Jacket.fm Android Findings

By Trenton Matthews, 10 February, 2025

Greetings! So far, the Android app (which you can find on the playstore right here), ain't bad interface wise, and most items are labled. The three issues I find currently are: 1. This app could do with the use of Accessibility Actions (which you can learn more about those here), as the interface is quite cluttered. 2. The tabs at the bottom are currently missing labels. I'm guessing one is for the main screen and the second is for more options? 3. The label "record or go llive" Button as ya can, has a misspelling. Bonus Problem: I tapped that said record/Go Live button. And after I gave microphone permissions, the app goes straight to phone speakers if you're wearing bluetooth headphones. Is that intentional with how that's suppose to work? Just wondering. Keep up the fine work! PS. Using a Galaxy S23+ with OneUI 6.1 (Android 14), since OneUI 7 (Android 15) hasn't come out yet.



By Rohit on Monday, February 17, 2025 - 21:34

Hey! Thanks for the detailed feedback. I wasn't aware of accessibility actions, I will look into that. However, my preference would be to reduce clutter, since that helps everyone (including sighted users). Will see what I can do!

I'll do another pass on the labels. Funnily enough, the "llive" misspelling is intentional, to get iOS voiceover to pronounce that correctly (as opposed to 'live' like in 'liver' or 'come with me if you want to live'). I might leave that in for now.

If you are wearing headphones, it should go through headphones — so that sounds like a bug. I'll take a look, one of the issues is that I don't have a modern Android device, so please bear with me!

By Trenton Matthews on Monday, February 17, 2025 - 21:34

I shall keep watch. And thanks for considering to ad Accessibility Actions! Reason why most devs do not add them is do to Google themselves not promoting/explaining their use case.