Hey all,
I’m completely-blind, and I developed Zanagrams whilst teaching myself how to code. Since the release of Zanagrams two months ago, I’ve received a lot of questions about how I taught myself how to code, and how I did it after losing my sight. I believe that the best way to get more accessible apps into the world is to have disabled developers creating them. So, I’ve decided to start documenting how I’ve been able to do all of this so that other people from our community can do the same, should they be interested. So far, I’ve written two articles, and am awaiting reader feedback so that I can write about topics the community is interested in. My first article discusses the tools I used to learn the programming language I used for Zanagrams, and the second outlines how to use Xcode, which is the app I had to write all of that code in.
You can find the link to Zanagrams and my posts below. Please let me know what else you'd like me to write about.
Zanagrams: https://www.applevis.com/apps/ios/games/zanagrams
Articles about learning to code: https://darkhorsegamestudios.com/programming/
Great idea, however the link is not a link, so it cannot be clicked. I love programming and I hope to exchange with you.
Updated Post
Thanks for the heads-up; the embedded links I included in my draft didn't transfer when I copied the text into the forum post. I've updated this now, including the links separately, instead of embedding them.