workouts keep pausing!

By Moopie Curran, 10 January, 2025

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

I've tried using the workouts app on my apple watch, however I'm walking on the treadmill, and the workout keeps autopausing, it's so annoying. I turned the auto pause off, but it keeps doing it. Isn't there any way I can control it? Maybe it thinks I'm doing an outdoor walk, which I never do, I only walk on the treadmill.



By Alicia Krage on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 14:42

This happened to me once. I just cleaned the back of the watch -- the part that's touching your wrist when you're wearing it -- and after that it was totally fine. Sometimes you just have to clean the back because I think that's where the sensor is.

By Maldalain on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 14:42

Agree with post 1, also you may need to adjust the strap a bit to make it tighter.