Siri is great if you are sighted - but setting up Siri so it can recognize a blind user has been difficult - asking the blind person to say the phrases, just gets siri to recognize the helpers' voice - If anyone has any ideas on how best to mute siri duing the process for getting something like this done- please let me know - there is a blind person wanting very much to use his phone for calling out - its been set for auto answer and speaker for an incoming call
what do you meen?
what do you meen?
if siri usually all raidy inAble buy default on most iOS devices.
just press and hold A home button or press and hold A site button on iPhone X or abbuf antil you hear A ding.
Using VoiceOver is Usually the Better Way
Hello Rigje,
I think, unless the person you're helping has physical/motor limitations, that using VoiceOver would be better than using Siri. VoiceOver is a "screen reader"--that is, a built-in program that speaks text on screen and allows blind users to make use of all the features on their phone through a series of gestures and text-to-speech. Siri is okay for the basics, but it isn't something I would routinely recommend unless a person isn't able to use the touchscreen because of other disabilities besides blindness. To enable VoiceOver, go to Settings> Accessibility> VoiceOver; on that screen Apple also lists some of the more common VoiceOver gestures. Apple also has a YouTube video (with links to various support documents) describing the basics of using VoiceOver on iOS: