. Its 362 dollars a month. I don't really know much about this one, so i'll go to the next one.
The paleo diet. My friend did this one. This diet is based on cave men lol. I know it sounds weird but let me explain. Basically, whatever the cave men ate, you can eat. And whatever they couldn't eat, you can't eat. For example, no bread because cave men didn't have bread. And if they did, it was probably made of coconut flour, which that type of flour is allowed to eat. But regular flour is a big no no. An yup, you guessed it, its for weight loss.
Thats all the ones i have on the list right now but i'll throw in 3 more diets that i saw earlier when i checked.
The next one is the keto diet. One of my friends is on this diet. This one is a high fat, low carb diet. Meaning, you can't eat no sugar, at all. I think the only exception is fruit since it has natural sugar. But the point of this diet is to force your body to burn fats instead of carbs.
A vegan diet. I'm also sure you've heard of this one, but if not, well, this one you don't eat animal products. Like no meat. Same goes for dairy. Since we get dairy from animals. Like milk, eggs, and cheese. If the food comes from an animal, then you can't eat it. This one isn't for weight loss. I don't think so, i could be wrong though.
Last but definitely not least, is a liquid based diet. The name says it all. Its when you get all your neutrients by drinking it. I'm doing a liquid based diet, well, half my diet is liquid. For this one you just drink protein shakes, smoothies, and teas. The teas are a way of cleaning out your system. Or in other words, detox.
So those are just some diets. I know the facts of the diets aren't important when it comes to the game. Since we don't see the foods anyway. But I hope it at least gave you an idea of what your character is eating when you choose one of the diets. Also, you might want your character to eat certain foods, so choosing one of the diets might be important. Or maybe you just don't care, which is also fine lol. I'm going to do the paleo diet. In the game, of course. I forgot to say that i went to a club and someone started an argument with me. So i attacked her lol. I tried one of my new moves which is called the eagle strike. ANd my target was her stomach. Lol i felt bad afterwords. An eagle strike sounds painful especially in the stomach. Her damage was 89%. So pretty painful. I got an umbrella. Its not even worth selling it. I'm going to try the surprise me option. Lets see how my life goes. Thats actually a good challenge. The surprise me challenge. If all the scenarios have the surprise option, than for all the scenarios, you would have to go with the surprise me option. Imagine the craziness that you could get yourself into.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Thanks so much for explaining. And that's the thing I don't understand. They should've put in a description of what each diet is about so you could choose which ones you want. That tape worm sounds really nasty and I saw how they do it on tv. So they would get a piece of meat and place the worm on there and swallow it and what ever food they eat the worm will eat it but the worm grows obviously and that could kill you at some point. I will never choose that option. Since I posted about how my life was going I haven't played as yet so will do in a few minutes but here's the thing. My baby that I had with my supervisor she has his last name and not my husband's. And that should've been questionable but he didn't do anything about it or he just don't care. he has 0 smarts and good looks and money so that probably is a part of it. I think this might be a bug or I was half asleep. But when I divorced my first husband I didn't make him sign a prenup because he has more money than me like over 400k. The judge made me pay him $3000. I don't know why but I was so rich I didn't care. I think they should have another option when they say finalize the divorce or cancel the divorce in case you change your mind. Or they could put let the divorce drag on for about 2 or more years. In real life that happens. I will have more questions about the other diets to when I see new ones. Or I could probably look them up.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I changed from a vegetarian diet to a high calory diet and my health went down plenty. I brought it up by walking and the gym and other things and then I changed to the most expensive one I could find. I'm doing the nutri-system diet which cost $500 a month. I'm rich so why not That's like $6000 a year. My health is always staying at 100 since I'm doing that. I'm close to 60 and I'm married to a 21 year old man. I'm bored I think I might divorce him because he argued with me for appearing topless for a photo shoot. I'm rich and snobby. Lol. No one tells me what to do. I do what I want. Haha. Weird that I haven't gotten in to fights with anyone. I have like 5 million plus and the palace and none of the mansions are showing up really so might wait it out a bit and make a profit on my modern home. It has 4 rooms and 3 baths. All the cars I want are used. What is the meditarian diet? I spelt it wrong.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Yeah i agree. A description of each diet would've been helpful. Lol its gross how they grow inside of you. Some people have eaten it with out knowing there was a tapeworm. Like i said, i don't know what the point of that diet is. For the baby's last name, you could've chosen your last name for the baby. Just saying. Was one of the options your last name? That would be fun. Dragging the divorce. I would do that every time lol. Just to get my husband/wife mad. So close but yet so far. The high calorie diet only works if your skinny and want to gain weight. I don't think it works on fat people lol. Not trying to be offensive or anything. I think it'd be cool if they added how fat or skinny you are. For example, at the bottom along with the other stats, it could say something like 47% fat. Or vise versa. That way we could make the right choice for a diet. Nutrisystem is another weight loss program, if i'm not mistaken. They deliver prepared meals and snacks along with shakes. And everything is organic, that might explain the high price.
Lol its ok if you spelled it wrong. We can't see it anyway lol. As long as the screen reader can pronounce it, your good. The mediterranean diet is based on how people in italy and greece would eat in the 1960s. I'm assuming because there wasn't any processed food back then like there is now. Anyway, this diet is good for weight loss and for preventing heart disease, so they say. For this diet you eat olive oil, legumes, undefined serial, fruits and vegetables, fish, cheese and yogurt, moderate whine, and a little of nonfish meat. If i'm not mistaken, this is a high protein diet. This one might keep you pretty healthy. I think its one of the 3 healthiest diets.
Hopefully i explained it right lol. If you still don't understand it, i can post a link to a website that can explain it better than i can. I might try this one. I'm still on the paleo diet. I haven't checked my health, i'll do that in a bit. So how come theres 2 surprise me options with every scenario? Is one for good and the other for bad? I bought a condo but i can't start a garden. Is it because i'm not living in a house? When i tap on it, nothing happens. Like no menus pop up or anything. Also i just realized, i don't have any siblings. That hasn't happened to me in a long time. Wow that means my mom isn't a ho! Yay finally! Lol.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

My life there in Miami is over and I got the teammate ribbon. It was crazy while famous. Everytime my husband got mad at me for photo shoots I would divorce him and then find someone, age up propose to him and get married in the same year once he said yes. My supervisor kept asking me to work unpaid over time and I kept refusing and one time I got mad and insulted him and he fired me. I sued bitlife and won like half a million dollars. Lol. I attacked a few stalkers. Some of them called the cops on me and I never went to prison because I had the money to get out of any situation. I got married like about 10 times in that life. I got a t rex dung fossel worth $4000. It was in really bad condition so only got $3000 for it. I never got that heirloom before. Something is weird with that garden. When I had my town home I kept tapping on garden and nothing was happenening. When I sold that place I bought a palace and then tapped on it and it worked. I didn't do it every year but that's weird that it only works for some houses. Thanks for explaining the diets. At least then I chose a good one. When they posted something on twitter I posted to them if they could add a little description about it. Not sure if they saw it so hopefully in the future they will add it. Lol when I attack people they get hurt really bad. And most of them I attack in their groin area. Haha.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Would all your husbands get mad when you did a photo shoot? Or was it only your first. Lol omg. You won a lawsuit against bitlife? Thats funny, the devs probably would've loved to see that. I've gotten that heirloom your talking about before. 3k isn't that bad. i got a china set. I got 1500 for it. Maybe the garden only works in nice houses. And houses that have enough room to garden. I wonder if we could start a garden as a kid. Forgot to check that out. Lol the groin area? I never thought about that. I should try that. I'm working as a cop. Well, a trooper to be exact. I also got my girlfriend pregnant. Omg that reminds me. So i forgot to lose my virginity in high school lol. Anyway, my girlfriend is 21 and i'm 28 or 29. When i aged up, she told me that she knew that i was a virgin and that she wanted to take my virginity. I said ok and her excitement was 100%. And so i got her pregnant when she popped my cherry lol. Now i have to get a bigger place since mine is a 1 bed/bath. Hopefully my next house i'll be able to start a garden.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

The power went out for me today so I played a lot. I made a life in Cork Ireland and it was kind of bad for half my life but when my wife divorced me it was better. I got this girl pregnant at 16 and I thought she was fertile so you know what that meant was probably going for the 100 babies but it was hard to get her pregnant and lots of girls were rejecting me so I took what I got. I thought I could've used the dating app at age 16 because I had some money but it didn't work. I think in a way earlier version of this game I was able to use the dating ap at age 16 and got busted for underaged dating or something like that. I studied music in university and life was tough. I wasn't making money at all. I was in a lot of debt. And again I'm not sure if this is a bug but my job title says apprentice music composer and on the main screen it says music composer and I don't remember getting promoted. Over the years we had 3 kids and I couldn't afford to pay for my son but my wife cheated on me because I found a condom in the bathroom. I forgave her and then I cheated on her. Everytime she cheat on me I would do it back to her and not use any condoms. Thank god I didn't get aids but I had to treat some of the usual diseases which was curable. Finally she asked for a divorce and the same year that happened I bought a car and a small house. I met someone else and got married she was in her 70's and she didn't live long but I got all her money was was over 60k which helped me out lots. I saw I had the karona virus and I laughed. Lol. I treated it. To answer your question when you do the gardening at a young age its your mom's house. I couldn't do it at some of the houses and some I was able to. I agree the bitlife devs would've loved to see that but I would probably have to take a screen shot and then post it. I didn't bother with it. I red the book you red about the mouse and the cookie. Then another year I red Charlie and the chocolate factory. I love that book and I've watched that movie a zillion times. The remake not the original. Reading hurts my hands so much this new life that I have now I'm not sure what I will do because I'm in high school but I so want to give up reading and then again I want to keep my smarts up. Oh and when ever I take a photo shoot it was all of my husbands who argued with me. My first husband called out another woman's name during sex so I divorced him.

By DMNagel on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Some countries allowed us to use the dating app at age 16. Now, it's age 18 for all countries which i think sucks.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Ornella, o man power went out for you today? Hope your ok. I feel like the 100 baby challenge would be easier if your famous. Its easy to get the 10 marriage achievement if your famous. I'm just saying though. Thats weird. Usually being a music composer gets you filthy rich. Bitlife released an update earlier fixing lots of bugs and they made the option to make the scenarios bigger. Which by default, they were turned on. Now with the the small update, its turned off. You go into the settings if you want to turn it on. Bijuu mike ran into a bug. Have you seen his video? When he tried applying for a part time job, the game would crash and kick him out. He fixed it by changing the amount of money. O wait, it wasn't a part time, it was the free lance gigs. Lol my bad. Bijuu mike also got the coronavirus as well lol. Someone did that for a challenge. Marry older, i think guys, like in there 80s or 90s, and would wait until they died and get all there money. I forgot who it was. At least she helped you in a way. Did she have any kids? Were you a nice step dad? Lol. yeah you would've needed to take a screen shot to share it with the devs. O ok i didn't know we can garden as a kid. speaking of gardening, i sold my condo after i renovated it and got a house. Now i'm able to garden. Maybe since condos are in a complex, they don't have any gardening room. And a house is its own property. I agree, the remake of charley and the chocolate factory is better than the original. I chose to read the crusable and it was 143 pages long. Which i know isn't a lot but thats the first i've read so much. And i chose the crusable because its about the salem witch trials. If you don't know what the witch trials are about, its basically about a bunch of women who were accused of practicing witchcraft and were later killed. It happened in 1692 and 1693. I like the reading because it increases your smarts by a lot. Well, at least it did for me. Same for the diet. My looks are at 100%. In fact, all my stats are at 100. Omg you have bad luck when it comes to marriages lol. I would kill all my ex spouses just for fun. Haha.
Dm, a while back someone asked the devs why they removed under age dating and they said because people were complaining and that it also made them upset. So they decided to remove it all together. That might explain why the dating app doesn't allow you to find someone under 18. I was kind of disappointed because i never got to experience dating a minor lol.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

Yeah I agree with you about being filthy rich and you could do any challenge you want and the thing is with some of the famous ones you don't get famous till late in life which sucks. I could give a perfect example Arianna Grande is way younger than me and she's a pop star and is very famous. She started out on nickolodian on a show called victorious and who knew what would happen when she finished from there. What I'm saying is that I think we should be famous real early in life. I saw that they pushed an update which I am glad for. I really liked the older way. People weren't really upset about the underaged dating so much as for the girls getting pregnant at 11 so they removed all those things and changed it to 16 but you could start dating from when ever its just you can't do adult things as yet. When I used the dating app I was in Canada and I was 16 and I dated a 15 year old and I got busted. I think I had to stay in prison for a year. I saw biju's review. It made me laugh a bit. Since they added crime I haven't done free lance like for ever. Why work when you could steal. Lol. A tip I forgot to tell. So when reading a book I would turn the speech off 3 finger double tap. And then I would keep double tapping so voice over wouldn't have to say read the page a million and more times which is so annoying. Then I would turn it on after a while to see which page I'm and and turn it off again and continue till I'm done. So try that if voice over gets annoying. its 1 47 am now so lets see what I got for today. A microscope. Not bad how I'm still a teen. I'm going to play for a bit and then sleep. Oh I forgot to show you this. My mother is a virgin. The circumstances as to how I was conceived are perplexing. Of course my dad is unknown. Why do you do this to me bitlife? Haha.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

In reply to by Ornella

OMG I love that show victorious. Yeah, I know very well who Ariana Grande is. Same with Disney stars. Kids start off in a TV show at a young age when working with Disney. And as soon as they turn 18, the contract with Disney ends. But they continue going. For example, do you know who Jake Paul is? I don’t know what Disney show he was on, all I know is that now he’s doing music or something like that. Same thing for his brother, Logan Paul. I think they’re both in the music business now. Not sure. Oh shoot, speaking of the update, I need to update mine. Wait, how did you get in trouble for dating a 15-year-old if you were 16? You guys were only a year apart LOL. That’s like a high school relationship. Wait what!? Before girls could get pregnant at age 11? I didn’t know that! That’s news to me LOL. OMG me too. I honestly forgot about freelance. Plus like you said, why work when you can steal? And you get way more money when you steal. That’s how I got my house that I have right now. I rob the bank LOL. And I work for the police. Oh yeah, that’s what I do. Turn off the speech when I am reading a book. Voiceover gets annoying after a while, especially if the book is long. But thanks for the tip. I wonder why they added that sound when we finish the book. It’s not like we’re having sex or reading erotica. Lol. I haven’t gotten an heirloom yet. It’s almost 11 here. OMG LOL. You always get the weird conceiving ones. That reminds me of a show called Jane the Virgin. Have you ever heard of it? It’s about this one girl who is obviously a virgin but she gets pregnant. The doctors inject her with sperm that was meant for another patient. So the doctor got her and another patient Mixed up. It’s a really good show. That’s what it reminded me of when you said that your mom was a virgin, or is a virgin. I haven’t played yet, I’ll play in the morning. Going to bed.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

After I sent my last message off I played and when I was 21 I died. I reported someone to my supervisor and she didn't want to do anything about it so I killed her. The thing is I payed my hitman but the hitman wanted extra money after. My options were to call the cops run for my life or pay him. I tried to run but he caught me and he killed me with a long sword. He sliced my lips. Lol. I made another life and then went to sleep. Didn't start to play for the day as yet. I know who Jake Paul is but never followed up on him. I think Shane Dawson did a series on him on youtube. I didn't watch it. I wish if they would change the sound of the page turning. It sounds sad and pathetic. Lol.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I won't say I'm trying the 100 baby challenge but if I do get it I will be glad and I want to do it before they bring out child support and all that. So I'm age 17 and have 7 kids and here's a tip that I didn't think would work and it may not with all but when the girl refuses to keep the baby do her until she gets pregnant again and she will keep it. It only happened to me once like that but when I get a girl pregnant and they decide to keep the baby I break up with all of them. sometimes its kind of hard so I would try 10 times with someone and if it don't work I dump them. Then when I'm aging up I'm going back to the same girls and trying to get them pregnant again and when I run out of then then I go in the love section and try some from there. I'm trying not to do hookups as much as possible. If I could afford to pay for their schooling I will but I'm also looking for the writer job so will see. Everything on the main screen is 100 so that's good. If I have to do my co workers I will to. Lol. I wish they could have a thing that could show how fertile you and your partner are and you could do fertility treatments.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I've never gotten that before. Well, i've only hired hitmen when its extremely crucial lol. I think i've only hired like 2 hitmen. That might be why i haven't gotten that. i agree that they should change the page turning. They should've added an actual page sound, you know? Omg lol 7 kids at 17? How did you do that? How old did you start? Thats a good idea. Showing you and the other person's fertility. The problem with going back to an ex fling is that they sometimes won't respond to your invite. They just don't reply or just ignore you all together. That happens to me a lot. Speaking of challenges, i came up with 2 of them. The first one is the 100 friend/enemy challenge. You would either make 100 friends. Or make 100 enemies. I might do this one. The second one is the surprise me challenge. For this one you would just go with the surprise me option for every pop up you get. I'll definitely do this one. That reminds me, do you know why there are 2 surprise me options? Like shouldn't there just be one? I haven't played much today. I played a little earlier. I got a toolbox as an heirloom. O before i forget, if you garden, i noticed that it brings the condition of the house up depending on what you do. My house was at 82 and after i gardened it went up to 86%. I did it again and it went up to 87%. Like i said, it depends what you do. Now my house is at 100 because i garden every year like twice or so.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I started at age 16 and my hands are dead. Lol. The good thing for me is that most of my x are responding to me so I only do them once and if they get pregnant then good and if they don't I move on to the other because I don't have time to do them over and over to send messages each time. I remember only 2 girls didn't respond. I only hooked up with 1 co worker and nothing happened so I just left that alone. They are kind of old and most of my co workers are male. Only like 2 females. I forgot to say my job is a porn acter. It fits in well with what I'm doing and my progress is going really good. I'm 19 and have 35 kids. Some of them lost the babies but its ok. When I get to 100 I'm stopping. I'm in minus money so when I get famous hopefully all my debts would be payed off. My game has a huge lag when going in to the relationships tab which is understandable. I'm kind of stalling while I write this message because its a few minutes to midnight and I want to open the app and see what I get. Normally when I do these challenges I get horrible heirlooms which is no help at all. And I have lactose intolerance and I'm not wasting my time to treat it because its not curable. When I get my house will do some gardening then. So gardenening saves money on renovation. That's cool. I will take up your challenges at some point and I will have to test the 2 surprise me options. I mean probably one is good and bad. And that tip about the babies it worked on some people because one girl refused to keep the baby and I did her again and she refused the second time so I dumped her. When I age up I only go to my baby mamas I don't go back to the others because either they didn't want to or they weren't fertile enough. I am so happy when it happens in one try. Lol. Now that some good time has passed lets see what heirloom I got for today. Revolutionnary war snare drum worth 2000 plus. Not bad. Never got this before so lets get back to popping more kids. Lol.

By Sabrina on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I especially love the name giving a mouse a cookie or whatever. Yeah, tried marchal arts but it didn’t seem to work. I attack when I can in this new life because I am a child of seven years old who had 6049 which isn’t a lot but sufficient for me. I start schooll and when I do I am going to get trouble. I love that now you can choose how to attack and where. I often fail though. I don’t know if that was a case but I think I kicked someone’s tooth though it may have been another part. Yeah, been reading in my past life, at least the book with the funny namn. Then two years later I died. I was 36 and got some std and died the year after. I am now playing their child which is why I even have cash.

By X2 on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

In reply to by Sabrina

Sounds like your getting lucky with this whole 100 baby challenge. Omg 19 and with 35 kids? Lol bitlife sure gave you a character with high fertility. I believe you when you say that your in debt. It would be odd if you weren't. Unless you were born with a huge inheritance. I can imagine all the baby mama drama that might come your way lol. I think i cured my lactose intolerance once before. But after that, when i would get it, it wasn't treatable. Yeah gardening improves your house. Well, in my experience so far, it has. Wow you got a good heirloom. I got a fountain pen. So thats great. Being sarcastic lol. My next life i'm definitely going to do the surprise me challenge. If one is good and the other is bad, whats the point of having 2 buttons? It should be only one that way its random every time. I'm not saying thats it isn't random, because it is. It just doesn't make sense to have 2 of them. Now i'm just ranting lol. I'll stop.
Sabrina, yeah choosing where we can attack the person is fun lol. The marshal arts is pretty easy. Just go until you feel like its enough. But i think you have to be 18 to start. Or i think you can start as a child but you have to ask your parents. But i haven't tried it as a kid. At least you have money. if you ever need more, just rob a bank lol.

By Ornella on Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 18:14

I agree with you about the surprise buttons. There should only be 1. I was out all day and I'm tired so not playing any more till tomorrow but before I went to sleep I did pop some kids. So now I'm 20 and have 44 kids. The bad thing about going back to some of the x girlfriends is that some of them are going on birth control and I can't tap on never mind because I'm already in it but I did do someone who was on birth control and she got pregnant so it shows that that isn't always 100% effective. I can't treat lactose intolerance anyways because I'm in so much debt. I will wait for tomorrow's heirloom and see how much that could help.