I use two languages to voice dictate my texts on MacOS. One issue here is when I want to use one language that is not set as default, I have to change it from system preferences. The dictation language is not as the case with the iOS and iPadOS that changes automatically depending on the keyboard language. Is there anyway I can change the dictation language on the fly using keyboard shortcut? I know from Google this is possible via scripting and they provide a code, but I am the worst in coding and that complex technical stuff. So I appreciate it if anyone can provide ready scripts for this task or guide me with simple instructions on how to create one.
By Maldalain, 25 January, 2022
macOS and Mac Apps
Do you have any scripting app?
Like FastScripts or Keyboard Maestro?
Yes I have Keyboard Maestro…
Yes I have Keyboard Maestro still I have no idea how to create a script to perform the function of switching dictation language.