A Little Contest: Game Hunter's Challenge

By Ken Downey, 2 April, 2013

iOS and iPadOS Gaming
This message applies to gaming in particular, but to all apps in general. I want to make more game hunters, and to help you all out I'm going to give hyou a little tip. Go to the app store and type audio games. First try putting a space between the words, then try without the space. The first to do this gets to post what they find, and I guarantee you all that you'll find two new audio games. Whether they are accessible or not remains to be seen...



By Ken Downey on Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 23:44

Do you know that right now, there is one good game and one excellent game you guys don't know about? I was going to see who turned this up. He or she could have got some credit with this find, but I can't wait any longer. It's not that I want the credit, but because everybody has *got* to get this one game. It's called Formula 1 spirit, by Karotky Media Solutions. Just type audiogames with no spaces in the app store, and it's number two on the list. It's two bucks. Yep, for two dollars you can race with the big boys on all the formula 1 tracks. Be the driver with the best time... I wasn't going to tell you about this game. i was going to drop little hints, like on my first post... because there was a contest. The winner of the game got a free iPad. I put this in past tense because this game is two years old! That's right people, while the blind community has been drooling and yearning over the posibility of an audio racing game, one has existed the whole time! Now do you see why I behave as i do? I talk about being the game hunter not to brag, but to... make more game hunters! It can be done! I don't submit apps because I want you all to learn to look for them yourselves. We have gotten too dependent on the Applevis app submissions. I'm glad we have them, but meantime we could have had this racing game if there were only a few more game hunters like me around. (Yes, I know I'm not the only one, but we are very few in number.) Anyway, this game is well-worth the price, even if there are no other cars and you can't crash. Here's what you get. A game with force feedback--it vibrates when you're off the road. One point. True driving mechanics. Your car doesn't simply slide sideways like in every racing game for the blind I've ever seen, you have to compensate for turns you make, just like in real driving. For example, if you turn too far to the right and then turn the wheel straight, you're still aimed too far to the right. you have to straighten out by turning left--but not too far, then straight ahead. 1 point. All the formula 1 tracks represented--I think. I've only played through 3 so far. 1 point. Okay, now that your blood's pumping, I have to tell you that the beginning is inaccessible. Now don't worry, I'll tell you what to do. First, tap the screen about a third of the way down from the top with VO off. Then turn it on, and you should see the name of a race track. It's the top button, so learning exactly where it is shouldn't prove too hard now that you know what you're after. Okay, now that you've found this screen, you can either play that track or scrool either left or right with the scroll buttons. These are labeled in a weird language, but they say scroll, then the weird direction names. These buttons change the tracks. Next to that is an unlabeled button. Tap it to get to the lap setting screen. There are two new buttons labeled LC left, which decreases the number of laps, and LCRight which increases the number. You can set it quite high, at lease 16. Once all that's done, turn off VO and tap near the bottom of the screen. You'll know you got it right because the engine noise will start. Then, go to landscape mode and tap the center of the screen. You should hear five beeps, then you're off. The gas pedal is on the right side of the screen. Your phone has just become your steering wheel! Okay, now you're cookin' with gas. The object is to keep the road, represented by the wind noise, in the center. This is different than other racing games you've played because the focus was the car, blind man's thinking. Here, it's on the road, where your eyes should always be while driving--sighted man's thinking. Just always steer toward the wind and you'll be fine. There are also sounds to let you know when you've gone off the road and are getting back on. It's the road shoulder sound--and it works just like in a real car. So you hear the sound, steer away from it. Then you hear the sound again because you got *back* on the road, so you begin to straighten out. This way, if you're in a sharp turn, you not only get warned when you're going off the road, but you get warned when you're getting back on so you can begin straightening out. This is by far the best racing game I have ever played as far as driving mechanics. No, you can't crash, and no, there aren't other cars zooming past. I wish there were, but even now as it is the game's very hard to play because of the driving skills required. Wow! This app gets a ten from me, despite the drawbacks. Meet you at the races! By the way, that's the excellent game. The good game is called Blind Monk. It's free, and is kind of like the rubber ducky game. If yall can't find it I'll post ab out it later. Getting tired...

By Khalfan Bin Dhaher on Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 23:44

In reply to by Ken Downey

Hello Ken. Great app. Those who were unable to find the app' the right name is Formel1 Spirit. The game seems facinating, but i'm not aware on how to play this game. Any podcast or guide on how to play the game would be appreciated. Thanks a lot Ken for submiting this great app. Regards Khalfan

By Ken Downey on Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 23:44

In reply to by Ken Downey

By the way, there's still one another audio game that I haven't even mentioned in this post. Remember, if you type audio game In the app store, you'll find it. I'll give you one yet: type audio game without any spaces, and just see it. I want to give some newbie the thrill of finding an app by yourself, without being pointed at it.