Apple has released IOS 5.01

By AnonyMouse, 11 November, 2011

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

iOS and iPadOS
Apple has sent out the an update for iOS 5 devices including the iPhone 4S that is supposed to fix the battery life and other glitches. The software update adds multitasking gestures to the original iPad, resolves bugs with cloud documents and improves voice recognition for dictation for Australians. iPhone4S owners will get an update notice that it is available. You can also go to Setting> General> Software update and check for the update. The update is 55.5 MB and will download faster over Wi-Fi depending on your network. The update is available for the iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPad2 and 3rd/4th gen iPod Touches. iPhone 4S owners reported that they believe the battery drain is from corrupted data imported from MobileMe, iCloud or Google. Some have reported that deleting contact data and reloading it has fixed the problem.



By AnonyMouse on Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 23:24

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Downloading the software through my iPhone was pretty simple. You will need to be patient while it installs the update. You will hear nothing for several minutes. Eventually, the Voice Over will pop on and another minute goes by and then you are back to the Main Menu. Some of the complaints I had did not get fixed. Example, the iBook still does not read from where you select it keeps reading from the top line. Also, could be my imagination but the flaky focus issues still exists. After, reading some articles out in the Internet some are saying the battery draining still persist even with the new 5.01 update on the iPhone 4s. I know quite a few folks here have also complained of the slow typing response. Wanted to know if anyone have played with 5.01 and see any significant speed up on the typing. I didn't have that problem all the time and only certain times. I haven't been able to say it has or hasn't been fixed.

By Tom on Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 23:24

In reply to by AnonyMouse

I have similar battery and typing issues. I don't see a difference in typing responsiveness, and only a slight improvement with the battery drain, but only when I don't leave the phone on. During intensive use I have experienced similar drain issues.

By Travis Roth on Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 23:24

In reply to by Tom

For those iOS 5.0.1 users, have you noticed any accessibility regression, such as something being broken? I, as a Verizon iPhone and Braille display user, would like to know that iOS 5.0.1 still will connect to Bluetooth, which was a long-standing bug only fixed in iOS 5, and I am hoping it stays fixed... Thanks.

By AnonyMouse on Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 23:24

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Don't have a braille display but I do use other devices via bluetooth and have not had any problems with 5.00 or 5.01. Just still have the nagging problems quite a few Voice Over issues. I have notice one new problem with 5.01 and it appears I am not alone but occasionlly my wi-fi will drop for no reason. Quite annoying.

By Chris Bruinenberg on Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 23:24

Yes, the braille display still works here for me! It will still connect. I'm using a braille connect 32.

By Jayson Smith on Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 23:24

My dad has a 4S which we recently upgraded to 5.01. He's found that the battery is draining worse under 5.01 than it was under 5.0, for no apparent reason. Anyone else experienced this? His contacts were originally imported somehow from a Nokia N86 phone. I'm not sure how that was done, they did it at the AT&T store and I wasn't there. Until he had the 4S, he had never used iCloud, MobileMe, or Google or, for that matter, any other online service to store his contacts.

By Jim on Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 23:24

hello, i was told that if you turn off iMessage that will help with the keyboard issues. i did it but you need to reboot your device to see it help. has anyone done this? if so let me know if it helps.

By AnonyMouse on Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 23:24

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Jayson Smith

Apple has claimed that the v5.01 has fixed some of the complaints of the battery drainage. However, they did admit that there were still more issues to be fixed in this drainage issue. So it is quite possible he may be one of those people. I have two suggestions. The first thing I do is to make sure that he doesn't have something that is draining his battery that is not v5.01 related. Such as any Location Services being on while he is using it. This will drain the batter very quickly if something he is using that is requireing him to have this on. To dinf out go under Seetings -> Location Service and turn it off. See if this helps. Now note when you do this it will not allow him to use any apps that requires this service. You could possibly be selective of what to have on or off on a per app basis. Second, if this not the culprit then you can revert back to v5.00 if you wish. You can do this with your iTunes. Hope this helps.

By Jayson Smith on Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 23:24

In reply to by AnonyMouse

It turned out the issue was, we'd turned off auto-lock so personal hotspot would work better while we were using it. Just a tip for anyone who doesn't know, even if you have screen curtain on, having the screen unlocked seems to drain the battery. Makes sense, since it has to monitor the screen to see if it's being touched. If locked, this doesn't happen.
My iPhone with iOS5.01 wouldn't announce text as it was typed on a Verbatim bluetooth keyboard. It would announce letters deleted by backspacing. Folks at the local Apple store suggested restoring to original defaults then backing up. Is that the only or best option? Any more user friendly keyboards or other suggestions? P.S. Didn't like having to return my birthday present.
Does your on screen key board speak the letters when you type? If not, then it may be the typing feedback setting under voice over needs to be adjusted to anounce letters.

 I'm typing on my Think Outside keyboard and can hear the letters and puntuation fine. Sadly the arrow and tab keys do not work with the IPhone. On the good side I can type as fast as a full sized keyboard for letters and common punctuation.

By Shersey on Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 23:24

I just wanted to remind people that iOS no longer turns the screen curtain back on if VO has been turned off then back on again. It's rather annoying, and I often forget. That could be another reason the battery drains quickly. Not that I've updated to iOS 5.1, and I don't have an iPhone 4S. Anyhow, I thought I sho8uld remind VO users of that. I wish they'd put that feature or bug--whatever it was, I don't care--back in, becuase I found it really useful not having to remember to turn it back on. My fiance, who is sighted, uses my phone quite a bit.