Apple Releases iOS 16.5 and iPadOS 16.5, Bringing Sports Tab to News App and Pride Celebration Wallpaper

By AppleVis, 18 May, 2023

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Apple has today released iOS 16.5 and iPadOS 16.5 to the public. While these updates seem to be relatively minor, they do introduce two changes. The first one is the Sports tab in the News app that allows users to easily access news, scores, and schedules for their favorite teams and leagues. The second is a new wallpaper option named "Pride Celebration."

These updates introduce an enhanced version of a feature initially introduced in iOS 16.4 and iPadOS 16.4 for Braille users. In these previous releases, users were provided with the option to display certain text attributes, such as bold and underlined, while working in UEB. This feature has now been expanded to support a wider array of apps. However, based on our testing, we have found that Notes is currently not functioning with this feature. To enable this functionality, follow these steps: Go to Settings > Accessibility > VoiceOver > Braille, and toggle the Text Formatting option to the on position.

Sadly, these releases also introduce a major bug for users of Braille displays where if the braille feature "turn pages while panning" is enabled, after reaching the end of the page in several apps, the panning buttons freeze even after exiting the app in question.

The earlier betas of iOS 16.5 included an enhancement to Siri's functionality that enabled users to start and stop screen recording through voice commands, in addition to the usual method of enabling it through Control Center. However, this feature did not make it to the final version of the update.

As of now, we haven't identified any further bug fixes, enhancements, or newly introduced bugs that specifically affect the experience of blind and low vision users in these updates. There was some anticipation that iOS 16.5 would address the VoiceOver speech output issue where it spontaneously stops, but our tests didn't reveal any improvements in this area. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates if needed.

We strive to provide the most comprehensive and accurate information about the accessibility status of Apple software releases. However, as a small team, it is impossible for us to test every device, configuration, application, and use case. That's why we depend on our community to help us ensure that our information is as complete and accurate as possible. If you have tested iOS 16.5 or iPadOS 16.5 for accessibility, please share any additional fixes, enhancements, or regressions you've discovered in the comments below. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us provide the best information to our community.

iOS 16.5 Release Notes

This update includes the following enhancements and bug fixes:

  • A new Pride Celebration wallpaper for the Lock Screen to honor the LGBTQ+ community and culture
  • Sports tab in Apple News gives easy access to stories, scores, standings, and more, for the teams and leagues you follow
  • My Sports score and schedule cards in Apple News take you directly to game pages where you can find additional details about specific games
  • Fixes an issue where Spotlight may become unresponsive
  • Addresses an issue where Podcasts in CarPlay may not load content
  • Fixes an issue where Screen Time settings may reset or not sync across all devices

iPadOS 16.5 Release Notes

This update includes the following enhancements and bug fixes:

  • Sports tab in Apple News gives easy access to stories, scores, standings, and more, for the teams and leagues you follow
  • My Sports score and schedule cards in Apple News take you directly to game pages where you can find additional details about specific games
  • Fixes an issue where Spotlight may become unresponsive
  • Fixes an issue where Screen Time settings may reset or not sync across all devices

How to Update

iOS 16.5 and iPadOS 16.5 are available via Over-the-Air Update (Settings > General > Software Update) via Finder on a Mac with macOS Catalina or later, or via iTunes on a PC or Mac with macOS Mojave or earlier.



By Chris Hill on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

If you rely on these and are using 16.4 or some such, don't upgrade. If you are playing or stopped and you have your navigation jump set to a time, using that will cause your speech to have a problem when you restart playing. If you have this issue, you'll know because the speech will stop after you've done a swipe up or down while you have that set to a time value like 30 seconds. If you immediately try to start speech, it will mess up again, often stopping even more quickly. Best thing to do is wait a minute before restarting speech and it may well fix itself. Some voices cause more problems than others, Neospeech Paul seems to be one of the worst in Voice Dream.

I've seen a similar problem with bothSpeech Central and Bookshare reader during the beta cycle.

Good luck.

By Dominic on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

There seems to be no improvement on the voice of a crashing issue, all the other features, I don’t need, and other than the crushing issue iOS, 16.4.1 is perfect over here.

By bonerobot on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

Lol, we're now at IOS 16.5 and they havn't still not resolved the issue when your iPhone is connected to a bluetooth speaker and Voiceover is freaking totally out.
I mean, this bugs is consistent since IOS 14.6, what's the problem to solve it?

By Andy Lane on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

I remember on each of the betas I thought it was gone and wrote that in comments only for it to return later. It does seem to be gone but my phone was only restarted an hour ago. I’ll stay cautiously optimistic but update this comment if and when it returns

Yeh, well… Uhm! It returned. So…

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

I am not having issues that all of you are having. Lucky me. I feel for all of you. I recall with unlucky 13 iOS I had many issues. Using 13 pro that I got last November.

By Dennis Long on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

Did you do the following:
1 call apple accessibility?
2 do a screen share?
3 allow them to gather the proper logs?
4 continue to email Apple accessibility about this issue?

By Chris Hill on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

They generally want beta feedback through the app, so that's what I do.
If they read the feedback, they know about the problems. Emailing apple accessibility about betas is frowne dupon.

By Bingo Little on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

as I write, I feel like I have the hand of trepidation on my shoulder: if I share what I am about to share, will I jinx it? But no, the good of the community must prevail over my own misgivings. If I am right about what I am about to write, others have a right to know so as to make their informed decision. if you are superstitious, don't read the next paragraph:

For me, using an iPhone 13 and good old UK Siri female, the Voiceover crashing and crashing and crashing and crashing bug would appear to have been squashed! it's not happened at all since I updated and during the few hours since that time I have revisited the context in which it used to happen e.g. Facebook, WhatsApp, going home out of certain apps, on several occasions. it's gone, I tell you, gone! Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus tte, glorificamus te!

By Bingo Little on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

I don't know whether this is a squashed bug but it's better than where we were: braille display users will be familiar with pressing dot 8 to get enter and instead having the context menu appear. That was how it was in, I think, 16.4 or so. But since going up to 16.4.1A I found that pressing dot 8 would do nothing at all. No, not even a context menu. Others have experienced this, at least with a brailliant, as it features on that Facebook group. Well, as of 16.5 I find that pressing dot 8 once again gets me that context menu. At least that means pressing dots 2-7 to emulate the option key and then pressing dot 8 will, once again, operate as a work-around and get me the enter key. so the bug isn't quite squashed but we're back to the old bug with a work-around rather than the super bug with no work-around whatsoever. I'll take that for now.

By PaulMartz on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

This was the comment I was looking for. I'll throw salt over my left shoulder, then update.

By Lee on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

Ok guys been thinking about this. The bug is very random. It seems that it affects some and not all users and some but not all phone models. Equally, it then seems to fix itself. I had this issue in 16.4 with most voices on iPhone 13 pro. Since 16.4.1 the bug just went. All voices work fine. So whatever the issue is it maybe a sod to fix for Apple and it isn't uniform to all devices/people. Could be around for a while me thinks.

By Carter Wu on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

I found that this version seems to have fixed a bug that had been bothering me for a long time. For quite some time before, I always encountered a bug where the data package used for image description would be automatically deleted. That is to say, even if you found that the switch for image description recognition in VoiceOver was turned on, VoiceOver would tell you that you need a 33.8MB data package when you clicked on it to check. After I updated to 16.5 the day before yesterday and until now, the data package is still there. Hopefully, it has really been fixed and it's not just wishful thinking on my part.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

Bugs are not nice to all of you. My series 7 is good so far. I am planning to get the series 9 due to faster chip and new OS. Hope that it will not have bugs since is going to be a new experience with OS.

By PaulMartz on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

Bugs that are intermittent, happen for only some users or devices, or that come and go by themselves, are often caused by uninitialized memory. Professional software developers have tools to locate code that references memory that has never been written to. It's a matter of the developer taking the time to use the tools available.

I know this from personal experience. At an employer a long time ago in a city not that far away, we had a single customer who reported an intermittent crash. No one else experienced it. The bug when unfixed for months because our small team of developers was continually developing new features that the sales staff had sold - even though the features didn't exist.

Then, one day, the bug could wait no longer, and guess who drew the short straw? Yours truly. If I remember correctly, it took a solid week of instrumenting code and collecting data to track down and fix. One developer, 40 hours - that's all it took. I know, every bug is different. But I think it's fair to say that, just because a bug is intermittent doesn't mean it's particularly difficult to fix.

By al-Salil on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

iPhone XR iOS 16.5.
VO with Norwegian SIRI male and UK SIRI female and US SIRI #4 in my rotor.
It's crashing all over the place hahaha
F*** LOL

By Davy Cuppens on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

Since ios16.5 the problem is there again where the navigation keys won't work properly, sometimes they do mostly they don't. Please DO report this to [email protected] I am testing with a smartbeetle and ios16.5 with an iphone XR.
really for me ios16 is the worst and most crab update I have ever experoenced before and I have been using IOS since IOS7.

By al-Salil on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

Ok, iOS 16 works fine for me most of the time.
However, I'm very tired of all the bugs and some of these bugs are darn annoying.
I really don't care about useless wallpapers and such.
I care about poor quality TTS voices and VO restarting very often.
Apple, please focus on squashing bugs rather than developing even new VO features.
Please make higher quality voices available and make it easier for third party devs to have their speech engines available on iOS and VO.

By Bingo Little on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

I didn't say it quietly enough, clearly. Voiceover still crashes for me, albeit not nearly as often as before. Far more annoying is the bug on the other thread about panning while reading Kindle books. There is now a work-around for that one, but it's still very irksome indeed. I am inclined to agree with those who say that IOS 16 has been one of the buggier releases, though I still haven't forgotten what IOS 13 did to my battery, so IOS 13 remains my least favourite. I've been using an iPhone since 2010, so that's IOS 4 or thereabouts.

By Scott Davert on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

For me, the panning issues seem to only exist with the Kindle app, though it doesn't seem to matter which braille display I use. Until Turn Pages While Panning is disabled, I am unable to pan past the bottom of the page. Perhaps It is worse on the Smart Beetle, I do not have one to test with.

By CritterPup on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

Hello, I was just curious if the panning issues reported on the iPhone are also present on iPad 16.5?

By Tyler on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I don't use braille so can't say for sure, but as iOS and iPadOS share much of the same code, I'd assume the issues with panning reported on the iPhone are also present on the iPad.

By CritterPup on Sunday, May 28, 2023 - 22:11

I hadn't heard anyone report it with iPad OS, only iOS, so I was holding out some hope.