Read2Go fails to open Kurzweil 1000-generated DAISY 3 books

By Amir Soleimani, 29 February, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
Hi all, This is primarily aimed at Read2Go developers and staff as I haven’t yet been able to find their technical support email address or online form. Of course they have a feedback and voting form, but I’m not sure if bugs and problems can go there. Anyway, I just noticed that Read2Go fails to open DAISY 3.0 textbooks the Kurzweil 1000 generates. They appear in the Bookshelf, their initial book info is displayed properly, but Read2Go suddenly closes as soon as the Read button is selected. It’s worth mentioning that both FSReader on Windows and DAISY2Go on Symbian handle these books properly, so I do expect Read2Go to handle them, too. BTW, this is with the very latest Read2Go release made available in the final days of January on an iPhone 4S. I’d be glad to provide Read2Go staff with a sample book of that ilk (I've tried 4 books so far -- big and small, but the bug is persistent).



By AnonyMouse on Friday, March 2, 2012 - 23:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Absolutely, I think you should address this issue with them. I believe what you are saying is certainly a big enough deal that they need to know about this problem. They might be able to locate the problems with you in person or if possibile let you know that this is an issue that need to fixed. I found this where you can submit your problems at. So give it a try and keep us posted! Good luck!

By Amir Soleimani on Friday, March 2, 2012 - 23:11

Thanks for the URL you provided. Though I'm not sure if they actually develop the app or a different company does it, I did submit a bug report and hope they contact me for a sample book soon. That's a pestering issue, so if it's not resolved I might consider getting InDaisy (I'm not sure if that one has the same bug anyway).
Here is what I found at the Read2Go site at this page: Welcome to the Read2Go User Feedback Forum! We love hearing from you about ways to improve our application! We are aware that there are currently accessibility issues with the current version of the forum and screen readers and will be fixing this very soon! You can always contact us also using! So that is where I got this information. Hope that make you at ease. Also, you can also go to this page to submit your issues. Hope this ehlps you out. Thanks for contacting them on the problem. Hope goes well for you.

By Amir Soleimani on Friday, March 2, 2012 - 23:11

In reply to by AnonyMouse

Thanks again. I also saw that page yesterday but apparently it requires some sort of logging in first, so I decided to go the Bookshare route and post my bug report there.
Hello Bookshare has been notified about this and has a potential workaround. Should this not work, please contact Bookshare directly and provide details of the issue: Here is a potential workaround solution: If Read2Go cannot open a DAISY file converted from Kurzweil, try converting the files from DAISY to kes and back to DAISY which Read2Go will be able to open. Here are the steps: 1. Unzip the file 2. Open the xml file with Kurzweil. 3. Save the file as .kes file. 4. Open the .kes file and save as .opf. 5. Zip the newly created file, transfer to Read2Go, and open Hope it helps, otherwise please contact Bookshare Support:

By Amir Soleimani on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:11

So sorry, but as I also told a Bookshare tech support representative an hour ago, the aforementioned steps don't work with Kurzweil 1000 version 12 and above. I was also provided with these steps, but, apparently according to that Bookshare staff member, this work-around functions only if K1000 V11 is used to convert KES files to DAISY. Rest assured I contacted Bookshare about a week ago and am trying to determine if the problem is with Read2Go or with Kurzweil. The K1000 developers are keen on fixing the problem if one can determine the problem lies in their code -- that's what I'm currently unsure of.