VoiceOver speech output will on occasions stop After phone calls

VoiceOver Announcements/Feedback


An intermittent bug can cause VoiceOver speech to stop after ending a phone call, while sound effects remain. There is no clear pattern as to when this issue occurs. Similar behaviour has also been reported when using WhatsApp.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Enable VoiceOver.
  2. Make or receive a phone call.
  3. End the call.

Expected result: VoiceOver speech and sound effects remain audible.

Actual result: On occasions, VoiceOver effects can be heard but there is no speech.

Bug First Encountered

iOS/iPadOS 17.0

Device(s) bug has been encountered on


How often the bug occurs



  1. Use the side or Home button to toggle VoiceOver off and on repeatedly until speech returns.
  2. Use Siri to toggle VoiceOver off and on repeatedly until speech returns.

Apple feedback #




Fixed In

iOS/iPadOS 17.2



By Patrick Bouchard on Monday, September 18, 2023 - 05:43

Maybe it happens more often or for more people now? Well hopefully with that comes more reports and Apple will fix it. Also, I rarely have to toggle VoiceOver off and on to get speech back; usually locking and unlocking my screen once or twice will suffice.

By LaBoheme on Monday, September 18, 2023 - 05:43

first appeared in ios 13, and only happened with phone app. it is never fixed. actually, it happens way more often in ios 16, and not just the phone app. usually you just exet from an app and it happens. so i guess it's getting even worse in ios 17 huh? god bless the blind.

By Brian on Monday, September 18, 2023 - 05:43

As mentioned above and in other threads, this is nothing "new". However, iOS 17 is new and since people are actually focused on spotting ("see" what I did there?) bugs in this latest version, they are reporting it. All. the. damn. time. 🤯

By Holger Fiallo on Monday, September 18, 2023 - 05:43

It happens to me but once in a blue moon. Like some stated it has been around for several years. Nuts.