Hello all,
Before updating to 16.1 from 15.7 everything was working correctly. So here to my issue, somewhat complicated to explain but I hope I can make myself clear. I use the invert color option, as classic, to view my iPad. I have (had) it setup so that the homepage and Lock Screen are black background with white text. For example my Lock Screen is(was) black with white text for the time. After updating to 16.1 the same background is now black with black text on my Lock Screen. Now I can’t read the time anymore as there is no contrast. If I try to use invert color as intelligent, oddly it looks the same.The strange behavior is that normally invert color intelligent uses the actual/original image where as invert classic changes the original image from negative to positive, but this is no longer the case. I have spent many hours exploring the settings and wallpapers and have tried many different options to no avail. Is anybody else having this issue and if so have you found a workaround? Very annoying nonetheless. I have reported this to accessibility but have not heard back from them. If you also have issues with invert color please contact accessibility too, the more reported the likelier the chance of a fix. If I don’t respond to a comment right a way please excuse me, i have alot going on.
Have a great day and stay safe and healthy
Yes, report this to Apple Accessibility!
I agree - this is exactly what I too have found! I’ve reported the bug throughout the beta cycle and again this week. The more people report it, the quicker it will get fixed! Harry
There's definitively an…
There's definitively an issue with smart invert since the 16.0 to .1 update with both iPad and iPhone. In my case I have problem with smart invert colours. Since iOS/iPadOS 16 the keyboard in some app won't invert anymore and will stay white no matter if smart invert is activated or not, so this feature is now useless for me for the 2-3 apps that still not having a dark mode. It was an old bug from previous iOS versions but was fixed on iOS 15. The workaround for this is to create a shortcut automation to set up classic invert when opening those apps.
iOS and iPadOS 16 are very disappointing. it's too buggy right now, especially on iPad with the touch screen is less responsive when the accessibility zoom is enabled as well. My advice for those still on 15.7 is to stay there and just update to 15.7.1. I'm glad I have a spare iPad so my main one is still on 15.7.1 without all these issues.
Invert colors issues
Hello all,
I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one with this issue. Thanks for your responses and thanks for reporting this to Apple. Sorry of course that this bug is there and hitting you. Here’s hoping the issue will get resolved soon, maybe in 16.2.
Take care and stay healthy
Having the Same Issue - Where to Report
I ‘m experiencing the same issue with my iPad after updating to iOS 16. Like the OP, I very carefully set up my iPad to maximize my visual ability, but now the smart invert is not working as it did with previous iOS iterations.
Where have you reported this issue? I would like to add on … Thank you. I ‘m glad it’s not just me!
Perhaps Dark Mode is a cause...
Hi friends,
I too rely on the classic invert colors options quite often.
I'm on iOS/iPadOS 16.2. And it seems to be working fine for me.
Perhaps try toggling Dark Mode in Settings/Display & Brightness.
I have it enabled and seems to function for me.
Hope this helps...
Invert issue is sadly still alive
Hello all and a happy new year,
Thanks for your responses.
To @3AM, dark mode by itself works as expected, it’s the invert color options that’s going bonkers. If your not having this issue at all, your one of the lucky few. Sadly Everyone I know has this issue.
To @emfulton, the report goes straight to [email protected] . Sadly with 16.2 the bug is still alive and Apple knows. I recently wrote them as follow up on the issue and here is their response —
Thank you for taking the time to follow up and provide this feedback. We appreciate your patience and wanted to let you know that our team is aware of this issue, and is investigating solutions for a future software update.
Apple Accessibility
So that’s the current state of things. Thanks again for all your responses and stay safe and healthy.
Best wishes, Fritz