Bing - Your AI copilot


Description of App

Description from the apps store:
Introducing the new Bing search, your AI-powered copilot for the web.
It’s powered by the same technology behind ChatGPT and draws on the deep knowledge base behind Bing search. The combination means you'll get reliable, up-to-date results, and complete, cited answers to your questions! You'll also get to chat, use voice search, and see suggestions for additional information. It can even build on your ideas to write drafts for you to consider.

1.)Next-generation OpenAI model. We’re excited to announce the new Bing is running on a new, next-generation OpenAI large language model that is more powerful than ChatGPT and customized specifically for search. It takes key learnings and advancements from ChatGPT and GPT-3.5 – and it is even faster, more accurate and more capable.

2.)Microsoft Prometheus model. We have developed a proprietary way of working with the OpenAI model that allows us to best leverage its power. We call this collection of capabilities and techniques the Prometheus model. This combination gives you more relevant, timely and targeted results, with improved safety.

3.)Applying AI to core search algorithm. We’ve also applied the AI model to our core Bing search ranking engine, which led to the largest jump in relevance in two decades. With this AI model, even basic search queries are more accurate and more relevant.

4.)New user experience. We’re reimagining how you interact with search, browser and chat by pulling them into a unified experience. This will unlock a completely new way to interact with the web.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

the app is quite accessible. and very good apps for your assistant

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Other Comments

well, it is a good one if you are borrowing with the google search app.
and I hope the future updates can be make it more faster...



By DMNagel on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

When my conversation is full, I apparently need to clean some of it by using the broom button. However, I don’t know where to find this button.

By kool_turk on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

you should be able to swipe left and see a new topic button.

It's not a bad app, just needs a bit of tweaking, like clearing your history.

I can't get that to work.

For some reason the checkbox won't get ticked.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

Yes, I know about that button. However, it seems to erase not only the messages, but the entire chat conversation along with its memory. I was hoping for my conversation to continue past the 10 mark.

By ming on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

if you sign in to your microsoft account on your pc. please go to
and then you can give them suggestion....
hope they can have more update in the future.

By kool_turk on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

apparently it did some weird things, so they restricted it to 5.

I guess they're slowly raising the limit to find that sweet spot.

It would be nice if it was unlimited, an AI responce to something that I start isn't going to scare me off, but people have been watching too many sci-fi movies, so they're like AI is bad.

Stop watching 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Don't fight the machines people, work with them.

So far the best thing about this thing, I don't need to sift through a bunch of websites to find what I'm looking for.

It can only get better from here.

By Andy Lane on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

The app could do with some work to make it easier to use with voiceover but for the first release of such a huge technology it’s pretty good. The last comment pointed out the advantage of not having to sift through websites to find what you want but I’d like to highlight and amplify that. Just asking a question and getting a well thought through well researched answer is, I think going to be enormous for us. Imagine when its on our echo, google home and HomePods. Just ask a question and have a pretty good chance you’ll get the answer we might have spent 10 minutes plus trying to find online. There will of course be misses but so far it’s already impressed me. I think we’re at the start of something huge and it’s so exciting it’s a technology that should make things a lot easier for us specifically. It feels like we’re almost at the point digital assistants become actual capable assistants instead of something to check the weather on, set timers and get frustrated at most other interactions. Imagine the possibilities, it feels like we’re moving toward the movie Her. Just remember its a large language model and not the real Scarlot Johansen.

By Jason White on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

If I choose the option to export the entire conversation, I get a PNG file. Are others experiencing the same? Is there an option to change the format to something accessible?

By Andy Lane on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

I had the exact same problem. I couldn’t work out any way to get simple text no matter the sharing option I used. I heard yesterday that it’s believed GPT 4.0 which is the much deeper language model with I think trillions instead of 10’s of billions of variables is making its way to Bing in the next few weeks. Fingers crossed. It’s already way ahead of google but doesn’t seem anywhere near as capable as on Open AI’s 2021 model but fingers very much crossed for new release. It’s such an exciting time and maybe looking back in 10 years we’ll remember 2023 like we remember the start of google and everything that changed.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

That’s my opinion at least. I just wish I could have longer chats past the 10 message mark.

By kool_turk on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

I don't use Mac, so can't comment on that operating system, but on windows, if you use NVDA, you can use OCR to read the text in those images.

I've done it with examples people have posted to Reddit.

By Andy Lane on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 03:14

Seems like Bing is already using GPT 4.0 I asked it when bing was moving to GPT 4 and it gave me a cryptic answer that I could sign up for testing on the usual link but that 4 might be disappointing. I then saw on twitter someone suggesting Bing has been using 4 all along. Either way I’m very impressed with it compared to google. It has given me some really great answers so far and I haven’t had to go past the chat window a single time. It’s got information I could have been hunting for for hours on the first search.