iPad iOs 16.95 and use of Keynote

By B-DGleason, 18 June, 2023

Low Vision Accessibility on Apple Products

My husband is a retired professor/ornithologist who creates slide shows using his bird photos (taken prior to vision loss) on his iPad, using Keynote. He is now unable to see the toolbar or menu icons, nor can he read the words, as there is too little contrast between the icons or words and background in the toolbar and in menus.

Is there a way to modify color or boldness of icons or words in the toolbar or menus?

Are there workarounds we should explore?

We would love for him to be able to continue to create these slide shows he presents, but it's becoming almost too hard for him now. He does not want to give up doing them, simply due to his vision loss from multiple causes, not the least of which was leukemia! THIS problem should be surmountable!

He cannot use his former computer as he cannot enlarge the type or read menus there either.



By Siobhan on Saturday, July 1, 2023 - 21:52

Hi. I don't know much about low vision but there are setting like zoom, as well as magnifier he might try. Depending on if his vision loss is getting worse, he might want to start using a screen reader such as Jaws for windows or the ipad has Voice over. Know however that when voice over is turned on, gestures will change. so instead of touching an icon to activate it, he'll hear the icon spoken aloud. For example he'd hear, keynote. He'd then take a finger and double tap to open Keynote. There are programs for computers as well such as Magic made by Sendero group i think they are called now. That will increase text size and it might help with contrast. I'm sorry I'm not much more help. Be warned the assistive technology has a hefty price tag.