The Mac's Messages App Explained

By Tyler, 19 April, 2021

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

For iOS 18, macOS Sequoia


If you have an iPhone, you’re probably fairly familiar with the Messages app on iOS, using it to send and receive texts, photos, videos, and other files. As part of Apple’s interconnected ecosystem, this capability is also available on macOS.

An example of how the Messages app could be useful on macOS is if you’re working on your Mac and a text comes in. Rather than stop what you’re doing and switch devices to view and respond to the message, you could simply open the Notification Center or Messages app on your Mac, view and respond to the message, and get back to your original task.

While certain aspects of the Messages app’s interface may initially seem confusing, there are a number of tricks, which I will cover in this guide, which you can use to maximize your efficiency with it. In fact, being able to do tasks like calling and texting seamlessly on both my Mac and my iPhone is one of my favorite cross-device integration features.


Messages refers to the built-in app on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS, and watchOS used to send and receive both iMessages and standard RCS and SMS/MMS text messages, with this guide primarily focused on the version of the app for macOS.

When communicating with other Apple users, Messages will by default use iMessage, an Apple service that allows you to exchange messages independent of a wireless carrier. In addition to not requiring a dedicated texting plan, iMessage includes a number of additional features not available when communicating with non-Apple users, such as increased customizability of messages and end-to-end encryption.

When communicating with non-Apple users, such as those using Android, Messages will by default attempt to use Rich Communication Services, (RCS) a widely adopted text messaging standard that aims to improve and modernize the experience of cross-platform texting. RCS includes features like typing indicators, delivery and read receipts, the ability to exchange messages when not connected to a carrier’s cellular network, and support for larger file attachments. If RCS is not available, for example when communicating with a device or wireless carrier that does not support it, Messages will fall back to the legacy Short Messaging Service/Multimedia Messaging Service (SMS/MMS) standard.

Typically, the ability to send and receive RCS and SMS/MMS messages is facilitated by a wireless carrier and service plan. In contrast, to use iMessage, all you need is an Apple device signed into an Apple Account. If you don’t already have an Apple Account, you can create one.

For any conversation, the messaging service in use, either iMessage, RCS, or SMS, is spoken by VoiceOver as part of the accessibility label for the message text field, the field used to type messages. Visually, iMessages are denoted by a blue bubble, whereas RCS and SMS/MMS messages are denoted by a green bubble.

Setup and recommended settings

When you first set up your Apple devices, you were probably asked to sign into your Apple Account, at which point iMessage should’ve been activated automatically. Thus, if you want to send and receive messages on more than one device, make sure all your devices are signed into the same Apple Account. When you open Messages on your Mac for the first time, you may be asked to sign in again, after which you should be able to use iMessage.

At this point, you should make sure any email addresses and phone numbers you want to use with iMessage are enabled on all your devices. To do this on iOS and iPadOS, go to Settings > Apps > Messages > Send & Receive, and make sure any email addresses and phone numbers you want to use are selected. To do this on macOS, choose Messages > Settings, (or press Command-Comma) click the iMessage button in the toolbar, and make sure any email addresses and phone numbers you want to use are checked. You may also want to make sure the “Start new conversations from” setting matches on all your devices, so your messages appear consistently to their recipients.

If you want to have your existing iMessage, RCS, and SMS/MMS messages synced between your devices, on iOS and iPadOS, go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud > Messages, and toggle the “Use on this iPhone/iPad” switch on. On macOS, choose Messages > Settings, (or press Command-Comma) click the iMessage button in the toolbar, and select the “Enable messages in iCloud” checkbox. With this feature enabled, all your existing messages should become available on all your devices, and if you delete a message or conversation from one device, it should be deleted on all other devices.

Alternatively, you can set up text message forwarding, which allows you to send and receive RCS and SMS/MMS messages on your Mac, without syncing Messages via iCloud. This may be useful if you do not want messages occupying any of your iCloud storage. To do this, on your iPhone, go to Settings > Apps > Messages > Text Message Forwarding, and toggle your Mac on in the list of devices.

Finally, you may want to have messages delete automatically so as to prevent them from accumulating and occupying space. To do this on iOS and iPadOS, go to Settings > Apps > Messages > keep messages, and select an option. To do this on macOS, choose Messages > Settings, (or press Command-Comma) click the general button in the toolbar, and select an option from the “Keep messages” popup menu.

App overview

As it does on iOS and iPadOS, the Messages app on macOS organizes messages in threaded conversations, which are located in the “Conversations” collection. To open a conversation, interact with this collection with VO-Shift-Down-Arrow, move to your desired conversation with VO-left and right arrow, and select it with VO-Space. In addition, you can use the View menu to filter the conversations and messages shown in the collections by known senders, unknown senders, unread messages, and recently deleted.

Alternatively, you can locate conversations and messages by navigating to the search field and, unlike text fields elsewhere in macOS, pressing VO-Space to start editing. Type your search term and interact with the “Search results” collection to view matching conversations and messages. Press VO-Space on a result to open that conversation. You can quickly tell what conversation is open by pressing VO-F2, as the window is named after the participants in the open conversation.

Once you select a conversation with VO-Space, keyboard focus will be placed in the message text field; type your message and press Return to send it. When a participant in the open conversation responds, VoiceOver will speak the sender’s name, followed by the contents of their message; past messages in the conversation can be viewed by interacting with the “Messages” collection.

From within the conversations collection, you can quickly jump to the messages collection by pressing VO-J; pressing VO-J again will focus on the message text field, where you can type and edit your message. Additional options for a participant in the open conversation can be found in that participant’s popup menu; keep in mind that participants’ popup menus can either be located in between the conversations and messages collections or at the bottom of the window. To access settings for the open conversation, choose Conversation > Show details (or press Command-Option-I) or click the “Info” button in the toolbar.

A tip for quickly navigating the app

While the interface of the Messages app can seem a little busy, there is one trick that I use to jump to my most used elements from anywhere in the window, VoiceOver hotspots. To do this, I assign the conversations and messages collections, and the message text field, to hotspots 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

To set a hotspot, focus on the element, such as the conversations collection, and press the VO keys, along with the Shift key and a number ranging from 0 to 9. For example, to set the conversations collection at hotspot 1, navigate to it and press VO-Shift-1. Note that it is not necessary to interact with a collection, just place VoiceOver focus on it.

In the future, whenever you want to navigate to the conversations collection, you can get there simply by pressing VO-1 from anywhere in the window. Repeat this process for other elements you want quick access to, so all you have to remember is the numbers you assigned them to.

Creating a conversation

To compose a new message to someone who you have an existing conversation with, simply navigate to and open the conversation as described earlier, type your message, and press Return.

To create a new conversation, choose File > New message (or press Command-N) or click the compose button in the toolbar. You should then be focused on the “To” field, where you can enter a phone number, email address, or contact’s name.

As you type, VoiceOver will announce contact suggestions, as well as suggestions for existing conversations those contacts are in; use the up and down arrow keys to select an option, and press Return to add it as a recipient. Alternatively, you can use the “Add contact” button to select a contact; interact with the contact’s name in the “contact list” table in the resulting dialog, then interact with the “contact info” table, and press VO-Space on the email address or phone number you want to use.

Once a recipient is added, you can add another one right next to it, and navigate the text field like any other in macOS. Similar to the Mail app, each recipient is read as a single object in the field; to delete one, simply navigate to it with the left and right arrow keys, and press the Delete key as if you were deleting a single character.

Once you’ve added all your recipients, navigate to the message text field and press VO-Space to start editing. Type your message and press Return to send it. As the Return key is used to send a message, press Option-Return if you want to insert a line break into the message.

Managing messages and conversations

When focusing on individual messages and conversations, you can use the Actions menu (accessed by pressing VO-Command-Space) to view options for that message or conversation. These actions are similar to the actions available via the rotor on iOS and iPadOS, so if you use them on those platforms, they should feel very familiar on macOS. The following is a list of available actions for conversations:

  • Pin: pins the conversation to the top of the conversations collection
  • Mark as unread: marks the conversation as unread, useful as a reminder to come back to it later
  • Hide Alerts: disables notifications for the conversation
  • Open in new window: opens the conversation in a separate window, useful if you want to be able to quickly switch between multiple open conversations
  • Show details: opens the conversation details popover for that conversation, the equivalent of clicking the “Info” button in the toolbar
  • Delete: deletes the conversation
  • Press: performs the equivalent of VO-Space to open the conversation
  • Show menu: performs the equivalent of VO-Shift-M to access additional options, similar to the “More” action on iOS and iPadOS
  • Jump to messages collection: performs the equivalent of VO-J

In addition, a number of actions are available in the Actions menus for individual messages, such as reacting with expressions, emojis, and stickers, sending inline replies to iMessages, unsending iMessages, and copying, forwarding, and deleting messages. However, this menu contains several seemingly redundant actions, and others, like the “Reply” action, currently do not do anything when selected.

Replying to individual iMessages

In some cases, you may wish to reply to individual iMessages, such as when responding in a busy group conversation, or when several messages have been sent and you want to clearly indicate which one you’re responding to. To send an inline reply to a message, focus on it in the messages collection and choose “Reply” from the context menu (accessed by pressing VO-Shift-M). Alternatively, you can reply to the most recent message in the conversation by choosing Edit > Reply to last message (or pressing Command-R).

VoiceOver will announce “Showing replies,” and you’ll be focused in the reply text field; compose and send your reply as you would any other message. To dismiss replies and return to the main conversation, press the Escape key or click the “Dismiss replies” button at the top of the collection.

When navigating the messages collection, replies to individual messages will be shown immediately to the right of the original message. To hide the main conversation and only show the replies to a specific message, click the “X replies” button to the right of the displayed replies; press the Escape key or click the “Dismiss replies” button at the top of the collection to dismiss this view and return to the main conversation.

Editing and unsending iMessages

If you accidentally sent an iMessage, you can unsend it if it’s been two minutes or less, or edit the message after it’s been sent if it's been fifteen minutes or less.

To unsend a message, focus on the message in the messages collection and choose “Undo send” from the Actions menu. The recipient will no longer see the message, but will see that a message was unsent.

To edit a message, focus on it in the messages collection and choose “Edit” from the context menu (accessed by pressing VO-Shift-M). Edit the message displayed in the text field, and press Return to send it. The recipient will see the newly edited message, and can click the “Edited” button to the right of the message to view previous versions of it.


By default, the Messages app notifies you whenever a new message is received. If you want to quickly view a message without opening the Messages app, you can press VO-O to access Notification Center from anywhere in macOS, and find the message in the notifications list. Press VO-Space to open the message in the Messages app, or to send a quick reply, choose the “Show more” action from the Actions menu, interact with the message, type your reply in the provided text field, and press Return.

If you'd rather not receive notifications for new messages, you can turn off all notifications from the Messages app in System Settings > Notifications, or you can choose to hide alerts for specific conversations as described earlier. To change the sound that is played when receiving a new message, choose Messages > Settings, (or press Command-Comma) click the general button in the toolbar, and select a sound from the “Message receive sound” popup menu.


Similar to email, iMessage, RCS, and SMS/MMS can be used to send photos, videos, and other files as attachments to messages. If you receive an attachment, you can open it, preview it with Quick Look, or save it to the Downloads folder from the context menu (accessed by focusing on the attachment and pressing VO-Shift-M).

To attach a file, you can either copy it from Finder and paste it in the message text field, or navigate to it in Finder and choose “Share” from the context menu (accessed by pressing VO-Shift-M). Click Messages in the resulting dialog, enter or select recipients as described earlier, and click send. Look for the “Messages” button in share dialogs throughout macOS, as they provide a quick and convenient way to share content from a wide range of apps.

To attach a photo or video from your Photos library, click the “Apps” button and choose “Photos” from the menu, press VO-Space on the photos or videos you want to attach, and press the Escape key to dismiss the popover. Alternatively, you can copy the photos or videos you want to attach from the Photos app, and paste them into the message text field.

Message effects

If you want to add a sense of personality to a message, you can send visual effects to accompany it. Examples of effects include love, balloons, invisible ink, and confetti, among others.

To send an effect with a message, type your message, click the “Apps” button, and choose the “message effects” option from the menu. Select an effect, and click the “Send with effect” button to send the message.

In addition, some messages will cause the Messages app to automatically send an effect. For example, typing “Happy birthday” without the quotes will cause the app to automatically send an effect of balloons, which VoiceOver will announce as the message is sent. Likewise, typing “Congratulations” or “congrats” will cause the app to send an effect of confetti.

If you receive a message with an effect, VoiceOver will announce it as the message is received. If you receive a message covered by invisible ink, navigating to and interacting with the message in the Messages collection should cause its contents to be spoken.

Message scheduling

If you’ve composed an iMessage that you don’t want to send immediately, you can schedule it to be sent at a later time. To do this:

  1. After composing your message, click the “Apps” button and choose “send later” from the menu.
  2. Interact with the date or time areas to the right of the message text field, press VO-Space to begin editing an item, like the day, hour, or minute the message will be sent, and type your change for that parameter.
  3. Once you’ve specified the date and time your message will be sent, focus on the message text field, and press Return to schedule it.

At any point before the message is sent, it will appear at the bottom of the Messages collection for that conversation. Clicking the “Send later” button immediately to the left of the message will present a menu with options to send the message now, edit the message or send time, or delete the message.

Audio messages

In addition to text, you can also send brief audio iMessages by clicking the “Record audio” button, recording a short message, and clicking the Stop button when you’re done. You are then given the option to play the recording, send it, or cancel it.

If you receive an audio message, simply focus on it and press VO-Space to play it; it will then be deleted automatically after two minutes. To retain the message, click the “Keep” button immediately to the right of the message.


While the Messages app can certainly seem complicated or cluttered at first, I hope this guide has succeeded in explaining the basics, as not every feature of the app was covered. Being an app that was ported from iOS using Apple’s “Mac Catalyst” technology, it’s apparent that there are still a number of bugs and inconsistencies that make it feel less refined than other core macOS apps from a VoiceOver perspective, even several years following its introduction.

Personally, I would like to see the following inconsistencies resolved:

  • Elements in the app’s interface should not move unpredictably on their own.
  • Text fields should start editing when the user places VoiceOver focus on them, as they do in other situations in macOS.
  • There should not be so many actions in the actions menu for individual messages, especially since there is also a context menu which contains some of the same options.

More information is available in your Mac’s built-in help, Apple Support, and the AppleVis Forum, and if you have any questions or believe any of the information in this guide is inaccurate, sound off in the comments.


The article on this page has generously been submitted by a member of the AppleVis community. As AppleVis is a community-powered website, we make no guarantee, either express or implied, of the accuracy or completeness of the information.



By Seanoevil on Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 14:42

This is a very informative guide, thank you for sharing.
The Messages App had me questioning my basic ability to use the Mac. I have spent many fruitless hours trying to get the Keyboard Focus to the Message Edit Field with varied success. Sometimes it worked, other times it seemed nigh on impossible. On these occasions, none of the standard navigation techniques could get the Keyboard focus to land on the Message Edit Field. No matter what VO announced, any letters typed would end up in the Search Field and the only way to proceed was to shut down and restart the App.
Little did I realise that simply selecting the Conversation would allow me to simply type and send!
Many thanks

By Nick Giannak III on Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 14:42

Thanks for the detailed writeup, but I do wonder about spell checking with command semicolon? When you land on a misspelled word, what do you do? VO-Shift_M doesn't help with that anymore in Messages, whereas it does in other apps...At least on my system.

By Tyler on Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 14:42

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Nick Giannak III

Interestingly, the spellcheck facility on macOS doesn't appear to work in the Messages app, but at least for me, spelling suggestions and autocorrection work as expected.

By John Gurd on Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 14:42

I bought a Mac Book Pro a year ago and only use it for Logic Pro. I hardly used the Message app there as it didn’t sync with my other IOS messages and the structure looked cumbersome. Now it’s working with my other message apps and I’ve got ways to use it more effectively. I’ve been meaning to learn to use my Mac for other thing so any other articles in the same vein would be very welcome. Thanks so much.

By John Gurd on Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 14:42

I use emoji frequently in IOS but I just can’t get to grips with it in the Mac. Any pointers would be very welcome. :)

Emojis can be accessed by pressing Command-Control-Space to bring up the emoji picker. By default, it is organized into a table; interact with the grid for your desired category, navigate to your desired character with VO-left and right arrow, and press VO-Space to insert it into the message text field.

Additionally, you can quickly locate emojis by typing in the search field at the top of the table; be sure to interact with this element before typing your search term.


By Karina Velazquez on Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 14:42

Hey thank you very much for this guide. The message app was one of the native macOS apps which I couldn't understand since I started using the Mac. Now after 2 years I could deal with it and also now I understand the hotspots of VO.
You should include only the guideline for inserting emojis.

By PaulMartz on Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 14:42

Tyler, thanks for an informative and comprehensive article. As you already know, I'd still be pounding my head on the keyboard if it weren't for your help with the Mac Messages app.

VO+J behaves as you describe, namely, I can use it to jump from the conversation collection to the messages collection to the message text field.

Once I have focus in the message text field, I would expect another VO+J to cycle me back to the conversation collection. It doesn't. Instead, it takes me back to the messages collection. If I want to go from the message text field to the conversation collection, I must first VO+Left Arrow to the Apps button, then VO+J jumps to the conversation collection. Very odd.

Regardless, your information about VO hotspots - that wonderful feature I've used countless times before but always forget about - provides a better navigation mechanism.

By Ekaj on Friday, July 29, 2022 - 14:42

Thanks for this great guide. Can audio effects be sent with or received on the Mac too? Just this morning I received a message from a sister of mine that contained fireworks. I accessed her reply as well as the rest of the conversation using my iPhone, and the fireworks actually played. The same sister sent a birthday reply a couple weeks ago that contained balloons, and I heard them popping. Pretty neat!

By Tyler on Friday, July 29, 2022 - 14:42

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I'd assume so, as the macOS app shares a similar code base with the iOS and iPadOS one, but I'm not sure.

By PaulMartz on Friday, July 29, 2022 - 14:42

On my Mac, I was able to send a message with two different effects, hearts and balloons.

Here's an article about how to send fireworks effects using iOS. I couldn't find a way to do this from my Mac.

By BCDITGirl on Friday, November 22, 2024 - 14:42

Hi Tyler:

I apology if it's not appropriate to ask questions here and so many years after your initial post.

I have spent hours googling and trying to figure out why I still cannot navigate inside the Conversations Collection. I've tried simply arrow up and down, or VO Left and Right, or VO Shift Up and Down. Sometimes it would highlight the pinned contact which is my husband with a bracket focus on his photo, and then SOMEHOW it allowed me to go to the contact below him. However, for example, after I replied and texed back the person, then once again I could not navigate successfully back to my husband or other contacts. Very frustrating. I've also set up hot spot 1 for Conversations Collection, VO 2 for Messages Collection, and VO 3 for messages text field. MacOS Sequoia 15.1.1. Thank you very much.

I have 20 years of professional career in IT and 12 years of Mac experience, so this appears to be very embarrassing. I still have some residual vision but it's getting really challenging so I wish to be proficient in MacOS accessibility and hopefully can be resourceful for the community down the road.

By Brian on Friday, November 22, 2024 - 14:42

Some years ago, Apple changed the Messages app. It used to be far more straightforward than it is now, furthermore, VO plus J used to be able to be used to get you from a message, to your list of contacts or messages. I am not sure exactly when VO plus J became broken, but at least within the last couple of versions of macOS.
Regarding the Messages app, I would dare say it was much better during the days of Catalina, if not earlier.

By PaulMartz on Friday, November 22, 2024 - 14:42

I find it easiest to start from a known location. I open the Messages app and press VO+Home to jump to the toolbar.

Next, I press VO+Right Arrow twice to go past the search text field to the conversations collection. Then I interact with the conversation collection by pressing VO+Shift+Down Arrow.

After that, I can move from one conversation to the next using VO+Left and Right Arrow.

Let's say I want to send a text to one of those conversations. After I find it, I stop interacting by pressing VO+Shift+Up Arrow. To bring focus to the text entry field, I use VO+End to jump to the last control, an emoji picker, I think, then VO+Left Arrow until I get to the field that announces itself as, "Message iMessage edit text, is editing."

At that point, I type my message and press enter.

It's a very klunky interface with vaguely labeled controls, but I hope this helps.

By Tyler on Friday, November 22, 2024 - 14:42

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

After selecting a conversation in the conversations collection, you shouldn't need to manually navigate to the message text field to type a message; it should already be engaged even if VoiceOver focus isn't always automatically placed there.

By BCDITGirl on Friday, November 22, 2024 - 14:42

Hi All: Thanks for your collective answers. I tried again and it is indeed SUPER CLUNKY to say the least. I tried Fn Left Arrow or Command Left Arrow to go to Home as suggested. Not sure if it actually did anything. So I managed to use VO 1 to go to Conversations Collection, then VO Shift Down to highlight a contact, then VO left/ right to navigate to other contacts. Then VO Space to select the contact, then VO J Twice to finally arrive at the text editing field and ready to reply. However, it is still very jumpy! Sometimes it would suddenly go to Messages Collection perhaps after I press VO J. (J as in Jumpy!!) And when I wanted to type H as in Hello, it would say something about heading; or T as in Thank you, it would say something about Table. Not always but annoying enough which caused me to have to repeat the VO 1 yada yada. Plus, even when I had set hot spot 3 to go to Text editing field, it just chimed and not really doing anything. Is it just my luck, haha? Maybe I will contact Apple Accessibility and see if they can do a screen share and hear what I am going through and advise. Will report back. Thanks again.

By BCDITGirl on Friday, November 22, 2024 - 14:42

Thanks I solved the Home and End keyboard combinations (Fn + VO + Left/ Right Arrow) and the End part you suggested works really well. I like how it goes to the emoji picker and left arrow twice to go to the text editing field. More straightforward than VO plus J.

I also just noticed once the contact is highlighted in Conversations Collection, I can simply arrow up and down to navigate to other contacts. There is no need to use VO left and right. Take my pick in terms of muscle memory.

By Quinton Williams on Friday, November 22, 2024 - 14:42

has anyone figured out how to use the send later feature on macos?
I know how to envoke it, but the time picker is not accessible, and I cannot send the message while the send later screen is upp.

By BCDITGirl on Friday, November 22, 2024 - 14:42

Hi Quinton:

After many trials and errors. here is how it works for me. (First time doing this so thanks for the question!)

Once invoked Send Later, Fn VO right arrow to go to Emoji picker, then VO left arrow few times to return to Send Later. On the date field, VO Shift Down to start interact. Follow the prompt to use VO Space to edit Month, then Day. Once done, VO Shiift Up to exit interaction. Then VO right arrow to the Hour, Minute, and AM/PM section. Same procedure VO Shift Down to start interact, VO Space to edit, and VO Shift Up to exit interact.

I had to manually type in all values, meaning the month, day, hour, minute, and say, AM Once all done, Fn VO Right arrow back to Emoji picker. VO Left arrow 3 times until you arrive at the text editing field. Hope this helps. Maybe others have a more straight forward steps to accomplish this!

By Tyler on Friday, November 22, 2024 - 14:42

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

BCDITGirl, as clunky as it is currently, that is also the process I use when I want to schedule messages on macOS. I was waiting to update this guide with information on message scheduling in the hope that either the feature would improve or I'd learn how it was supposed to work, but considering I haven't noticed any changes or come upon any new information on expected behaviors, I'll probably update it at some point next month.