Seeking accessible robot vacuum cleaner recommendations

By Jurgen, 18 February, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

I want to get a cleaning robot but the apps to control them are often not very accessible to VO users.
At the moment I'm pending between one by EcoVacs and RoboRock.
Has anyone experiences with one of them? How accessible are their apps?
Thanks and all the best



By Travis Roth on Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 21:38

Hi, The roboRock app is usable with VoiceOver. I should clarify: it is possible to select a cleanign mode such as Full or Rooms, and in Rooms it is possible to select which rooms by their name. When a room is selected it will not say selected, but there is a roomscounter above them that says e.g., 1 rooms selected, so you can tell if you have added rooms. This does require someone to use the map in the app that RoboRock creates the first time it vacuums an entire floor and define the rooms for you, as well as drawing any no-go zones you want. Maps just aren't accessible. Setting up how much suction power or water to use per room is also easier for your sighted helper. But once setup is done, the main screen you can use. And you can connect it to Siri or Alexa if you want and say Clean this room.
Another nice thing about RoboRock is it has a "Ffind me" feature you can ask Siri (after you set up the shortcut) to find the RoboRock and the robot will respond with "Hi, I'm over here". Which can be helpful to locate it when it invariably gets trapped.
I hope this helps. Other brands may be better, RoboRock is just the one I have experience with so I am by no way advocating for it specifically.

By Bruce Harrell on Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 21:38

A couple years ago I bought a robot vacuum cleaner. It has a fancy app. I've never used The one I bought allows the user to simply press the big button on top and get out of the way. The robot does the rest. I think there are a variety of robots that have the same feature. If in doubt, call or email the sales@business and ask if any of their robots do the same.

By Cihan Yazıcı on Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 21:38


I have been using the iRobot i7 model for about 1 and a half years.
The application is generally designed according to accessibility rules.
when making smart mapping at first use; I needed help from the person who saw it.
After that, I continue to carry out all my operations alone without the application.

By Brad on Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 21:38

I've got a roomba and the IRobot app works fine.

I don't think you can schedule a time for it to clean but cleaning works fine.

Oh and if you get the roomba without the sucktion bags, the part you pull out for cleaning has a little flap you can open to make poring out the crap it cleans up easier.

As someone else said; you can also just press the big round button on the top of the machine, there's two others but i don't know what they're called.

By Andy Lane on Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 21:38

From the first comment I’d say the Ecovacs app is almost exactly as accessible as the Roborock app. I can do pretty much everything except use the maps. It’s never easy to do things in the app but it’s usually ok in the end. Alexa and google home support are great but initial setup definitely needs sighted assistance or at least it did 12 months ago when I bought mine. It’s a good vacuum for the price but from what I understand the higher end roborocks are better but cost much more. I think the Ecovacs is great value for money. It’s caused me no problems in the year I’ve had it and I’d definitely recommend it. Way better than the old Roombas but not as good as the more expensive Roborocks. Middle money for middle performance but definitely good enough to get the job done well.

By Fred on Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 21:38

I find the wise robot vacuum app works fairly well especially if you have a Google or Alexa mini available to talk to it. You can also select it through the phone. I had a hard time or impossible time setting up barriers and stuff. I had her sided assistance to do that but once it’s set up, the app works pretty well And Walmarts been having them on sale for about 150 bucks can’t really beat that

By Arya on Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 21:38

Hi The IRobot app is very accesible.
We will need the assistance for the first time after the smart mapping is complete to divide the maps in to rooms and name it.
After that we can independantly use the ap with VoiceOver.
We can also use it through the voice assistance such has alexa, google assistant and SIRI.

By Rafal on Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 21:38

If you're fine with roomba cleaners, try an iRobot app. It is accessible though you may experience minor problems. Greetings!

By Jurgen on Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 21:38

Great to receive all your recommendations and hints. Very helpful.
I decided to get a RoboRock. It arrived yesterday. I also decided to install it with sighted help.
I'm very excited about it.
Thanks again and all the best.