Changing castle name on solera?

By Zaina, 29 October, 2013

iOS and iPadOS Gaming
Any way to change my castle name on solera? I deleted the game and reinstalled it, but its the same , even my level didn't go back to one. And is there any way to start the game from the beginning all over again? Is it something to do with game center? Sorry guys and thank u for your time!



By Missy Hoppe on Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 23:40

I'd love answers to all of these as well. If anyone is aware of a way to start over, I'd be very interested in hearing about it. I think I've made some mistakes along the way. Either that or different people get completely different ways of starting out and different characters. My best friend has been playing for much less time than I have, but she's only a few levels behind me and has a lot of different shops/characters. Thanks!

By Zaina on Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 23:40

Ok i found the answers to my questions lol. There is no way to change the castle name on solara. There are 2 ways to reset the game to start all over again. The first way is to contact game support and ask them to delete your castle so u could start over, according to the research i have done it is said to work, i have sent my report last night but no response yet. To contact support , launch the game, then tap the more button, then choose the options tab. There u will find contact email, tap that, and from there u can send a report. The second way to reset game is to use another game center account, and it will automatically reset. Luckly i have 2 iTunes accounts, i just used the other one for game center. And thats it!

By Zaina on Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 23:40

Ok, i have just recieved an email from solara support, they have reset my castle for me.