Voicedream: to renew or not to renew?

By Bingo Little, 17 March, 2025

iOS and iPadOS

Well then, folks: last week an email popped into my inbox (as opposed to anywhere else, which would have been a surprise) informing me that I will be charged another $50 or something like that to renew my subscription to VoiceDream Reader in a few weeks. Cue a trip down memory lane to last year and the debacle with that app: first, it was a subscription or else. Then, it was erm, well, yes we might have misjudged this but you really must subscribe, please. Then it was well, you don't have to subscribe and you'll keep all your features but please, we'd love you to subscribe anyway for hundred of features - Kindle content, exciting voices, a day trip to alton Towers...etc. Now, I parted with my $50 quite early on during the debacle, displeased though I was. I thought to myself: oh well, ho hum, let's give the Voicedreamers a chance to blow Bingo's socks orf with $50 worth of splendid stuff. Now, a month out from renewing, I am thinking to myself: is it worth a renewal? What have we seen in the last year? Kindle content that sort of works but not quite. AI voices which don't sound much different to what we already have and which certainly aren't a patch on Ivona Brian. Have I missed anything? I don't think I have.

No doubt several of you are in the same position as me, hence the question to you all: what will you be doing about your VoiceDream subs? Have your socks been blown orf?



By Dennis Long on Monday, March 17, 2025 - 23:59

I will never subscribe they are having issues left and right. Not worth $10 let alone $60. Note I do subscribe to apps just won't ever subscribe to that one.

By sockhopsinger on Monday, March 17, 2025 - 23:59

Like you, I shelled out their subscription fee last year, and like you, my socks have not been dislodged via voice Dream's hurricane winds. I have already cancelled my automatic renewal. Maybe if their AI voices were somewhat competent and not just trying to lazily build on the acapela voices, ones which already were not very good in my ears, then maybe so. But they unfortunately failed.
On a somewhat unrelated note, when I use the Voice Dream Scanner app, now renamed on the home screen to VD Scan, am I the only one that yells out to those around that I'm about to perform a VD scan?

By Sebby on Monday, March 17, 2025 - 23:59

... if you happen to be a Mac user as well. Otherwise no. Literally that is the only feature I want from the subscription. And I don't even use iCloud sync because the app reacts very, very badly to being throttled by Apple, so I just disable sync. I obviously resent subscribing just for that but I do still use the app for most of my hands-off text reading, with Eloquence no less. I've never been truly happy with SpeechCentral, maybe I'll try harder to make it work, but it has far too many undocumented controls for my taste. For most book and audiobook reading/listening I'm back to using Apple books. And I access RNIB and Calibre through EasyReader. I'm probably overpaying for all this stuff but I've never been happy with the options available, so that's where things stand for me.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, March 17, 2025 - 23:59

It's not being throttled by apple at all but very poorly coded and this date to before the horrible acquisition, basically it does veri weird preprocessing on each file so it compounds and slow down the sync 100x. No, now voicedream is nothing than a scam, they are cleverly trying to force existing users to pay.
In the voice selection you have the subscription popup that blocks explore by touch, your best bet is to do 4 finger swipe down go to end of creen, and carefully do swipe left/right to get to your desired voice. Even then after you put it as default no matter how you change the speech rate or other parameters the voice doesn't accelerate, in fact it stays the exact same as the default. This app is literally nothing less than a scam now. Contact apple for bad practice because according to their own terms nobody can remove features the users previously paid for. This app is just bad.
In my opinion applevis should hide it from the recommended list cause it doesn't reflect at all the current state of the app, just look at the reviews on the appstore.
Don't ever give them money please. Speech central, while lacking accapela voices and eloquence speed being slow for me, is a very good app, the dev genuinely wants the best for blind users, he's very open and quick to answer support or fix bugs... I feel bad for the original developer to see what crap they've made of his hard work now.

By sockhopsinger on Monday, March 17, 2025 - 23:59

I will argue with anyone that Voice Dream is not a great reading app, and I will argue in favor of Voice Dream as it is really a great app for reading, especially long books. However, more and more, I am using ElevenLabs app to read. However, Voice Dream does continue to have less reading issues than the ElevenLabs app. As long as they will continue to honor the pre-existing users of the app, I will continue to use Voice Dream to read longer books, even if the quality of the voices is not quite as good. The main problem I have with a Voice Dream subscription is that they are trying to justify $60.00 per year with poor AI voices and no other worthwhile improvements to justify their price.

By Jeff on Monday, March 17, 2025 - 23:59

I never used Voice Dream Reader for text to speech, only for listening to audiobooks. Back when VDR started charging, I just went out and found a free audiobook player called BookPlayer and switched to using it. I've never used VDR since then and will never give them any more of my money. I bought and paid for VDR initially and feel I should not have to pay more. I'm quite happy with the BookPlayer app. In fact, I like it even more than VDR because it supports the airPods remote control feature which VDR did not when I was using it.

By Sebby on Monday, March 17, 2025 - 23:59

Re syncing, I dunno, CloudKit does have its issues. The main thread shouldn't block, sure, but it can't be right that merely going offline suddenly makes it work fine. Not defending it but ...

The quality of the app is questionable, but it works. Applause, who by the way have now just recently acquired Strongbox, another favourite of mine, seem to be doing a sort of managed decline, with increasing rough edges, lag and analytics, with the odd bug fix, and bug added, but not adding anything meaningful. If I could have it without paying, well I would. But it's not completely useless. It's just not the great app it once was.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, March 17, 2025 - 23:59

I had my value removed because of what I mentioned above... Wow, sad to hear! I use 1password.

By Chris Hill on Monday, March 17, 2025 - 23:59

I don't think I've changed the voice in VDR for months, I had to change it back to Neospeech Paul after an upgrade and that's where it stays. I can still change speech rate, and it still reads Bookshare better than anything else I've tried.

There really isn't much money in Apps, so every day that things keep working is a bonus if you ask me. I would subscribe, if I knew readking Kindle books worked well.

Here's what I mean about not much money in apps: https://developers.slashdot.org/story/25/03/17/1946256/sobering-revenue-stats-of-70k-mobile-apps-show-why-devs-beg-for-subscriptions?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed

By peter on Monday, March 17, 2025 - 23:59

I do like the fact that Voice Dream Reader can handle both audio books as well as text books in a variety of formats. It is nice to keep all of one's reading material in one place and organized by folders.

That being said, there are many other good options out there that dont cost that much money.


By Bingo Little on Friday, March 21, 2025 - 23:59

Well, I am glad I started this topic. You've pretty much confirmed my instincs. I, too, like Voicedream's ability to handle audiobooks as well as text, but one doesn't need to subscribe for that. I have cancelled my subscription. I'm afraid for £59 a year I expect considerably more than we get - and considerably more than just continuing to work.

By Igna Triay on Friday, March 21, 2025 - 23:59

Ever since I saw the shift to subscription and that it was $60 per year I went yeah no... It’s not worth it especially given the asking price. If they where doing a good job with adding new features I could see where $60 per year would have a case for this but, as it is now... Its not justifiable, in my opinion. I found found alternatives, and frankly, haven't looked back. Looks like I dodged a bullet by not subscribing. For what your getting $60 per year is not worth it at all. With that beeing said, sad to see this app go downhill do to, let's be honest, greed on applause's part but, oh well.

By Magic Retina on Friday, March 21, 2025 - 23:59

I refused to pay the new company a dime and still get everything I needed from VoiceDream that I bought it for a decade ago. I will never pay the scammy company that bought it a single penny. And what is up with them constantly changing the name, each iteration getting dumber? Ugh.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Friday, March 21, 2025 - 23:59

As stated earlier for me I even lost what I had their accapela voices are at a fixed rate and to get then as default in the first place is a pain. Ain't no way for me to pay something I had for free and that was working relatively well before.

By Igna Triay on Friday, March 21, 2025 - 23:59

I don't get the why. I mean the app was working fine before applause came along and, broke it, so to speak. I mean, if it was working fine before... Why fix it? Other than a cash grab, that's the only explanation which imho, makes sence. If they had added more features and you know, actually innovated more than what they did... sure but, given what your getting it feels like a cash grab more than anything else, to be honest.

By Robin on Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 18:59

Hi, I just got my subscription renewal reminder email and sadly I can't justify renewing either. I gave them a shot for year one but so far they've done nothing to motivate me to do so again. It still makes me sad because I remember that which used to be. But I'm told there are other alternatives and I won't miss it. Time will tell I suppose. Ah well.

By Labsii on Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 23:59

Just to note that the claim that the app uses CloudKit and that it causes the problem is completely wrong. The app uses on iCloud file sync, which is expected to cause the problems that you see as meta data is not intended to be synced that way.

CloudKit works great, try sync in my Speech Central or in any Apple's app (Reminders, Calendar, Notes). It doesn't require main thread, it is CoreData that in some cases requires it (and that may be used in the pair with CloudKit), but that shouldn't freeze any properly written app.

Unfortunately Speech Central can't invest time and money in technologies that are not actively developed anymore. According to Acapela official web site they grant their voices to work only on iOS 13, which is likely the last date that they have been updated. However Speech Central does provide cloud based solutions that are in most parameters superior, and there might be some offline solutions later this year if tests show that they meet requirements.

By Labsii on Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 23:59

Regarding ElevenLabs, it may be useful to know that they have published their future pricing on the App Store and that it will cost $200/year. They haven't started to apply that pricing yet, but considering that they had first promised to start charging in September 2024 and postponed till now, it is likely that charging is coming very soon.

By Tayo on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 01:59

you've done an admirable job of making sure Speech Central stays free. The only reason I don't use it more often is that the voices I have access to don't always meet my needs. Would it be possible to add high quality voices to Speech central for purchase? Ivona is dead, but there are others. And while it would be great if those voices were free, I imagine that purchasing the rights to use those voices would cost you a pretty penny. you would be perfectly within your rights to charge for theim if you could include them in your app.

By Labsii on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 09:59

I have mostly answered that. You can have high quality voices in Speech Central, you can pick out of three providers: Microsoft, OpenAI and Google at the moment. Some of those voices are as high quality as possible, like that maybe studio quality voices that costs $100/month might be slightly better. And some of them come with big free tiers.

I cannot make decisions for other companies. Any company that still develops offline voices for the iPhone would release their voices in the App Store as it is possible for three years now.

I can just add that Acapela may be doing some private, exclusive and fairly limited development for Voice Dream. They certainly made their old Mac voices work on new Apple laptops and that is available exclusively to Voice Dream. Regarding those recent Acapela AI voices, based on some preliminary user reviews it seems that those are not new voices, but that Voice Dream has copied like 2-3 out of few dozens of factors used in Speech Central Emulate Book Reading and applied it to existing Acapela voices and rebranded those as AI. We will never know as, again, it could be that Acapela made some private development for them and neither side will disclose that.

By Tayo on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 14:59

thanks for your reply. Could you recommend a free tier high quality voice to try with Speech Central? I tried setting up Microsoft But it seems fairly complicated. likewise with OpenAI.

By Labsii on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 19:59

I am not sure if you have followed the instructions in the help or you have tried just by searching Google. In general it should take like 5 minutes (maybe slightly more if you don't have Microsoft account at all). Also I haven't checked in details if there are some accessibility problems on their website, but most pages look like very plain forms that should be accessible.

In the case that you were searching with Google, try to follow instructions from the help, links in there that lead you directly to forms should make it fairly easy to do: https://speechcentral.net/ios-help/#azure

This is certainly not one click purchase to make it work, but as far as I can tell most people can complete that on their own using those instructions. If you fail on some specific step you can ask for clarification and I'll update the instructions to make it more clear.

By Tayo on Monday, March 24, 2025 - 02:59

It seems that to use the Azure service, one needs a credit card of some sort. As I don't have one at the moment, the Neural voices aren't available for me. I was looking for the extras section in the Mac version, which is where I use Speech Central most often. Again, sorry for any problems I may have caused.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, March 24, 2025 - 11:59

Wait, we have acapela voices on apple silicon now? Please correct my misunderstanding if any.
My praises again to SC, this app and the dev behind it deserve every award they can get. Making an apparent blindness exclusive app a mainstream success or vice versa with this amazing pricing model in the world of sas we have now is nothing less than extremely admirable.

By Labsii on Monday, March 24, 2025 - 14:59

Technically yes, but only in Voice Dream for Mac. They are not available to other developers or to end users, They provide only voices for Intel Macs officially, which is useless in 2025.

Acapela is 100% dead if you don't use Voice Dream, and if you use it it is still like 95% dead (it is likely to work for a long time but also almost certain not to receive much of improvements).

I can't advise Voice Dream users on what to do, but for other people it is time to move on. Acapela has decided to leave the market and it is not worth to waste more time on debates regarding it.

Certainly everyone who wants can contact Acapela (I am not sure if that is a proper name as the company is now acquired so this is more like a brand now) and try to persuade them to keep developing their abandoned product. Personally I don't believe that it can lead to some results, but you never know until you try.

By Tayo on Monday, March 24, 2025 - 15:59

Are there any other TTS solutions for the Mac? Or are we limited to Apple and the AI voices we can get to work in which apps allow them?

By Labsii on Monday, March 24, 2025 - 15:59

As far as I know, CereProc voices still work for Mac and are still developed and you can buy them and use with any app.

In Speech Central you can use also any OpenAI compatible open source server that can be installed on the Mac, which is the best solution but is more complicated than setting up Azure account. I haven't tried it myself, but considering that users that completed it aren't some exceptional experts, I assume it isn't overly complicated.

By Tayo on Monday, March 24, 2025 - 17:59

I found the SirProc voices. Some of them are quite nice. The OpenAi server solution is something someone who's already done it would have to walk me through. I'm not always such a digital klutz, but this one has me baffled.

By Labsii on Monday, March 24, 2025 - 19:59

They also have iOS voices, but I can’t fully recommend them, at least not in pair with Speech Central.

In general they have a big latency which is problematic in few use cases including in the way that Speech Central works.

However with simpler apps that don’t use some more advanced voice controls (and that is nearly any other app), this will bother you much less though it will be noticeable in some use cases (like frequent seek of the content), but at least it will work well in continuous reading.

They have reduced that latency significantly to the level that it is barely usable. However the last time I have checked was more than a year ago so it could be that they are now even better regarding that.

By Sebby on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 09:59

So, I was curious to understand this because I thought iCloud Documents/Drive and CloudKit were completely separate and have separate user interfaces. Sadly they are separate but iOS blurs the distinction. In the storage management section of iCloud settings, both look the same unless the app explicitly enables document management, but they use completely separate mechanisms. Documents is basically file sync, however not all documents show up in iCloud Drive—that's at developer's discretion. Some developers use Documents inappropriately for data storage, trying to sync record-oriented data in files. However, this would not necessarily result in the blocking behaviour we see in VDR and other apps, and an app that simply reads and writes files in its container would not be expected to block at all unless it explicitly waits for sync changes, to keep itself consistent with other changes made by other devices. CloudKit, OTOH, is explicitly all about asynchronous updates of database records directly in the app, but depending on the API used, there may be blocking behaviour where the API itself is synchronous or doesn't make use of the asynchronous completion events properly, and some apps are affected as a result. Since there is no easy way to tell if an app is using one or the other, you have to dig down pretty deep, examining the entitlements of the app in question or looking at the logs of various processes (cloudd, bird) to figure out which types of requests are being made. It is clear that VDR uses both Documents and CloudKit, and it puts your library in iCloud Drive along with a load of metadata files which are probably not getting synced in a timely manner, causing some issues. I don't know what it is using CloudKit for as there's no way to inspect your own private CloudKit containers, as far as I can see, to figure out what is stored. But, perhaps it is being used to synchronise other data, like playback positions, or as a synchronisation primitive for updating the other files. Other apps that I have, like Downcast, do a similar thing, and are therefore fragile. lire, by contrast, is CloudKit-exclusive, yet is also very fragile, sadly. Perhaps CloudKit can be made more reliable if the developer does it competently, but it's clearly not enough by itself. lire and News Explorer were very slow, and throttling seems to happen quite often, so reliable syncing requires the app to be running for a long time in the foreground. By contrast iCloud Drive now allows you to pin files, so it is even possible that blocking could be avoided completely if you used that for data storage. Next time I try it, I'll pin the VDR library folder, in the hope of preventing it from stalling.

I know it's all detail that developers are mostly concerned with, but I do think it would be good if Apple explained some of this to users. After all, it's info they can use to decide whether or not to trust an app's sync functionality. I also think it'd be good if Apple explained why some apps don't sync properly, to nudge the developers and to help the user understand why the sync isn't working or they're getting throttled.

By Matthew on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 14:59

lol I'm asking myself a similar question, but from the opposite side. I signed up for a year, cancelling right away so it wouldn't autorenew. I'm coming up on the expiration, and yeah looking at the wealth of new content they haven't added that'll have to be a nope. It was a great app but bookplayer/speech central do everything I need at this point.

By peter on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 18:59

Sad to see that the new developers are not engaging with this community through forums like this as Winston did before the app was sold. It is always better and feels more comforting when developers actually engage and seek feedback from the users they are serving.

Would be nice to see some more interactions. Then perhaps users would feel that their issues are at least being heard and maybe even addressed.


By Brian on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 22:59

Subject says it all. This new owner/developer sounds like their on a cash grab power trip. I also agree with Peter, if the Dev visited this thread, they might consider the number of users who are cancelling their subscriptions, ya know?

By Igna Triay on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 00:59

I completely agree. Problem is, yeah many users are canceling their subscriptions, but many more are probably signing up not knowing any better.

By Sebby on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 00:59

It's the password manager I most love, but sadly the author sold it on (or is that out?). My lifetime purchase will presumably also become a subscription soon.

Why can't devs, who I totally appreciate have lives and mouths to feed, figure out a way to stand up to Apple's bullying and demand the option of upgrade pricing? Then we'd be glad to continue to support them, with the understanding that we'd keep seeing fixes and improvements, but without the threat of discontinuation of service being waved in our faces. Especially for an app like VDR, and an audience like that of VDR's, that's really important. It's great that SpeechCentral exists but we shouldn't have to rely on the exclusive charity of some bloke somewhere. It's all just sad. We are in turbulent times, I think it's fair to say.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 02:59

Real question, how is this Apple's fault? I mean they can't fine control each app dev/company.. I don't see how the 15-30% would be an issue here so again, what's Apple done wrong?
Agree though strongbox death will be hard to see as it was the only real decent option aside 1password and alike... Reddit is understandably in panic mode and I don't blame them at all here.

By Sebby on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 03:59

Apple is collecting revenue for every transaction on the App Store, therefore they're strongly incentivised to push subscriptions. That in turn gives power to developers who can then, without fear, hold their users to ransom. It's a nice little setup where the user has no bargaining power, and the two options for pricing are free and spyware/adware supported (because Apple's concern for your privacy has some very clearly defined boundaries) or subscriptions and rent extraction where the already low cost of apps in the store (many of which are just outright scams) is totally unsustainable without subscriptions. It is arguable that VDR only benefits from a relative high price because it has no meaningful competition; if it did, I suggest, the subscription might be the bitter pill many of us chose to swallow for a quality app.

Me? Cynical? Don't be silly!

By Jesse Anderson on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 14:59

I don't know. I think the subscription price is a bit high, but I'm not opposed to a subscription, especially for a small developer. When people get used to every app being free or $0.99, it eventually becomes hard for a developer to continue ongoing development. That's why we've seen so many accessible app and game developers quit.

That being said, I have mixed feelings on the new Voice Dream. I still feel it's one of the best and most powerful reading apps around. I use it for reading books, magazines, audio content, and have literally hundreds of files in different folders I've accumulated over the past many years. Its Scanner feature is also extremely useful for quickly getting paper or image PDF files quickly into any folder I'm working in.

I do wish the Kindle support was quite a bit better, because I got quite excited about this. I'd love to see this improved more quickly now, since Amazon won't let us download Kindle files any more. The new voices are meh so far, so I'm using my preferred voice I've been using for years.

The devs are still regularly updating the app though and fixing bugs. I see app updates every other week or so, sometimes more often. The app still works very well for what I want, and how I want to use it. I just haven't clicked with other reading apps, and I have loads of content in Voice Dream. If it works, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and try supporting an app I've loved using for years.

By Brian on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 14:59

With regards to this thread, I think the problem people are having has to do with information found on the thread below. Where users who paid a lifetime fee for access to all the services and features, are being forced to pay a subscription fee now, for continuation of said services and features.
More information below.


By Chris Hill on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 14:59

They were forced to back down on the original plan, so I'm happy. I may yet subscribe, I can afford it, and I hate the kindle reading experience in the app, can't lock the phone while reading, can't start and stop with watch or headphones, etc.

By Brian on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 14:59

Just trying to shed a little light on all of this animosity. Also, I agree with you with regards to the Kindle app. I know this is not for everyone, but lately I get my Kindle fixed by having the Alexa app on my iPhone read my Kindle books to me. It's not perfect, especially when trying to skip forward or backward if you have missed a section, but better than nothing. 🙂

By Sebby on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 17:59

As said, I mostly put my desire for the sub down to the Mac app, which was how they justified the subscription to existing purchasers. Silly me, for not having got in on the ground floor, as it were, but I now realise that it's kind of pointless without functioning sync, so cancelling the sub isn't the end of the world. I also killed my EasyReader sub, because I'm supposed to get that with a Dolphin SMA, so I'll see where I stand with Dolphin on that. I rarely use the app except to access RNIB and Calibre content.

Strongbox will be much harder. Must join forces with those keeping existing functionality in our previous purchases. But, the analytics will probably come for free, and there will be no opt-out …

By Igna Triay on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 20:59

Wait, why is reddit in panic mode?

By Tyler on Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 21:59

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I think the Reddit panic TheBlindGuy07 was referring to is due to Applause Group's recent acquisition of Strongbox, not directly related to Voicedream.

By Igna Triay on Friday, March 28, 2025 - 20:36

Ah. Still, why the panic? I mean if many in reddit use strong box that would make sence.