Having a very frustrating time with the kindle app and my brail display (it's a Vario Ultra 20, though I don't think that matters). When reading, hitting D5 to advance, I'm finding that sometimes, not all the time, the brail output will skip over the entire page, landing on the last line even though voiceover is reading from the first line. It doesn't happen all the time, just some of the time though appears to be consistent to the book and the specific page. I'm not sure if there is a variation in the way books are created in kindle, if this is specific to this book, but I can't imagine so. i've tried the apple books app which doesn't seem to have the problem though it has an annoying "action available" at the end of each page and, besides, I have most of my books on kindle now.
It's making reading very uncertain, which isn't helpful.
I just want to be able to sit down with a book and read it without any stress and the experience to be consistent. I can't get this book on BookShare, my Vario Ultra is terrible at handling books stand alone and always forgets its place. I'm looking for a clean and reliable way of reading specific books and it seems, everywhere I turn there is an issue, niggling to ruining the experience totally.
Any similar experiences? What do you use to read books in brail from your IOS device? Am I missing a trick here?
Thank you.
Same issue
I'm having the same issue with my Braille display. My display is the Braille Edge. I'm reading a novel and I need to use voice-over as I physically cannot read all the pages properly with my Braille display, even when scrolling back up to the top of a page, it just jumps around and voice-over continues to read normally while my Braille display is rendered useless. I used to love reading books on the Kindle app with my Braille display. But I don't know if there's a bug or if the Kindle app has been messed up with the new layout. I've tried changing some settings in the accessibility settings but this hasn't worked. This means I can no longer use my Braille display to read a book.
I've switched to apple books…
I've switched to apple books. I'm not sure where you are, but if you can get BookShare you should be able to get most books as and epub and put them in there. It's a much better and more reliable reading experience. I've completely given up on kindle.
If you need any pointers or help, please either leave a message here or drop me a message.
Apple Books, as it turns out, is a very good platform. I've also added audiobooks purchased from Audible in there so I have an all in one reading app.
This is the way.
Be aware that Apple books isn't immune to issues and it has had hideous bugs in the past that have made books, and in particular DRM books, unreadable. But right now it's in a happy place. Wherever possible, aim DRM free, just in case; you want alternative choices should they prove necessary.
DRM is evil and the Marrakesh treaty is a dismal failure. But that's another rant, for another time ...
This is why something like…
This is why something like BookShare is so powerful. There are other places you can get DRM free books too, but they are beyond the skope of this forum.
I would suggest contacting amazon on this subject, they contacted me and asked for various bug reports but, selfishly, I didn't bother to reply as I have my new set up and didn't really have the time to mess about.