please make pluto TV app accessible

By Dennis Long, 3 April, 2021

Accessibility Advocacy

Hi, can we all contact Pluto TV to ask them to make their app accessible?



By Matt on Monday, March 29, 2021 - 15:45

While Pluto is not perfect, it is pretty useable on the Apple TV and somewhat useable on iOs. On the Apple TV, I have noticed that voiceover cuts off reading the channel. On iOS, there are a lot of overlay menus that interfere with navigation and it is not easy to scroll through the channels.

By Blind angel 444 on Monday, March 29, 2021 - 15:45

I love it over the tv app found on most smart tv’s. I’m using a iPad, since it is more accessible and works with voice over.

By Brennen on Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 15:45

I’ve tried reporting accessibility issues to them before and when I do sometimes I get answers back and sometimes I don’t
Also their process for reporting issues to them as far as I know is to submit a support request on their website and like I said when I do it that way sometimes I get answers and sometimes I don’t so it just depends I wish that there was a way to just have one email address that you send feedback to for them so you don’t have to go through the process to submit a support request because that can be very tedious for every single issue that you have
Also I forgot to mention that there place to submit a support request at least the last time I did it was very inaccessible well I guess it wasn’t super inaccessible but it’s very hard to navigate as a blind person I can do it but it takes me a lot of time where as if there is just one feedback email that you could send stuff to it would be so much easier LOL

By David on Monday, November 29, 2021 - 15:45

Although I've been able to roughly navigate the app and the web site, I've basically abandoned the platform because it doesn't support audio description. In my opinion, making an app accessible only for the service it renders to itself be inaccessible is really disheartening. I will be sending feedback to this effect, but given that it is explicitly stated in the app entry on Applevis, one wonders if it's even considered an issue by the company.

Now that Pluto TV has been chosen as the only platform where Star Trek: Discovery season 4 can be accessed in my country, I'm really annoyed with Paramount too. Netflix had all the episodes fully audio described on day of release. So whatever petty wrangling has led to it being taken away has effectively prevented me from watching season 4.

By Drew on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - 15:45

As of late 2023, the Pluto TV app does support Audio Descriptions. Not all content has it but it is available.