accessible air frier

By Dennis Long, 14 July, 2023

Smart Home Tech and Gadgets

Hi, is there air fryers that are accessible that allow you to use an app to control them? Has anyone done a demo on them?



By David Erich on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

This would be very helpful to me as well. If someone could also demo it that would be helpful

By Dave Nason on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I got a Cosori Air Fryer after hearing about it on the NCBI Labs technology podcast a while back.
It uses an app called Vesync. I think I needed some sighted assistance to get it set up, but once up and running it has been working well with VoiceOver.
They did break something in the Android app so you can never be certain that things won’t break in the future, but I reported that, and so far so good on iOS.

By Jim Neitzel on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

Cosori Also has good support with Amazon echo devices. I never even use the app. I just tell my echo device:
Set the grill to air fry for four minutes.

By Troy B on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

I use the Cosori fryer with alexa as well and it's very easy to use that way. I never have figured out how to use it with my iPhone though so if someone can give me some tips I'd appreciate it.

By tyler chambliss on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

Any air fryer model from Cosori that has the word smart in the name will be exactly what you're searching for. The app you'll use to control it is called Vesync. You will need to put some sort of marker on the power button and the start button sense after you've set your desired cooking time and temp you have to press the start button on the air fryer it's self. That's the only time you'll have to touch the device. And as I said any fryer that has the word smart in the name will work. I specifically have the Cosori Pro smart, second generation. They have all sorts of styles to choose from. You'll just have to research. And remember it has to be one of the smart models if you want to control it with the app. Finally if you want it can be controlled by your Amazon device.

By Dave Nason on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

The last comment about putting markers on the device is not the case for me. I can do everything from the app and never need to touch the controls on the device.
Regarding Alexa, be aware that for some reason, it is not working in all countries at this time.

By tyler chambliss on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

Hmm that's weird. I have to press the start button after I've pressed start in the app. I guess different models work in different ways with the app.

By Troy B on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

As I said in an earlier note I use my Cosori with alexa, and I have the Cosori III but after using the fryer I just leave things as is and don't press any buttons so things are ready to go the next time I use the fryer. I heard about doing it that way here on applevis from somebody else who does what I do.

By Andy Lane on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

I always have to press start however it’s no problem and doesn’t need a bump on because the button is the last one on the right hand side of the control panel. I have the dual blaze 6.4l and it has a strip of buttons along the front. The panel is well defined in a shiny plastic which is different to the mat plastic the rest of the machine is made of. I just slide my finger down the right hand 1 - 2cm of the panel and hit the button every single time. The on/off button is the same on the left side of the panel. You don’t even need the on/off button other than to connect to Wi-Fi the first time. After that, the only button you need is the start button.

By Lee on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

It's odd I wonder if it is location based? I'm in the UK and there is a start button on the app that works. Never touched the device. So it is either something to do with legal reasons or maybe the model of the frier. but if that was the case how would the buttton appear on the app for some people and not others.

By Andy Lane on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

It’s very odd indeed. It’s obviously not firmware but I wonder if there was a hardware change that means you have to press the start button. It doesn’t seem likely as the whole machine is software defined. The buttons are even software as they aren’t real buttons. Who knows. Either way, it’s only a minor inconvenience to press the button.

By Andy Lane on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

I agree very often smart tech doesn’t live up to what it promises and can even overly complicate simple things. The Cosori air fryers aren’t like that though. It’s the ability to set the temperature reliably that I like the most. The setup is simple and the only negative really is having to open the V E sync app which Siri often pretends she doesn’t know anything about. Generally though its very simple and does deliver on what it promises.

By Jared on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

I have a Proscenic T21 air fryer I use regularly. Some of the buttons aren’t given the best labels for Voice Over by default but other than physically plugging in the air fryer it can be controlled completely through the app. It also apparently can run through Alexa but I just use the iOS app. I can put together an audio demonstration this weekend if there’s interest.

By charles on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

I have an Amazon Smart oven. It does 4 tasks. Air frier, microwave, convection oven and food warmer. Works well with "the A Lady". A braille overlay could also be purchased for $1. Unfortunately, and I don't know why, Amazon no longer sells this oven. As for capacity, it will hold a 14-inch pizza. It will roast a 5-pound chicken. It will cook 7 Tyson chicken patties. Although it cost me $350, I thought it well worth the price, and I use it darn near every day.

By Dennis Long on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

It worked porely for some things. I suspect this is why it wasn't sold anymore. I know a Friend Stephen Giggar he has one. Some of you might remember him from the Talks phone days he also went by DR. Phone.

By Dennis Long on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

right now it isn't working correctly. You can't tell your smart assistant
reheat a cup of coffee, or microwave a bag of popcorn. It has been broken for about 2 weeks.

By Dennis Long on Monday, July 31, 2023 - 21:41

Hi, could anyone please do podcasts and deninstrate the apps please? Thanks.

By Lou on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 21:41

Hope you don’t mind me reviving this topic but I was looking to make the plunge and get an air frier and was wondering if anyone in the UK could recommend one that’s accessible to someone with no vision.
It doesn’t have to be smart but I would like one with a decent capacity, doesn’t have to be huge just not a 2 or 3 litre thing that a lot of the tiny budget ones come in. I had a look online and in store but the ones I seen on show didn’t look all that accessible from the little I could tell and the ones I thought might be on the web page weren’t available in store.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for reading.

By Craig on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:41

I recently got an air fryer which is completely accessible to the blind. It is made by Cobolt Systems who are based in the UK. It has a 4 litre capacity. It has touch controls but around each control there is a tactile ring so you can identify each individual Control. All the controls and settings speak and it is extremely easy to use. It has settings for temperature and time and it also has five cooking programs. What I like about it is it doesn’t have any unnecessary bells and whistles. Cobolt Systems have had so much success with The air fryer, they are now working on a two draw version. Another good thing about it is it doesn’t take up too much space. It costs £99.95 here in the UK. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a fully accessible air fryer that is easy to use. If you want to know more about it, feel free to ask me. You can also search for Cobolt talking air fryer and you should find the page all about it on Cobolt‘s website. However, I am happy to answer any questions anybody has as a user of this device.

By Dennis Long on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:41

Hi, do you have a amazon link please?

By mr grieves on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:41

I've been considering an air fryer for a bit. I've never been comfortable cooking anyway but since going blind I feel really intimidated by it. I thought an air fryer might be an easier way in. The Cobalt option sounds good, but I like the idea of having a double version. Has this been officially announced anywhere? Any idea of when it is likely to come out?

By Lee on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:41

Hi Lottie so can you use the app to start yours? When I had this as I said in an earlier post it could be started from the app. However, looking at the link you posted it would appear that at some point the UK introduced a law to stop people starting these things remotely. So, I'm guessing up until a certain year/model number this could be done via the app but no more.

By Craig on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:41

The double version of the air fryer has not been officially announced however a member of staff told me over the phone that they’re working on one.

By mr grieves on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:41

That's great news - thanks very much for sharing. I'll watch this space then but sounds like the best option.

By mr grieves on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:41

I thought I'd give them an email and got a reply:

We will be selling a Double Air Fryer but it will not be available until sometime in August.

The only details we have at the moment is it will be 9.5 litres.

Anyway they said they would send me more details when they have them. Memory permitting I'll update this thread when I get them. Sounds interesting.

By Craig on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:41

If you get one, I hope you really enjoy using it. I absolutely love mine.

By techluver on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:41

Cobolt will ship anything to the USA if you e-mail them, and are willing to pay the shipping, even if there is no official distributor for whatever it is. I got a tape measure from them for $96 rather than the $129 maxiaids wanted for the same thing.
The problem is that we in the USA use 110V, and they in the UK use 220-240V. You'll need a step-up transformer i think it's called, plus a plug converter but you should be able to make it work. Don't ask me about these things, i'm not an electricity expert but i'm pretty sure that's how it would work.

By mr grieves on Friday, May 24, 2024 - 21:41

Had an email when I was away to say that this is not too far away:

We will be having stock of our Double Airfryer at the end of July.
Price - £154.95

Please find below details as requested.

The double air fryer has two pans, each of which has a capacity of 4.5 litres. Each pan has a viewing window and light to monitor the cooking process. The power rating is 1800 watts. Each pan can be used individually and will announce temperature and time settings. The device also has several different cooking categories. The fryer will prompt the user, half way through the cooking process, to rearrange food. The Device also has 8 auto cook functions for Potatoes, Poultry, Meat, Fish, Vegetables, Pizza, Fruit & Cake. For ease of use all functions of the air fryer are fully talking, in a range of languages.

Fryer Dimensions: 410mm - 16.1" (W) x 340mm - 13.38" (D) x 290mm - 11.41" (H)
Draw Dimensions: 160mm - 6.29" (W) x 235mm - 9.25" (D) x 100mm - 3.93" (H)


By mr grieves on Friday, May 24, 2024 - 21:41

I didn't pay much attention to the dimensions. I've replied to them to ask if it can synchronise cooking between the two sides as I think other double air fryers can. If it does do that, then I guess I will see if we can find somewhere to fit it in.

Interesting what you say about the volume - seems an obvious thing to let you be able to change but never mind.

By Craig on Friday, May 24, 2024 - 21:41

To turn down the volume on a Cobolt Systems microwave press and hold the clock button until it says set volume and use your 10 second button to turn the volume down and you’re one minute button to turn the volume up then press the clock button to fix the setting. I hope this helps

By Chris on Friday, May 24, 2024 - 21:41

Can someone recommend something accessible that's available in the United States? I'd rather not pay exorbitant exchange rates and shipping fees on top of the actual product itself and a power converter. Is there something with an accessible Android app? I don't really use iOS anymore. If it supports local control over something like Bluetooth instead of using a Wi-Fi connection to a server, that would be even better, as I don't like the idea of being locked out of my air fryer when the manufacturer decides to shut down the server that powers the entire product.

By mr grieves on Friday, May 24, 2024 - 21:41

Just heard back and it doesn't have a sync function. Not sure how important it is but it was quite an appealing feature in other models.