Logitech Bluetooth keyboard delay and experiences

By WellF, 9 May, 2020

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi folks!
I'm gonna buy a Bluetooth keyboard, the k375s from Logitech, and I'm wondering about the possible Bluetooth delay. Will it be bad enough that my Voiceover experience will be hindered?
Have you had bad experience with Logitech Bluetooth keyboards? Are they durable? They are the nicest and less expensive options around here.



By Cihan Yazıcı on Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 20:18

I have been using the logitech k380 for a long time.
As you know, it is an old model but; I do not experience any delay in use.
good work.

By Pyro2790 on Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 20:18

There will always be a little lag with bluetooth, but it definitely can be tolerated when using keyboards. I would say it becomes a lot more frustrating with audio when using a blue tooth headset and voiceOver. That is when the lag becomes so severe and very frustrating. You should be fine with any bluetooth keyboard or ones made by logitech. I own a couple and have never had any difficulties.

The k380 model seems quite hard to find. I like the k375s because you can even use it as a wired keyboard, apparently.

By Cihan Yazıcı on Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 20:18

you are right.
The k380 is a pretty old model.

By Pyro2790 on Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 20:18

The k810 is a newer and nicer addition of the k380. I bought the k810 back in December when it was 31 dollars. At the moment it seems to be double the price at 62 dollars. If it drops in price though, it is definitely something I would recommend and feels even nicer when typing on it then the k380 and can connect up to 3 devices.

By WellF on Sunday, June 7, 2020 - 20:18

The keyboard will arrive next week or so. I'll make a review of it.

By WellF on Sunday, June 7, 2020 - 20:18

The keyboard arrived today. I'm quite happy with it. I could do a review, but to be honest don't know if it would be any helpful.

By Cihan Yazıcı on Sunday, June 7, 2020 - 20:18

First of all, I wish you to use your keyboard on the best days.
appreciate yours but; I don't think it will be very useful to study the keyboard.

I like to look at stuff from a more analytical view. I just wouldn't have much to say since it is my first bluetooth keyboard, I don't have anything to compare with.