Netflix with voiceover, no longer verbalizes text thumbnails

By mplsjeffm, 21 May, 2023

tvOS and Apple TV Apps

Every sense, I think 16.2 VoiceOver will no longer verbalize the text when looking at thumbnails on Netflix to choose a selection to watch. It will read the title, occasional he, but will no longer read the synopsis, even though it is printed on the screen.

I reached out to Netflix, apparently they no longer have a department that deals with these VoiceOver and other accommodation issues. Any suggestions? I am about ready to cancel it.



By Adrian Wyka on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 - 21:29


I think this is some VoiceOver bug.

For me, it always worked to read descriptions if I held down the playback key.

From version I think 16.3 reads only for a moment after restarting VO.

By mplsjeffm on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 - 21:29

If I hold down the play button, the movie will start immediately, I don’t think it would read the text annotation on the screen.
How can I contact someone at Netflix who actually speaks English who actually has some power to do something about this?

By Jessica Watson on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:29

I’ve still got this problem.
Whenever I open Netflix to scroll through the sections VO won’t read any descriptions. It only reads the tittles. The same thing happens when I’ve clicked on the item it won’t scroll up to the description.
I contacted Netflix about this earlier and the man on the phone had never heard of VO so I gave up.

By Ash Rein on Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 21:29

Whether or not, they’ve heard of it doesn’t mean that they don’t have a responsibility to you. Call them back and explain it to them. They still have to write feedback. And then make them actually read back the feedback to you and make them make the right corrections. It is your responsibility to essentially annoy them where they literally make the changes we need.

Personally, I use Sero as a supplement to all the streaming services I use. However, they haven’t updated the app in a long while, and who knows if it’s a dying service. Although they are updating the movie and TV show list on a regular basis. At least there is the blind movie vault as well. Audio description can also go away unless you guys keep using it and reach out to make sure that they know that people like us exist.