BSI causing issues when using a display

By Justin Harris, 27 November, 2024

Braille on Apple Products

So, I love what has been done with BSI in iOS 18. I don't use the command mode as much, but love having Braille screen input toggled any time I reach a text field. However, one problem I am having is that when I use a display, BSI is still getting turned on. This makes no sense when a display is connected. What ends up happening is that because BSI is toggled, when I try to use my rocker buttons to navigate, a lot of things are hidden or otherwise inaccessible, as the rockers are interpreted as swipes. So I end up having to toggle BSI off. Is it just me, or wouldn't it make more sense to neglect any other BSI related settings when a display is connected, and then have it go back to working as normal when the display is turned off?
In addition to this, enter, or dot 8 seems to still work to send, but now in iOS 18.1.1 the three finger swipe up to send in BSI seems to be broken. Didn't notice until iOS 18.1.1. Now it just makes a sound, but doesn't send.



By TJT 2001 on Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 21:46

I agree that BSI shouldn't automatically activate if a braille display is connected. You should send this suggestion and the bug you found to Apple Accessibility at [email protected]

By Brian on Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 21:46

Yeah, 18.1.1 broke a lot of little things. Considering your situation, is there any chance this could be bypassed with an activity?

By Justin Harris on Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 21:46

Feedback was sent. Still haven't heard back from them, but I do know that we're getting close to the release of iOS 18.2, so I hope it will be fixed.

By Oliver on Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 21:46

I fed back on this too. I don't think it's limited to brail displays either as was getting similar behaviour with a bluetooth keyboard.

By Justin Harris on Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 21:46

Thanks Ollie for that bit of info. I haven't used a bluetooth keyboard with my phone in a long time, but it makes sense that the same behavior would effect both Braille displays and bluetooth keyboards. Hope they can fix for both.

By Holy Diver on Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 21:46

I think this just comes with 2 braille keyboards turning on in an edit field by default, I just use the two finger gesture it's easier. I actually disagree with how you'd prefer it, voiceover connection stability with the display still needs work and I don't want to have to unpair that display once I finally get it connected and working right, not for hours, not if it's locked in my bag because so often when I have to re-pair the damn thing something goes wrong. I can read but not write or write but not read or whatever other thing I have to fix for five minutes, that seems like a worse pain than the two finger double tap in an edit field but that's just me.

By Oliver on Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 21:46

The behaviour should be something like a pass through which ignores the fact BSI is on. I completely agree, don't want to be messing about with connecting and disconnecting brail displays. Mine is quite old and, though it's much better to connect in recent IOS versions, and is pretty reliable, it takes a good 40 seconds.