Point Inside Shopping & Travel


Description of App

As described in the iTunes Store:

Make life easy with the "You are here" blue dot and complete directory for 70+ interactive

Make life easy with the "You are here" blue dot and complete directory for 70+ interactive airport maps and 600+ interactive mall maps. Know what’s where...FOR FREE!

Featured in: USA Today, Gizmodo, CNET, PC Magazine, GPS World and more!!!

★★★★★ Here's user feedback! ★★★★★

"At first I laughed then fell in love with this free app..." -- Daniel Vasquez, South Florida Sun Sentinel

"Phenomenal iPhone app! I thought it was only for airports but I was wrong. Perhaps the most practical iphone app available.....I will definitely recommend this app to others." –- Charlie H.

"We absolutely love this app. What a wonderful and unique idea - mall and airport layouts!" -- Kathy J.

"This app rocks! I hate shopping, so being able to minimize mall time by knowing exactly where to go is invaluable. Thanks."

"I've heard of apps doing this before, but wasn't aware of one that did it so WELL. I am taking a trip soon and have already downloaded all of the airports in question. Marvelous work!"

"I love this app! The directional "you are here" arrow is the best! I'll never ask anyone for directions again! Thank you."

"Fantastic app for travel...can plan ahead and save a lot of time! Phone numbers for the stores are a nice touch."

"Sweet app, this is a must have for any impatient male like myself!"

"Hi, I LOVE your Point Inside app! It helps me shop in less time because I know where the store I'm going to actually is. Thank you for making it - it's so convenient!”




Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

AppleVis Editor Note: this app was submitted before Usability Ratings were introduced, so one has been chosen on the basis of the accessibility comments made by the original poster. If you have used this app, please post a comment to let us know if you agree with the Rating.

Original Comments: When this app first starts, it brings up a map of the places near your current location that have interactive information. This view is not accessible. Double tapping the search button at the bottom of the screen brings up a list of locations nearby. Double tapping on a location brings up a list of stores/information about that place. The maps of places aren't accessible, but I was able to determine the floor and telephone number for the AT&T store in the mall closest to me. Once you get to the search view, this app works quite well with VoiceOver.


VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.



By Danielle on Monday, October 25, 2010 - 22:03

So wish this had an English counterpart! That'd be wicked