Problems With Siri Typing More Than I said

By blindgator, 25 December, 2011

iOS and iPadOS
Greetings All, Sorry About the Topic nane, but I couldn't think of anything to title it better. I have a question to all of my fellow iPhone 4s users. I have noticed lately when I am dictating something to Siri in an app for a search, that Siri wants to type in more than I have said. For example, say I was in the App store and I press the dictate button and say Downcast, at the end of it it will put or downcast Name or downcast dot. I have gotten a few other things, and this problem seems to be happening with more frequency now. Is anyone else having this issue? Am I doing something wrong. I press the dictate button say what I am looking for then hit done. I have tried doing this without hitting done, but nothing happens if you do not hit done. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Brian



By Piotr Machacz on Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 23:24

I'm not a 4s user, but what I think is happening is when you dictate, and then go tap done, the iPhone mic picks up Vo talking, over the speaker I wouldn't be surprised if dot would be confused with done. What you may have not found out, probably because you turned hints off, is that to stop dictation without tapping done, you can do a two-finger double-tap. That should fix your problem.

By blindgator on Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 23:24

In reply to by Piotr Machacz

Hey Peter, Thanks so much for the quick response and great suggestion. I am going to go and try that now. Happy Holidays, Brian

By blindgator on Saturday, December 31, 2011 - 23:24

In reply to by Piotr Machacz

Hey Peter, Just had to come back to give you a major shout out as the double tapping when I finished dictating worked. Not sure why I didn't know that as I do have hints turned on. Thanks so much.