I posted this to the mac forum but would also love to know if this exist on iPad.
Good day. I have a client who is moving to the mac and getting a job as a music therapist. Is there any accessible software that would allow someone to write a score and then print it as a musical chart? Thanks.
iOS and iPadOS
Hi. I go to school for music and use Sibelius to complete most of my assignments. It works great on Mac with VoiceOver, I know there is also an IOS version that requires a Bluetooth keyboard but I haven't used it so not sure how it is accessibility wise. Hope this helps!
I use Sibelius on Mac. avid.com also has Sibelius for IOS. I haven't used it, though.
I believe MuseScore may also have an accessible IOS app.
Anythoughts about which is the most accessible on mac: Sibelius
First, thanks for the great answers. My client is familiar with Musescore and since she is moveing to the unfamiliar environment of the Mac this might be the better choice. Howabout accessibility? Since this is for her job which one would be easier to use and the most acessible to voiceover? Again, thanks. This is why I always referr people to this sight for the wealth of great information.
I obtained tutoring for Sibelius from a fellow blind user. I would be happy to share his contact information. He made the learning curve a lot easier. I don't know if he knows MuseScore.
There is a blind user google discussion group for Sibelius, too. You should be able to find it via google.
Good luck,
Symphony Pro
Symphony Pro is a very nice and full featured app for creating and sharing musical scores.
Although I don't currently use the app, I provided feedback for many of the betas. The developer was very receptive to the needs and requirements of Voiceover users. Many keyboard hotkeys are available to make functions more accessible and efficient to use.
You can find it on the Apple App Store at:
re, symphony pro
i've been looking for a accessible app to compose on the iphone for a while. I'm not going for Sibelius as though while its a good app; I own a perpetual license on the mac, and having to buy it again via subscription on ios is... a waiste of money.
Would it be possible for you to give me a hand with symphony pro and learning it?
Symphony Pro Mac or iOS?
i might have missed this but is Symphony Pro for mac or iOS? you mentioned keyboard commands, this is excellent.
Bruce, thanks for your suggestion regarding the google group for Sibelius. I feel well armed to work with this new client and help her find great software that will allow her to do her job.
Thanks again to all.
for ios mainly
Symphony pro is mainly for ios, however if you have a m1 mac, it is for mac as well, don't know about intel macs, I looked it up and I couldn't find anything suggesting there is a version for mac apart from m1 macs.
Re: Learning Symphony Pro
I haven't used Symphony Pro on iOS for a long time and never became an expert. I was mostly giving feedback to the developer to make it accessible.
That being said, there is a list of keyboard hotkeys built into the Help section of the app. Also, if yu go to the Symphony Pro web site, I seem to remember a bunch of useful documentation there. As I indicated, the developer is also very amenable to making this app accessible for people using Voiceover if you have any suggestions.
I was amazed at the set of features it had for the low price compared to other offerings. some of those subscription models can get pricey.
One more Note: MuseScore 4 should be coming out early next year. They are eager to improve their support for Mac's and also to make the program as accessible using a screen reader as possible. Version 4 is expected to be greatly improved in that rghard. That being said, the accessibility of Muse Score is already pretty good AND it is free!
It is indeed very accessible, in all platforms, which is grate. as of MuseScore 4, there are considerable functions amed at Braille music users, to.
MuseScore on iOS.
I'm pretty sure the iOS app is just for playing scores and/or
accessing scores on musescore.com. It's not an editor like on Mac or Windows.