are there any NVDA add-on developers here?

By Ashley, 2 January, 2025


Hi All, I've recently begun using a PC again after using a Mac exclsuviely for over a decade, due to constant Voiceover bugs that aren't getting fixed that are now affecting my productivity. I still use iCloud, however, as an iPhone user. I have discovered that while the iCloud passwords Chrome extension is usable, it is far from a seamless experience as it requires a code be entered each time the extension is activated. Getting to the window in which that code appears requires a bit of window switching and the eexperience is generally quite clunky. It occurred to me that an NVDA add-on might be able to smooth over these rough edges, perhaps facilitating the function of automatically grabbing the code and copying it to the clipboard, or even filling it out for you on pressing a key command. While I have some experience in Python it is not my primary or preferred programming language, and the last time I used NVDA extensively add-ons didn't even exist. Before diving into the development guide and re-learning a programming language for something that is probably fairly simple for an experienced add-on dev, is there anyone here who might be interested in having a crack at this?



By TheBlindGuy07 on Friday, January 3, 2025 - 21:44

Not exactly an answer for you, but although I don't use icloud extension as all my passwords are in 1password everywhere even there I can rarely but sometimes have problem focusing on the element. If I've understood your problem correctly have you tried using object navigation as it usually works relatively well for these sort of issues which are also present in the icloud app on windows?

By Ashley on Friday, January 3, 2025 - 21:44

Thanks for your suggestion. I do use object navigation as it is the only way to read the code. It's workable but inefficient, and quickly becomes frustrating as it asks for the code very single time you have to autofill something using the extension. I'm mainly hoping to use an add-on as a workaround to make autofill as efficient as it is on the Mac, or using Google Passwords. The only reason I still use iCloud is the system integration. I do still use the Mac in conjunction with the PC.

By Brian on Friday, January 10, 2025 - 21:44

Hi there,

Like you, I too have joined the darkside after about 12 years, give or take, as a macOS user. What I find has worked for me, is to install the Firefox browser on both my iPhone and PC. You, could, do this on Mac as well, but not necessarily required.
Copy your passwords to Firefox's internal password manager, and it syncs rather well between iPhone and PC. Once this has been done, you can setup your iPhone to call on Firefox as an optional password source when using Auto Fill. I believe we can have up to 2 applications, and most people will do iCloud and something like Microsoft Authenticator or LastPass, etc.

Just a recommendation for ya. 🙂

By Brad on Friday, January 10, 2025 - 21:44

I don't know how successful you'll be but if you want this that badly, the more places you post; the better your chances.

There's also