94 seconds and voiceover: they promised an update but nothing happened

By Elena Brescacin, 3 July, 2013

iOS and iPadOS Gaming
Hello, I just wanted to let you know a very bad situation happened on the game "94 seconds". About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I wrote to their facebook page - www.facebook.com/94seconds - telling them that voiceover did not work correctly. that you just read descriptions and subcategories flicking left and right, wasting useful game time. and they promised that the next update -last one, 3.0- fixed this issue well, I updated this app last Friday. And the bad surprise was that voiceover just reads the starting letter of the word but not the categories and the worst thing, buttons to start game and to perform other actions have no label. Well, I did what I could do, just telling them it's not a serious way to work, to write a thing publicly then behaving in the opposite way you may fifnd my posts on their facebook page. If someone here plays 94seconds, please consider writing them. They must know we are blind but not fool! Or, I'd like to know if someone of you just got it better. with 3.0 update gets categories and subcategories read I am thinking of everything, including that English version works but we italians fools have the old interface let me know! But of course there's something wrong.



By Piotr Machacz on Monday, July 1, 2013 - 23:35

We know for a fact that they know about voiceover and the last version had cleared up a few labels and added hints to controls. I guess there might have bee some misscomunication between whoever handles the communication and the programmers if there are more than a single person. I think we should now be patient, just so we don't get what happened to silver sword. Because that would really be unfortunate.