Hello everyone,
I am totally blind and have been enjoying some Youtube videos with blind people playing Stardew Valley on PC.
This game sounds like something I would enjoy playing. However, I do not own a Windows pc. I do own an iPhone.
Can this game be played using VO on my iPhone?
Thanks, in advance, for any information you can give me.
It sounds cool but
I'm not going to pay for something that's potentially inaccessible. Hopefully someone will give us an answer soon.
Stardew Valley iOS Accessibility
No, it is not accessible on iOS because it requires mods to make it so. There is, as far as I know, no way to use those mods with iOS. The mods are built for Windows only.
It is an amazingly fun game and it would be amazing if it were playable on iOS as well, but unfortunately not.
Thank you to the first two commenters
I was also worried about paying for something that was not accessible.
Thank you for clearing this up.
Maybe I’ll try contacting the developer.
Stardew Valley accessibility
The only places you can get Stardew Access running is through the GOG, Xbox, and Steam copies of the game running on Windows. I'm not sure if it'll run on Mac or not. The recommended method is to get everything up and running on Windows with the Steam copy. Ironically, Steam is very inaccessible. If you want to know more, check out https://stardew-access.github.io/
We've got a Discord server and a lot of us do videos and livestreams. If you can get your hands on a PC, I highly recommend this game.
Thank you, Jenna!
Thank you for this information! Hopefully, I can get my hands on a pc so I can join you all.
Why is accessibility such a hot button issue?
I respect people don't want to pay for an app that doesn't meet their accessibility concepts. I respect, the app can be totally inaccessible, partially accessible, or in some cases, to the end user, completely accessible. It's like trying on clothes. what fits you, may not fit the guy behind you, or the girl with the giant rack ahead of you by three people. My accessibility approach is different. I never ask why something is inaccessible, or if it is. Why you ask? because what I find accessible, someone else may throw in the towel five minutes later. I tried an an Android phone, old operating system. It did not work for my use case. did i blame the software? The phone? Nope. I just said, I didn't give it a chance. So what is so wrong with asking for a refund on an app? Yes I realize people can abuse the system, I realize, Apple can say hey due, stop asking for refunds. What's wrong with taking our own honest to God intelligence into consideration? I mean if it doesn't work, great. If it works for you, fabulous. I'm adult enough to say, Hey it didn't for me, glad you got it to work. why is this community, in general, so down on itself? Never mind, don't answer. :) Your opinion isn't really worth reading. :O)
This is a forum for blind people talking about accessibility.
Asking first before going through the hassle of buying, frustration, and refunding, is a lot less painful. It also might not be accessible straight out of the box and people could offer tips and guides. There might also be alternatives, such as playing on PC instead of iPhone. The refund period might also not be long enough to allow you to form a good opinion on the accessibility of a product.
Let me parrot your clothing analogy with an analogy about food and movies. Would you not want to ask what other people think before buying? Surely, it's helpful to know if something is good or not before laying down cash. Imagine paying for vacation package without even looking up reviews. Diving in and giving it a shot on your own can be rewarding, but it's not wrong or distasteful to ask others for opinions beforehand, especially with a topic as complex and nuanced as game accessibility.
Lol another totally pointless comment from Siobhan
I am starting to get used to these after reading a dozen of them here and there. Still, they are hilarious.
Agree with Jenna and DM Nagel
Thank you both for your insightful and well thought-out comments.
Here in the EU, I have to agree to Apples’ terms and conditions when purchasing apps. One of these is that I cannot request a refund after purchasing. Money can thus only be spent once.
Thank you again for providing alternative suggestions.
I truly appreciate them!