To get in, Navigate on the virtual machine window and press ctrl command enter. To get out, just press command tab to navigate to different window.
While it is a bit difficult from your question to know exactly what you mean, let me try a longer answer that hopefully will help. I presume that you have both Windows and Fusion 5 fully installed.
1. On your application menu open Fusion 5. This opens a window that will show your virtual machine and allow you to start that machine by pressing the start button. This action opens your virtual machine and Windows. In my case I have JAWS set to run upon Windows boot up, so when I hear the JAWS speech, I hit command-f5 to turn off Voiceover. You are now in a virtual Windows machine.
2. To use an OS10 Application, hit command-tab and then command-f5. This moves you to an open application in OS10 and uses the Voiceover speech again.
3. To go back into your Windows virtual machine, press command-tab until you hear Fusion or VMWare Fusion; this is the virtual Windows machine. Again, hit command-f5 and you should be back using your Windows screen reader without Voiceover.
4. When finished with your virtual machine, while in that machine, close down Windows like you would on a normal machine. Turn Voiceover Speech back on and after the Windows shutdown sequence is completed, hit command-q in the Fusion window to close it. You are now back in a pure Mac machine with Voiceover.
Hope this helps and my thanks to Carlos for all his off-line help which has enabled me to learn all of this.
HI. To get in, Navigate on
Navigating Fusion 5