Lately i've been diving into talking watches/clocks/scales/colour detectors/other random daily living talking gadgets. I was hoping that posting this here, someone would be able to tell me if there are some talking watches or other gadgets in your language from your country that I don't know about?
I've been doing a lot of exploration around adaptive stores in europe and asia, as well as in the U.S.
To keep things simple, I've just been cataloguing talking watches/clocks, since it seems like those show the most diversity in multilingualness.
I have been collecting small specimens. So far i've found a really cool 10 language talking watch where you can change it on the fly (english, spanish, french, german, italian, dutch, swedish, finnish, norwegian and danish). That one is particularly interesting because it says the time like "it's a quarter to 5 saturday evening". or "it's 10 minutes past 5 saturday evening". so i wear that as my daily driver.
I also know there are single language talking watches in english, spanish, french, german, italian, dutch, portuguese, japanese and korean, as well as a talking clock in west frisian which I have on my way to me.
Aside from talking watches, the only interesting thing I've found not available in the U.S. as far as I know iss a talking power grip in french (a device that tests your squeeze strength, I'm going to get one one of these days for my workout kit)
It's just so interesting what's available in talking form everywhere! feel free to let me know what you have in your country!
If anyone wants any of the stuff that I've mentioned above please let me know and I'll let you know where to find it. :)
By techluver, 19 March, 2024
Assistive Technology
A disgussion on ttalking tech? Let's go!
I had a talking hob from RNIB, it would let you set the time,, the power for cooking things and i'm not sure about volume but I hope it has it.
I gave it away and it ended up broken when it got to the US.
Also I had a talking jug I never used.
I also brought a tape measure that talked but that got chucked in the bin because I couldn't go to wood working classes, they were to loud for me to focus.
Well, if it's not just watches...
I have several talking multimeters. Most of them are just different variants of the same model, and either have a British accent, or a Chinese-English accent. Long ago, I had a talking,, Radio Shack multimeter, but it stopped working--like many talking things from Radio Shack--back in the 90s. I don't want to be without one again, so I've hunted down several backups, in case they stop being made or go out of style again. They really aren't intended as blind tech, just that it's easier for sighted people to keep an eye on where they're sticking probes and not have to look at a readout.
I wish I had a talking tape measure. Wixey makes a bluetooth protractor that I plan on getting. Their bluetooth angle gauge works very well with VO in the app. But those aren't stand-alone tech, so probably don't count.
Then there's a couple of talking scales, a cooking thermometer, and an ancient, talking dictionary. I also need to get a talking air pressure gauge because mine stopped working. Most of the other stuff is Braille, so doesn't count.
talking tape measure
Not sure where you are but these people will mail their tape measure anywhere if you e-mail them. cheaper than the resellers.
there's a different one called the tapeking but honestly this one is adequate for most people.
Ya, that's less expensive than the ones over here in the US. I'll look into it. Thanks.
Oh god.
The talking dictionaries! That's brought me back to when I was young.
The ones in the school I went to had hangman, and another word game. They were very slow by todays standards and the keyboard was tiny, but they worked.
Talking Scales and microwaves in Norway
In Norway, they have talking scales in Norwegian only of course, but the cool thing about them is that you can plug them in. The talking scales you get in the UK only run on batteries as far as I know. They have a talking microwave too, only in Norwegian. For those living in the UK, the microwave looks and works like the one from the RNIB, it just speaks Norwegian with a female voice. Sorry haven't got any links for these. Techluver, where do you get that watch in ten languages from? I'd be interested in checking out that particular online shop.
Interesting about the scales!
Plugging in a scale would be nice. the one i got here is just batteries. Anyway ended up doing some digging: i got the 10 language watch from a place in france that would ship to the US, but I found it here for you because I was curious, figured since it was norwegian speaking figured it probably was sold there.
the store that will ship it anywhere if you contact them is:
Thanks for the links
Thanks for these. Will check them out.
Talking Calculator
I remembered that I have a very, very basic, battery-powered talking calculator around here somewhere. Back in the 80s at a blind school, they did have talking calculators that were fairly good, but not quite what you would call a scientific calculator. Probably not much need for either because computers and phones have them built in nowadays.
Seiko Talking Watch
My previous talking watch was a Seiko, and it spoke in English and Spanish. The only thing I didn't like about the watch--aside from maybe the price--was that the settings did not speak. I got it for Christmas, so I'm not sure of the price. But that one died and I now have one where all settings speak. I could probably go on and on, but I think I'm rather short on time. All this talking tech is so cool! Perhaps one more quick one and then I'm done. I recently purchased a copy of ColorSay for my iPhone 14, and it says that it will speak in German in addition to English. I've not yet gotten this to work, but I took German back in fifth grade. Does anyone else have this app? It's pretty cool.
where'd you buy that?
where'd you buy the seko talking watch?
For Techluver
Hi, I am extremely interested in this 10-language talking watch. Can you tell me where to get it? I am in the US. Also, I would love a demo: [email protected]. I have never seen this before!
Re: Where'd You Buy That?
I believe my parents ordered it from LS&S Group, and that's also where they got my current watch. I honestly don't use the watch much anymore, since I've now got several other ways to tell the time. But it does come in handy sometimes, and as I mentioned I like the talking settings. I can set this watch all by myself and that of course is a good thing.
Talking Watches
I am looking to buy a talking timepiece (watch or a small clock) that uses Chinese/Mandarin language instead of the typical English/Spanish. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.