So, I used to know this but, it now has me stumped haha. Previously, in my virtual machine of windows numlock was on. I don't know what I did and it turned off, so it’s now beeing used by nvda navigation. I don't have a numpad by the way... Can anyone let me know if there's a key combination which would enable numpad again on nvda?
what app are you using for a VM?
Hi, What app are you using for a VM.
I have sometimes seen parallels mess with numb lock
When I used to use parallels a long time ago before I switched to using VMware fusion, parallels would sometimes mess with the num lock key. I would sometimes hear it say numb lock off, or numb lock on.
I forget where it is, but I believe there is a setting in parallels where you can select how the numb lock key behaves at start up, sort of like jaws.
I use both
I'm using both. I'll take a look for that setting.