Setting up Gmail via Microsoft Exchange

By Unregistered User (not verified), 16 March, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
Folks, here is how you set up Gmail via Microsoft Exchange. First, go to settings, mail; contacts; calendar, add new account under mail, double tap Microsoft Exchange Account, and enter the settings below. E-mail: your Gmail address, such as [email protected]. Username: same as e-mail, such as [email protected] Password: Your Gmail password. Domain: optional. Server:



By Cliff on Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 23:43

Does this still work? Doesn't work for me... But think I saw something here on the forum a while ago about this not working anymore if you haven't done it before one certain date when gmail somehow stopped this from being possible... Think maybe it was sometime in February this year.. In my case, when trying this, I get an error message when trying to fetch new mails, saying something like can't download new mails, connection to server failed... Would really be nice to find a way to get push to work for gmail... Thanks

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 23:43

This doesn't work any more.

By Dave Nason on Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 23:43

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Isaac Hebert (not verified)

Hi. unfortunately, as Isaac says, this doesn't work anymore. You can though use other apps to get push notifications. I use Mailbox for this. Mailbox itself isn't usable with VoiceOver, so I just signed in and then tucked the app away in a folder somewhere. I then went into Notifications in Settings and set up how I want those push notifications to work. So I now get a push notification via Mailbox, but still use the main Mail app for actually reading my mail etc. I think you could also do this with Google's GMail app.

By Cliff on Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 23:43

In reply to by Dave Nason

Hmmm.... That is actually a very good suggestion... So if I understand you right, you now get alerted at the moment you get a new mail from mailbox, and you then just open it in the standard mail app? Just got mailbox a few days ago, but since it didn't seem to be very accessible, I was planning on deleting it, but now I have to think twice before doing that... Do you by the way know if the gmail app is accessible? I can feel that I have a little mental. block to using two apps for doing one thing... :)guess I'll just have to work on getting over it...
Yep, that's exactly it :) Personally I have it set to Banners (which is pretty standard), Sounds - on, View in Lock Screen - on, Badge App Icon - off, and Notification Centre - off. So I get a sound alert and it shows up on my lock screen, but doesn't hang around, and need to be cleared from the Notification Centre. But whatever works for ye! The one thing I occasionally do by mistake though is tap "Slide to View" on the lock screen when a notification comes in, which takes me into the Mailbox app. You need to sleep and wake the phone to get it back to "Slide to Unlock" as you know. A small thing, just trips me up from time to time. Overall it's working pretty well for me. Not sure about the GMail app to be honest. I must take a look.
I believe that the gmail app is pretty accessible with VO. I leave the gmail app set up for push notifications, and I just use the apple mail app to read my emails.
Thank you very much, guy's! Think this is an excellent solution! Guess it really doesn't matter then if I use gmail or mailbox for push... I'll give it a try right away! Oh, one last question, for those of you who also use a Mac... Probably shouldn't use this post for this question., but since were sort of already on the topic... What settings do I need to change to have the sent items folder, the junk folder etc to sync on my Mac and my iPhone? This is probably easy piecy to fix, but I just trashed my old pop account yesterday, and it couldn't be done with that account, and that is the main reason why I now has started to use my gmail account as my main email. To sum it up, I want to be able to see mails that I've sent from my Mac on my iPhone, and the other way around... Can anyone of you give me a little clue on how to do that? I suppose it has something to do with the iCloud settings... Thanks in advance!