the bug with typing is still happening.

By Brad, 9 September, 2024

Accessibility Advocacy

I think one thing that really does need to be added to applevis is a bugs part of the site, I went over this when David was running it and he didn't want to add it for reasons I still don't understand.

Anyway I hope this new team can add something like that because I have no idea where to post this.

There's a bug that's been around for a couple of months now on applevis, where if you type, words get split up, so for example, something might become some thing, doing, do ing, staying, stay ing, and so on.

I'm not sure what causes it, I think people have reported this with both JAWS and NVDA on Firefox and chrome.

It just did it now with become :)



By Dennis Long on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

I can confirm it reads garbage when you arrow up and down in a edit field using latest Jaws and Brave. Note I did report to Vispero they couldn't confirm it. It doesn't happen every time. This will make it difficult to fix.

By Justin Harris on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

Yes, still happening. Not a big surprise, as I don't think much, if anything, has been done on the back end. It's a bit annoying, but they just re-opened, and the new members of the team could still be getting used to things, so I would imagine they will fix it soon. I will say, this doesn't seem to happen on Mac OS.

By PaulMartz on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

Welcome back Brad!

You only see this on AppleVis, right? In the text entry field, for a post or comment? Some time back, I noticed that multisyllable words hitting the end of a line were getting hyphenated, and that would truly wreck how VoiceOver read the text, at least on MacOS with both Safari and Chrome. I wonder if that's the issue you're experiencing. It sounds like it. is

By Michael Hansen on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Hi Brad,

The best way to report issues with the site is directly via our Contact Form.

I have some questions about your use case (browser/screen reader/etc) and would like more information about the issue. If you could please reach out to our team via the Contact form linked above, it would be very much appreciated.


Michael Hansen
Director | AppleVis

By Brad on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

I've edited my post to try and explain how I feel about this a bit more.

Please explain to me why I should reach out off of the forum when you are able to track things on here with no issues?

I feel like you are completely able to ask me these questions here and don't understand why i should email you when you should have a bug report forum section.

By Lielle ben simon on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

Hi, I have this bug typing with Jaws and not only with Applevis.
On my iPhone I have no problem with it.
When I read with my Braille Display it’s fine, but when I read it with speech I am getting a gibrish.

By Brad on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

@Lielle ben simon, have you tried NVDA?

I've only experienced this with applevis when using NVDA.

Perhaps you could phone/email the company and ask them questions.

If it's giving you gibberish then I feel like you could ask for a refund, I don't know if you'd get one but you could try.

A work around for now is to maximise the screen, at least with NVDA that works, it should work with JAWS too but i'm not sure.

By Brad on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

It's not a huge issue, for now, and as you said; they've just opened back up so hopefully something can be done.

Ok, am I dreaming or did applevis have a number before each heading, I know audiogames does but my reply was taking a long time to post and now there's no numbers before each post.

Or is that not a thing and I'm just getting my sites confused?

By Michael Hansen on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Hi all,

Thank you to all who have reported this issue both here and via our Contact Form. We will escalate this to our tech team for further investigation and resolution. In the meantime, while I know it isn't ideal, I have personally found more success using the Firefox browser. For reference, I am using the latest version of JAWS 2024.

By Dennis Long on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

for those experiencing this issue be patient. Realize the new technical team just took over. It will take time for them to sort and fix issues. Keep reporting issues and be as detailed as possible in your bug reports.

By AnonyMouse on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

We use an official chain of emails to ensure a comprehensive reproduction of issues and establish a clear point of contact. This information is then shared with our technical team, who can use it to resolve problems effectively. Since our technicians are not active on this site, this method allows for efficient troubleshooting of any issues you encounter on AppleVis.

We appreciate your understanding and request that you use the contact form to report any problems. This ensures that issues are submitted through the proper channels, as posting on AppleVis is not the appropriate method for handling technical problems. Thank you.

By Brad on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

No really, thank you for explaining that, now I know you have a tech team that works on that side of things I will report bugs I find in the future.

I now completely understand why applevis won't be making a bug forum page.

Thanks again.

By Trung on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

It's quite strange because I no longer get the error you mentioned, With NVDA 2024.3 and the latest chrome And the text format type is Plain Text, HTML is no different, after all it's the same text field.
My site was created with drupal, The CMS platform applevis uses also had this problem but it was fixed, At least on my end with drupal 10.3.
Maybe Team applevis hasn't had time to update yet, after all applevis just came out of a hiatus. They need time to work well again.
Note: I don't get this error here either.

By Joshua on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

I had that bug with talkback

I will see about creating a bug report, just gotta figger out how

By TheBlindGuy07 on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 16:49

Yes this bug is still there for records, and I am of those who think it's a css issue or along those lines. Nothing to do with screen reader/browser/os combinations.
Take all your time @applevis to fix this, you first have to get actually use to the new management yourself :) good luck everyone.

By Michael Hansen on Friday, November 15, 2024 - 16:49

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Hi all,

As of today, I am very happy to report that this issue should be resolved. A huge thank-you to the Be My Eyes Tech Team!

By Brian on Friday, November 15, 2024 - 16:49

This was driving me batty. Glad the powers that be figured it out and resolved it. 😉✌️

By PaulMartz on Friday, November 15, 2024 - 16:49

AppleVis is getting better everyday.

Composing in TextEdit and pasting into the browser was almost habit, but was so inconvenient that I will gleefully delete that block of muscle memory wetware.

By Dennis Long on Friday, November 15, 2024 - 16:49

Excellent job!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By mr grieves on Friday, November 15, 2024 - 16:49

From a very quick play on here I couldn't reproduce the problem, so if it is fixed that is fantastic news. Sadly it means I no longer have an scapegoat for all my typos.

Thanks very much to the BME team.