Introducing Azmar Quest, an Old School and Turn Based RPG

By Sevan Soukiassian, 23 April, 2024

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Hi! I'm the developer of Azmar Quest, which is both a text based adventure, with multiple choice dialogues, and a turn-based RPG.

It can be either played offline without an account, but only the single player story, or online, in which you can also play PvP, 1vs1, 2vs2, Dungeons etc..

The game was released 1 month ago for iOS, and it was also posted on A few users have helped me improve accessibility, and I'd say it's quite good now, though I'm still working on it and collecting feedback.

One of my users also mentioned this forum to me, so I thought I'd check it out!

If you're interested in trying the game, here's the link:

We also have a Discord Server:

Thank you!



By Jonathan Candler on Saturday, April 20, 2024 - 00:37

Hello there. I know there is a view battle log when you finish attacking or when an enemy does its thing however, when doing actions, I notice voiceover begins to say stuff but it gets interrupted. can this be looked into? I kind of don't wanna go into the logs every single time I wanna see stuff. Thanks. Otherwise, I love the game lots! Keep up the great work!

By Firefly on Saturday, April 20, 2024 - 00:37

First of all welcome to the forum. I have checked out the game, and I like the sound effects that it has in the music. I have barely gotten into it, so I am sure that I will discover a heck of a lot more. As of right now I do not notice any accessibility issues, Except for what was mentioned by the previous poster. Good job on the game!

By Sevan Soukiassian on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 00:37

First of all, thank you for the positive feedback! I didn't quite understand the question about the Combat Logs problem though.

Currently, after a turn is completed, you can choose to read the Combat Logs. The only way to do this is by clicking the 'Read Combat Logs' button after a turn ends.

Previously, combat logs were displayed automatically each time a skill was used, but most people found them unnecessary, so I removed that feature to speed up turns.

In the Options slide, there used to be three turn modes: instant, delayed with sounds, and combat logs. However, I removed the combat logs option. If you select 'delayed with sounds,' it's normal for the voiceover to be cut off, because it has to announce when a turn has finished. To be honest, this feature doesn’t work well on iOS yet, it works way better on Android at the moment.

By Jonathan Candler on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 00:37

Hmm... What is this coded in If flutter or Swift, I know there are now as of IOS 17 accessibility notification announcement priorities for stuff like this. You can use them in such a way that strings wouldn't get interrupted whenever the next utterance takes place. I'll have to find docs for this or if someone else can.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 00:37

Azmar Quest is done in Cordova, so it's basically an HTML game and HTML pages.

I think I'll also ask my users on Discord to help me with this. The problem is that I have an iPhone 6 with iOS 15 for testing with VoiceOver, because the Xcode emulator doesn't have VoiceOver.

So, if there's something that doesn't work very well specifically with a newer iOS version, or if there is a new feature for iOS17 only for example, it takes me more time to test it or fix it.

By Jonathan Candler on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 00:37

Ah which makes sense as aria live regions don't quite work well with VO under the latest version of 17 so that's why it's interrupting strings of which it's not suppose to. It's an apple thing and nothing you can do about it. If you're using the polite parameter in aria live regions then, it's only fitting to say that strings that is using aria live regions with polite works well for android and IOS 16 and not the latest version of 17. Let's hope apple will, indeed, fix this!

By Sevan Soukiassian on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 00:37

Yeah, on Android the aria parameters I set work flawlessy, and are actually respected, while on iOS it's kinda hit or miss.

To be honest, iOS 17.3 was a lot worse than 17.4, to the point it was almost unusable. I've had users reporting me that Voiceover was continuing to speak updating content, ignoring the aria live off property, and interrupting everything. But upgrading to iOS 17.4 fixed a lot of issues.

So I hope they will continue to fix problems related to accessibility. In the meantime I'm continuing improving the accessibility on my own!

By Sevan Soukiassian on Monday, May 27, 2024 - 00:37

Hi everyone! Over the last month, Azmar has been further improved! Also, I've fixed the issue mentioned by Jonathan Candler, which was Voiceover being cut after trying to read the Combat Log. Honestly, it was just an experimental fix, but it seems to work, so I will try to extend it to everything else in the next update. Anyway, here it's a quick list of all improvements:

• Added a new option called Enable Music and Sounds: if you turn it off, you'll be able to listen to music from another source while playing.
• Added the Auto-Turns option.
• Added a confirmation popup before upgrading a Skill or an Armor.

• Improved the Treasures and Keys section accessibility in Profile slide. Also, tapping a treasure now reads its status and cooldown, and opening it now announces the rewards.
• Improved the Items / Skills sections accessibility while in combat.
• Fixed the screen reader automatically scrolling on wrong texts during a scenario change in Story mode.

• The books of the Temple found in the library on Chapter 3 are now readable by the screen reader too.
• When Silent Mode is enabled, Music and Sounds are now muted.

Obviously, if you find any other issues or have any suggestions on how I can improve accessibility even more, they are very welcome! Thank you!

By jacob on Thursday, June 6, 2024 - 00:37

Hi, if anybody could help, I am trying to Defee vayne in the Leibalt Cave but I can’t seem to defeat him because he uses this power that drain your life right away. How do you defeat him? and he uses final Blaze power three That trains your life right away how can you get past his strong final blaze power? Because I can attack twice but then if I hit the third time I die right away.

By Michael Charlton on Thursday, June 6, 2024 - 00:37

** spoilers **

For each class the method is similar but the specifics differ.

Archer — Be sure to have STICKY Trap learned and use it before the big hit. It's easy to repeat when he uses it again. Get damage in either in between the big hits or wait until he's out of power.

Cleric — the easiest one. use the skills Final ritual, Voodoo Doll, then Dark Force in that order. This will get you through the big hit and nearly kill him as well. Just burn down his remaining life with the skill of your choice.

Warrior — This one is much harder. be sure to use the Protection skill just before the blast to survive, do some damage and heal up a bit in between and if you survive the second blast go agro and focus on dealing damage before the third blast can come out. You may need to use some healing items for success.

Witch/Warlock — Use Skull shield to survive the first blast and keep up a good chain of debuff skills in order to take him down before the second blast.

** end of spoilers **

Best wishes on your future fights.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Thursday, June 6, 2024 - 00:37

Ming, where are you from?

At the moment Azmar Quest should be available everywhere, excluding Morocco, Afghanistan and Mainland China.

Actually, for Mainland China, it doesn't really say unavailable like the other 2, but it says it's in elaboration, but I read there are a lot of requirements to be able to be publish a game there.

By jacob on Thursday, June 6, 2024 - 00:37

hi guys, I have just unlocked another support skill, I know how to hit the learn button to learn the support skill, but I do not know how to activate my support skills and when I want to switch my different skills around to use different skills in a fight, I don’t see my support skills listed in the list of skills that I can switch my skills around to use different skills. How do I activate my support skillor how do I make this support skills show up in the fighting area when I am fighting with an enemy? how do I make the support skills show up in the fighting area when I am fighting with a enemy?

By Sevan Soukiassian on Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 00:37

First of all, I wanted to congratulate Michael for the excellent guide against Vayne for each class! And actually, his idea on how to beat him with the Cleric is brilliant, I never thought of it!

About Support Skills, you don't use them in normal fights. Basically, they are used mostly in 2vs2 battles and Dungeons. In Story mode, you start using them only during Chapter 6.

By jacob on Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 00:37

Hi everyone, I have a question, in Azmar quest, how do you defeat Harley and how can you get past the death bunny chance I tried using skull shield but that buff didn’t seem to work. I’m just curious how does killing Harley quickly go about doing how do I defeat her very quickly And how can I invade her trap and kill her.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 00:37

Hey Jacob, Harley is probably the only boss in which I can't give you a clear strategy. To be honest I hate her, and I created it lol.

Anyway, just use as many Items you can, and just pray that Death Bunny won't kill you. Eventually, you can use Chemical Spray against her when she has 4 energy and your life is low, to avoid a deadly Death Bunny.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Thursday, June 27, 2024 - 00:37

Hi everyone!

Finally, I released a new Azmar Quest update with a new option called "Skill-Specific Sounds"! If you turn it on, skills will have the appropriate sounds. For example, a sword attack will have a slashing sound, a spell attack will have a magic sound, a shield attack will have a shield sound, and so on.

Let me know what you think about these new sounds! For now, the default option is off, so you need to turn it on before testing them. This is because I'm still unsure if they are good enough or if they are better than the previous generic sounds.

Let me know what you think about them, and if I should set this feature to be on by default. Thank you!

PS: Also, for those who play online, the Global Chat has been expanded, and you can now see who is online.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 00:37

Hi, everyone!

I've just released a new update that fixes the 2v2 Arena issue some players encountered, and improves the Global Chat even more.

And most importantly, I finally added the fourth character slot! So you can now try all the classes!

By Firefly on Saturday, July 13, 2024 - 00:37

I am really getting into this game. There is so much to do. By the way, if anyone wants to add me as a friend or do a dungeon run with me, my name or my characters name on their rather is. Billiam I do have another warrior character on there, but I haven’t played him much.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 00:37

Hi everyone!

I have just released a new update, and now the Map works for all the dungeons! Which means the Forest, Vorsall, the Doku and Harley dungeons, the Arcane Board, and the co-op Labyrinth Dungeon!

Also, a user reported an issue where the stats of players weren’t updating when fighting as support in the backline with Voiceover. I’ve fixed that too.

And lastly, I introduced a minor modification in combat for Dungeons: when an enemy is defeated, all support skills of all players reset! For example, if you use a support skill with a 4 turns cooldown, and an enemy is killed, that support skill, along with all others, will reset and be available again!

By Sevan Soukiassian on Friday, September 13, 2024 - 00:37

I received a few reports from users on iOS 17, saying that some pop-ups in the shop were not working properly.

So, I tested it on an iPhone 15 with iOS 17, and I noticed that in multi-choice pop-ups, such as 'Buy Item' and 'Buy Armor', it wasn’t very clear where to click to see all available options.

I fixed this today. The multi-selection pop-ups are now clearer, making it easier to see where to click to open the selection. This applies to the 'Buy Item', 'Buy Armor', and 'Buy Skill Upgrade' pop-ups.

Also, I also improved the 'Bank Account' pop-up, which was barely functional on iOS 17, as well as the Team Selection for 3v3 fights, which, like the shop pop-ups, didn’t work very well before.

I’m hoping to update the game this weekend with these and many other improvements.

By TheStrongest on Friday, September 20, 2024 - 00:37

So been playing this game a few days and man I agree with the comments here.

Y’all should know. I’m strongest2 on my warrior.
I have another character as well but not as active.
Strongest2 is the main character name.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Friday, September 27, 2024 - 00:37

Welcome Strongest2, I hope you're having fun with Azmar Quest! I just wanted to let you know that the easiest way to add friends is probably through Global Chat. There's also the Discord server to add friends, if you want to join. I've created a voiceover channel too.

And of course, the invite's open to everyone here.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Sunday, October 27, 2024 - 00:37

Hi everyone, it's been a while since I last posted, but I've got some news about Azmar Quest!

I just released a new update today! The biggest changes include two new features: Item Rank Boost to upgrade items, and Armor Star Boost to add a star to armor and increase its max rank.

I've also added Chat History in Dungeons and a new feature called Reunite Party.

Oh, and now you can send 2v2 and Dungeon invites even if the other player is already in queue.

And for new players, most encounters in Azmar Forest, so Chapter 2 and the Extra Mission, now grant extra experience.

About VoiceOver, I've added a confirmation popup when changing skills, allowing you to read the skill before switching it. I also fixed button roles throughout the game.

PS: I haven't been around much lately because I got two little kittens. They're adorable, but a lot of work.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 - 00:37

In case anyone here is using Android, I've just released a new update that finally fixes the Android Talkback bug that was preventing access to some sections: the Shop, Training, Leaderboard, Friends, and Global Chat.

There are also a few minor improvements for VoiceOver, but this update is mainly focused on Android.

Is anyone here using Android by any chance?

If so, could you let me know if the Shop and Training sections are now working correctly for you, just to make sure it’s really fixed? Thanks!

By Sevan Soukiassian on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 - 00:37

A new update for Azmar Quest is now available on the App Store!

The restyle of all Story and Extra Missions, along with some bug and text fixes, is finally complete!
This update also introduces the possibility to save up to 3 Teams in the Veiled Realm. And you can still manually select a Team, even if you have saved ones.

Hopefully, I'll be able to focus on expanding the game with Mastery Missions soon. The plan is to expand the maximum Mastery to 100, with a new Chapter unlocking every 10 Mastery levels.

I'm also considering adding 4 Legendary Weapons per class, each with its own set of Talents, unlockable through Mastery. This is just an idea for now, but I kind of like it.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Monday, January 20, 2025 - 00:37

Hey everyone!

Azmar Quest has just been updated! I don't know if anyone experienced it, but with VoiceOver there was a double attack bug that was exploited by a few players. It also made the opponent stuck in combat forever, but I finally fixed it.

I also fixed the Dungeons getting stuck, and the party being split. I don't know if anyone experienced it, but hopefully it shouldn't happen anymore. Let me know if you still encounter problems!

By Sevan Soukiassian on Monday, January 27, 2025 - 00:37

Hi everyone, I have great news!

Starting tomorrow, Azmar Quest's Lifetime Premium will be discounted from $8.99 to around $4.99 for a limited time, as part of the AppRaven Daily Deals!

By the way, AppRaven is a fantastic app and a great alternative to the App Store.

By Sevan Soukiassian on Thursday, February 27, 2025 - 00:37

I know this is the iOS gaming section, but I still wanted to announce here that Azmar Quest will also be available on Steam! Actually, I just released an Azmar Quest demo on Steam right now!

The game should be playable with a screen reader, as it should have the same accessibility as the iOS version, but I haven’t tested it, so if anyone has Steam and happens to try it, let me know!

You can check out the event here:

And this is the Steam page, in case you want to wishlist it to support the game:

I'm sorry if the Azmar Quest development for iOS has slowed down recently, but I was focused on creating a playable version for Steam.