Device sound deteriorating

By tripolice, 15 July, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Hello there,

I have been using an Iphone 12 since last September. Earlier, the maximum volume I required was around 50 per cent and definitely not more than 60. In ordinary circumstances, I could operate the phone with Voiceover reasonably by keeping the volume at 35 per cent. But now for some time, even in usual circumstances I have to keep the volume to 50 per cent and have to keep it much higher in noisy environment. Talkback volume has always been at 80 per cent. What could be the possible reason? The device is not yet 1 year old. I have been updating the IOS regularly and am now at the latest built, 16.5.1.

Enny suggestion for the fix?




By Andy Lane on Monday, July 17, 2023 - 12:05

I’ve never had this problem because I regularly clean my phone but I’ve heard other peoples and the sound is a little distorted and very muffled. They don’t seem to notice which blows my mind but after a good clean with a wet wipe, everything is better. One needed a spray of isopropyl alcohol to restore its former glory but it did work. Oh and there was one where a piece of grit or something had got in which wouldn’t come out but someone sighted managed to get it with a paper clip. I definitely wouldn’t attempt that though as it’s far too easy to damage the speaker diaphragm.

To clean with a wet wipe, just smudge the wet wipe round the speaker holes dabbing and wiping to try and push the fibres into the speaker holes. For alcohol, spray the alcohol once into the grill and remove with a paper towel.

Quick note though, when the speaker is wet it will sound even worse for a few minutes. Just blow in the holes to dry the speaker or leave it 5 minutes.

By Andy Lane on Monday, July 17, 2023 - 12:05

Settings Music EQ is where you’ll find the equaliser settings. If you want an EQ that boosts sound volume, try late night. It’s not the most pleasant sound especially with headphones but it does boost the volume quite a lot.

By Enes Deniz on Monday, July 17, 2023 - 12:05

By the way, there are some apps on the App Store that allegedly let you do just that: play certain frequencies and clean the dust off the speakers and even headphones. Not sure but I have been using one from time to time, hoping it does actually do what it's supposed and claimed to do. So the app I've been using might be something like Clean Tune, though I'm currently away from my iPhone so cannot verify that.

By Siobhan on Monday, July 17, 2023 - 12:05

Glad that worked for some on here but spraying directly into the grill just seems like something you really shouldn't do. I mean even to the poster's own admission, the speaker sounds worse for a few minutes. I also realize we're not talking about a lot of liquid here, just wouldn't honestly try that trick myself, and I've done things such as spraying windex on a paper towel and cleaned the screen of an older phone. so no i'm not throwing shade here. Good luck though. I'd just take it to Geek squad or whatever and be like, dude, can you help clean my phone? Pretty sure they'll do it for nothing. It takes like a minute and they're sighted so.

By Chris Hill on Monday, July 17, 2023 - 12:05

My talking tape measure just got more and more muddled. I finally took it apart and replaced the speaker. I wouldn't have had to replace it, but I couldn't figure out how to get all the iron filings out of the original. I had been cutting metal and measuring with the talking tape measure. I hope nobody has been cutting metal with an iPhone nearby.